Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 217 - Our Path Ahead (Part III)

Chapter 217 - Our Path Ahead (Part III)


At the exit of the canal, Alliyah and the vampire princess noticed the approaching dragons above them.

Despite their large battleship, it won't have a chance against an air-borne attack.

Having to face 5 dragons might be too much for them because their ship would easily be destroyed by the approaching dragons.

Even the vampire princess had no experience in combat against a dragon. The same as the other members of Vanguard.

Compared to them, the dragon riders had experience in defeating vampires. And they have vanquished a lot of them.

"My Lord, I think it would be wise if we proceed instead to the capital city of this kingdom. I doubt the vampire princess would ally with us. She might think of us as threats," one of the most trusted dragon riders of the emperor shared his thoughts.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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