The sound had me reaching for my phone like a crazy person. My heart was pounding so loudly I could almost taste it. It sounded gross, I know, but that is what it felt like. Trying my best to not respond immediately, I calmed myself down and let ten minutes pass.
Skywalker: sup
I noticed how he didn't use any emojis or say hey using the extra Ys. A change in texting meant a change in his behaviour.
Me: hi
Skywalker: how have you been
Me: good:) how about you?
Skywalker: I've been perfecttt. I came up with thee most perfect plans for us to spend time together
Butterflies erupted in my stomach, making me feel a tad but nauseous. Is this what it felt like to be excited to speak with someone? I didn't enjoy the feeling. Novels needed to start describing how not so nice the "eruption of butterflies" feeling was.
Me: I told you that I cannot leave the house. Don't be so hard on me:(
Skywalker: I know I know. We can still spend time together even if we are windows apart
Windows apart. I liked the sound of that.
Me: um okay. what's the plan Skywalker?
Skywalker: don't worry your Jazzy Pants about that. are you free tomorrow?
Me: it's a Sunday. Who is busy on a Sunday?
Skywalker: school students:/ but anyway I'll send you my perfect plan tomorrow then
Me: wait aren't you on holiday?
Skywalker: yep but my school assigned us an insane amount of work
Skywalker: you do homeschooling I'm guessing...
Me: yep. I'll be done this year. Can't wait to not do anything for an entire year
Skywalker: hold up. You taking a gap year?
Me: yesss
Skywalker: me too! We should go on an adventure together
Me: sounds cool:)
Me: your plan better be good by the way. Now go do your homework Skywalker. We have to defeat Darth Vader
Skywalker: another Star wars thingamajig:( I thought we were done with this
Me: and I thought I told you that it is Star Wars not Star wars! Do not make me summon the force and take you down!
Skywalker: psh please
Skywalker: and I'm so sorry for ghosting you for two days btw. I badly wanted to find a way to get to hang out. I am not that type of guy. I don't ghost girls or anyone. If anything, I always want to be the one to send the last message. Jazzy Pants you have to believe me. I did not mean to ghost you
Me: take a chill pill dude
Me: it's okay. Didn't take it personal
Lies. I was worried sick and i couldn't even eat.
Skywalker: :)) see ya tomorrow then
Me: byeeee
Skywalker: byeeeee
Me: byeeee ರ_ರ
Skywalker: byeeeeeeeeee
Me: dude goodbye!
Skywalker: we can do this for the whole day you know
Me: well I hate to break it to you but you're dealing with a stubborn person here
Skywalker: cool
Me: cool beans
Skywalker: cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
Me: cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
Skywalker: yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep
Me: okay fine you win
Skywalker: oh yes
Me: goodnight
Skywalker: night Jazz pants
Me: :)
Skywalker: :)))
Me: *sighs* what are you doing to yourself
Skywalker: what are YOU doing to yourself. Thus conversation could have ended a long time ago.
Me: can't you just survive without sending the last text??
Skywalker: no. It's hurts.
Me: fine. You win bye
Skywalker: I always win. Byeeee
Me: :) do you?
Skywalker: yep
I tried my best not to smile for the remaining hours of the day. But I couldn't help it. I absentmindedly smiled while I read my novel, ate, listened to music, changed into my pyjamas, jumped into bed, and closed my eyes.
The following day, I received a long text from Luke. Thinking that it had something to do with him confessing his feelings towards me, I hurriedly opened the message only to be met with his genius plan as to how we could spend time together.
Skywalker: This contract is affiliated with Luke Skywalker productions and Jazzy Pants.
Welcome to Windows Apart, a program designed to help those who are windows apart grow closer. This is a two month contract which you cannot back out of so think clearly before sending your response.
Below is a fill-in thingamajig for you to fill in the appropriate anwers to the questions given. Please don't take your time as I have my calcus to complete. Copy this entire message and answer the following questions.
Dream destination: California
Dream dream: what?? Idk go to a party, concert, the cinema, and spend one night at the beach. Not so sure if this what you were asking for
Dream language: British. I'm well aware that it's not a language but I am obsessed with how they speak, okay?!
Thank you for not taking your time to fill in this contract/form. This is all Skywalker needs to do what he does best.
With calculus regards,
Luke Skywalker.