I woke up with a horrible headache. I looked at the clock 1:23 pm, I got up going to the closet, where I took a short, a red tank top and my white lingerie once having my clothes in hand I went to shower.
I am Bárbara Rivera, I am 20 years old, with a thin complexion, chocolate-colored hair reaching the middle of the back, gray eyes, a thin upper lip and a thick lower lip with a natural reddish hue and a light complexion, she worked in my parents' restaurant, being the manager of the Waitresses, I was studying but I preferred to help my parents in the family business, apart from having my own money to go to the clubs to have fun with my friends every weekend. My friends say that I have an enviable body, I have to admit that hearing that increases my ego, but it does not make me feel superior to someone.
She walked into the bathroom taking off my dress from last night's party, turned the faucet on the shower, and let the artificial rain fall on me. At the moment of lathering my body I remember the boy from the party, his kisses, his caresses ... it was so strange, there was a connection that had never happened to me, suddenly I felt a lot of anger because I do not even know what his name is, nor did I remove the The mask he was wearing, the only thing I remember is a tattoo of a lion with a crown on his chest.
I finished bathing and he began to change me - since I did not want to do it in my room - once I was ready I left the bathroom. In my room I took the mobile that was on the night table, I had messages on WhatsApp from Angélica, Mauro, Samuel (my best friends) and my mother.
Mauro: You have good taste huh !! I kept an eye on your beau and even I craved it ... (4:36 am)
Have you finished the action Barby? He thought no, see you tomorrow okay, you have to tell me the details of what happened (5:51 am)
Angelica: Hey Barby, how come you left with a guy and then without telling us ?! ... Is that as you can think of, we agreed to leave together, Mau saw you leave, we already told Sam ... Tomorrow I'll see you at 5:00 pm, just take care of yourself. (4:47 a. M.)
Samuel: Of course we agreed that we would all go together Barby, What the hell is wrong with you ??? !!!! Look at going with a stranger, so what are you going to do? Well, I know what you will do, but not in a drunken state, you could barely stand ... Tomorrow I'll pick you up at 4:00 pm, I want to make sure you are at home and well, take care of yourself Barby. (4:50 a. M.)
Mom: Barby, your dad and I went to the restaurant due to an emergency, and now the responsibility that this requires, we were going to say goodbye to you, but you were asleep, and do not think that this stays that way, I told you clearly that to No later than 1:00 a.m. I wanted you home, however, you exceeded until 8:00 a.m., so be prepared when we arrive, because we will have to talk about it and we will reach an agreement along with a punishment ... I love my life and see you later. (10:02 am)
I forgot to mention it, my parents own one of the best restaurants in the city, my father, in addition to being the owner of the restaurant, owns one of the most successful and important companies in the market, so he spends the most time solving matters, being aware of the business, is my mother.
My father's name is Emmanuel Rivera and my mother Lorena Cortés, they are one of those people who hardly attend at home, therefore, my brothers and I have a lot of "freedom", I put it in quotes, because even if they spend it working for them We advise where we are going, only they are in charge of telling us what time to arrive, but my brother Tyler and I always exceed ourselves, my sister Natti still goes to high school, so she only dedicates herself to studying, she is very reserved.
I sit on the bed and turn on the screen, change the channel and stop at an action movie, although he didn't pay much attention to it, my thoughts are on the boy from the night before.How is it possible that I didn't ask him his name, or even ask for his phone number?
We are strangers but how come I can't get it out of my head? Will I see it again? Or will it just remain as a memory? I can't get out of my mind his kisses on my skin, his touch running through every inch of me, his breath, his scent so manly and seductive, and most importantly his tattoo. I wish we would meet again. Is it possible? Will he also think of me as I think of him?
My thoughts were interrupted because the door to my room is brutally thrown open exposing Natasha.
- Barby, Sam is downstairs, can I bring him up? - informs.
- Why the fuck don't you touch before you come in? How about I'm naked? Or worse yet, what has sexual activity with someone? - I reprimand annoying.
- To begin with, you don't walk around naked in your room, much less bring a boy to do your shit here, now, do I tell Sam to go up or go?
- Tell him to come up, and the next time he knocks on the door again before entering, understood? - nods and leaves.
He tried to keep me calm, because I don't want Samuel to question anything about what happened.
- Can you explain to me, how is it that you left without notifying us and on top of that go with a stranger? - Loose furious, just entered the room.
Fucking mother, why can't they play? And I wanted to avoid questioning on his part, this will not come easy...