Chereads / Pokémon: Aura Guardian / Valley of the Vale, Area and information

Valley of the Vale, Area and information

Capital city, Castle town. [Sword of the Vale]

Valley of the Vale

Center of the valley - Ivory Grasslands

North Valley - Wincroft Grasslands

East Valley - Gretway Ridge

South Valley - Barktarra Steppe

West Valley - Grimlock Glade

Ivory Grasslands 

[The center part of the Valley of the Vale and home to the Ivory Sprig, from which it has gained its name. It consists mostly of grasslands, with few villages and towns. Wild pokemon roam the grasslands, small creeks and rivers running through them towards the Starfall Lake. A few miles to the south is the Starfall Lake. A port city known as Arestelle is situated on its shore.]

Pokemon inhabiting the grasslands: Bouffalant, Zebstrika, Blitzle, Petili, Lilligant, Pidove, Tranquil, Unfezant, Patrat, Watchog, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland


Ivory Sprig: An Ivory sprig that grows in abundance. Main component in fever medicine.

Vermillion Pear: Slightly sweet fruit, bright red in color. Grows in the spring.

Ghoul Slime: Fungus that causes rashes. Once boiled it can be made into a salve to treat rashes.

Lionflax: A weed that can be boiled. Edible.

Golden Wheat: A grain which is the main food source grown in this region.

Starfall lake 

[A lake which spread for more than six miles in diameter. The water is crystal clear, mirroring the stars in the darkness of the night perfectly. Home to many water pokemon. Has a shortage of calcium, which causes the pokemon in the lake to remain smaller than average.]

Pokemon inhabiting Starfall lake: Magikarp, Gyarados, Basculin, Ducklett, Swanna, Frillish, Jellicent, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Panpour, Simipour, Psyduck, Golduck, Goldeen, Seaking

Northern valley 

Wincroft Grasslands

[Grasslands spreading far to the north of the Ivory Grasslands. In the furthest reaches a forest can be found, though not many people know how the forest looks like. A strong wind is always present, accompanied by occasional rain and fog. Visibility is often impaired due to heavy fog. A river runs through the grasslands towards the Starfall lake.]

Pokemon Inhabiting the Wincroft Grasslands: Tympole, Palpitoad, Sysmitoad, Zorua, Zoroark, Patrat, Watchog, Muna, Musharna


Dewdrop moss: A dark green moss that grows in humid areas. Can be used as a component in anti-inflammatory salves.

Blackthorn raspberry: A fruit with thick thorns. A bush which produces many blue, sweet and succulent fruits.


Narchusts River

[A river that flows through the Wincroft Grasslands towards the Starfall lake. Originates from the Twist Mountains. High concentration of iron and silver can be found near the Twist Mountains. Ducklett and Swanna often make their nests in the creeks branching off from the river.]

Pokemon inhabiting the Narchusts River: Tympole, Palpitoad, Frilish, Jellicent, Ducklett, Swanna


Phantom Flower: Indigo flower in the shape of a bell, slightly poisonous, causes vomitting and stomach pains.

East Valley:

Gretway Ridge

[The eastern part of the Valley of the Vale. Grasslands have changed into steep mountainous terrain. Moorlands have taken the place of grasslands and spread far and wide across these mountainous ridges. In the far distance a mountain can be seen, though the terrain of said mountain is still unknown, as no one has reached it. There are few villages spread in the even parts of the terrain, though the population is low.]

Pokemon inhabiting the Gretway Ridge: Saw, Thror, Golet, Golurk, Pidove, Tranquil, Unfezant, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Petili, Lilligant, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Rufflett, Braviary, Vullaby, Mandibuzz


Golden Sprig: A sprig with the same appearance as rosemary. Has a mild scent of rust. Can be used as a spice to flavor food. Improves indigestion

Royal clover: A deep purple four-leafed clover. Is used to make purple dyes. Hard to wash off.

Medicinal Leek: A plant with the appearance of common Leek. Has healing properties

Bugwort: A plant with healing properties. Extremely bitter.

Spire Mountain

[A mountain east of the Gretway ridge. No one has set foot on the mountain due to the harsh terrain surrounding it. As such there is little known about it aside from its shape from a distance. The snowcovered top of the mountain is even visible from the Sword of the Vale.]

Pokemon inhabiting Spire Mountain: Unknown



Southern Valley

Barktarra Steppe

[A wide an desolate piece of land that is quickly turning into a dessert. Forests can be seen far past the desert, though only those traveling on flying pokemon have seen the sight. Temperatures exceed 45 celsius during the day, while during the night it falls below freezing point. Little remains of what was once a wide steppe. Some are calling it the Barktarra Dessert.]

Pokemon inhabiting the Barktarra Dessert: Maractus, Golett, Golurk, Rufflet, Braviary, Vullaby, Mandibuzz, Larvesta, Volcarona, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus, Sigilyph, Yamask, Cofagrigus, Darumaka, Darmanitan, Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile


Silent Pepper: A small yellow pepper that grows on the hottest place in the dessert. It absorbs all the sunlight, while feeding on dead pokemon's remains during the night. Consumption causes nightmares and dehydration.

Deadman's ivy: A vine that grows beneath the ground and traps unsuspecting prey. It ensnares its prey and paralyzes it with a nerve toxin. Once caught, the ivy will pull it beneath the sand to turn in into fertilizer. 

Maiden's breath: A small flower that grows near the Deadman's Ivy. It has strong healing properties and can even heal terminal diseases. Lives in a symbiotic relationship with the Deadman's Ivy.

West Valley

Grimlock Glade

[Far to the west, a wide forest coveres the land. This forest is known as the Grimlock Forest, yet the most mysterious place inside of this forest is the Grimlock Glade. Inside the glade rule three pokemon, who protect the weaker pokemon from danger. No human have thus far trespassed into the forest, as a thick fog keeps intruders out, as they always end up at the entrance of the forest. As such, the forest is left alone, none the wiser of what is truly hidden inside of it.]

Pokemon Inhabiting the Grimlock Forest/Glade: Unkown


Fog dandelion: A small grey dandelion which emits fog. It has hallucinogenic properties, as it is used to keep intruders outside of the forest.