Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 218 - Our Path Ahead (Part IV)

Chapter 218 - Our Path Ahead (Part IV)

Midnight, huge and dark as pitch black, dug his claws to the ground and carefully watched each vampire carefully. 

Compared to the other dragons flying above the battleship, Midnight was far bigger and fiercer with his dark scales with some gleaming red shade on its back while the tip of his tail was dark red.

Even the tail of Midnight was lethal due to its sharp blades, formed like a pike.

After the emperor of the eastern continent expressed his interest to help the vampire princess to dethrone her father for his own interest and the benefit of the eastern continent, Emperor Isaiah returned to the saddle at the back of his dragon.

"Think about my proposal. I will be waiting for your answer, vampire princess. It's an opportunity to strengthen your force in claiming what is rightfully yours," Emperor Isaiah took a last glance at Alliyah who pretended that she doesn't know the emperor.

He commanded his dragon to ascend, "Midnight Avolare Draco!"

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