Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 43 - Siblings Rivalry

Chapter 43 - Siblings Rivalry

[-In the Castle of King Avalon-]

Ever since the confrontation of Prince Vincent and his older sister, both siblings have avoided each other's path.

It raised some curiosity amongst the elite members of the -Vanguards- and some vampires around the castle.

Amongst those curious vampires was the best friend of Prince Vincent, Captain Ethan.

His best friend raised his curiosity to the vampire prince himself.

"Is it true? You and Princess Sylvia are having a conflict. And is she now after for your father's crown. For all these times that she has shown disinterest regarding the crown, it just suddenly changed? I thought you have her support? What suddenly changed?" Captain Ethan asked his best friend.

His best friend who was currently busy feeding on his designated servants.

Trying to distract himself from the current stress brought by his older sister.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: