Chereads / I’M FREIZA’S SON!!!?? / Chapter 10 - Namek finale (short)

Chapter 10 - Namek finale (short)

Thinking frieza is dead goku turns to hail and gets ready to fight him but hail smirks.

"You think he's dead"

"What do you mean" goku asked confused, hail was about to reply but was interrupted by gohan and krillins shout for piccolo.

Goku turns around to see piccolo dead with a hole in his chest this angered goku but it was not enough to push him into transforming,but what put the icing on the cake was frieza killing krillin.



Krillin exploded causing goku to explode in rage.

"Grr I won't let you get away with this"

Saying this lightning started striking the ground from time to time and his hair flashed yellow which shook frieza a bit.

a few seconds goku became a super saiyan enraged by his friends death.

Goku burst towards frieza knocking frieza around, angering him causing him to use one hundred percent.

After unleashing his full power frieza started attacking goku but was not causing him much damage.

Having enough goku decided to go on offense and pushed freiza back and started to pummel him, eventually knocking him to the ground.

Frustrated frieza decided to blow up the planet. Placing his hands on the ground freiza released his ki into the ground trying to make the planet explode but he was stoped before could fully damage the planets core.

Goku walks up to the now tired frieza and starts slapping him,after slapping frieza a bit goku decided he was going to spare him and gave him enough energy to leave the planet.

As goku was about to leave frieza got up to attack him again out of frustration of his defeat by what he considered a monkey.


Goku quickly shot a beam at frieza that disintegrated his body,goku then turned to hail who was watching him walking away.

"You want to fight too?,to avenge your father"

"No. That does not matter to me,though if it did it's not like you could win"

Not wanting to waste more time the two went their separate ways to leave the planet.