Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 125 - Lurking Behind The Shadows

Chapter 125 - Lurking Behind The Shadows

The blonde hunter immediately instructed others to break the windows and let the sunlight creep in.

Immediately, the others followed his command and made the sunlight shine all over.

"This would allow us to see if there are vampires around. Definitely, those bloodsuckers would be lurking behind the shadows," Leo told his fellow members of Golden Lions Guild.

He added, "Scan the perimeter! And be careful, they might be just hiding."

As they scanned the wide area that seemed to be the village hall, one of the members of the Golden Lions Guild noticed a stairway leading to a tunnel.

"Guys, I think you need to see this!" 

Quickly, they all regrouped and checked what it was.

"Where do you think it will lead us?" another member of the Golden Lions Guild wondered if it was safe to even proceed.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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