Chereads / The Kids Have Changed / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21 –Shopping for clothes, time skip, and snow! 

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21 –Shopping for clothes, time skip, and snow! 

I felt time passing by, like running water. Summer had ended and turned into autumn.

It was on one such autumn day that I was with Carol and Julien, feeling the passage of time.

I had only spent three seasons with these kids, but they both grew up a lot.

"Ah, this dress is too short for me."

"So it seems. Didn't you buy that one in the spring?"

We were looking through the dressing room to sort out the clothes that no longer fit. Carol had found her favorite yellow dress, but her ankles were clearly sticking out from under the hem.

"Hmph. I loved this dress!"

"It can't be helped. You need to get fitted for some new dresses."

Fortunately, I had very little need to spend money, so the pocket money I had saved should be enough.

If Carol grew up this much… The prince would be like that too, wouldn't he? It was like they grew taller each time I saw them.

Of course, I figured that the Imperial family would take care of it.

"Madame DeJoue, what's Julien's schedule for tomorrow?"

"There is nothing out of the ordinary. He should be free in the morning."

"Oh. Good timing!"

"Hmm? Sharon, what did you say?"

asked Carol, who was still looking pitiful as she held the dress.

"I didn't say anything."

"No, you did… What about the timing?"

I guess she heard it all. I turned my head toward Madame DeJoue as if I hadn't heard anything.

"Can I take Carol and Julien to a boutique tomorrow? I think if it's morning, Carol should be free as well."

Of course, I didn't forget to bait Carol.

"Kyaak! Really? Buy me something yellow, light yellow!"

"All right. Madame DeJoue?"

"I'll put in a request to the Imperial family."

"That's good. Hey, I got it."

Carol was looking at me, squeezing her hands tightly and tapping her toes excitedly. I patted her head.

This puppy.


Fortunately, Julien was able to go with us, having received permission from his family.

Together with Julien, Carol, and Madame DeJoue, we visited the most famous boutique in town.

The prince seemed awkward, only sitting on the couch, but Carol was eager to wander through the boutique like a fish in water.

How many times had she changed her outfit already? I guess kids have good stamina.

I fixed my gaze at Carol, who was spinning around in front of me.

…That's already the 20th.

"Sharon, am I pretty?"

"Stop buying more. I already bought you six outfits so far."

"Hmm? But… But still! This one is also pretty."

"You'll be growing again in the next season. So, no!"

With a gloomy face, Carol stomped her feet.


"Hmph. I'm going to the restroom."

"Change your clothes before you go!"


"Whew. Are you going to be like this?"


I sighed. That brat. She was 8 years old but she acted like she was seven.

In the end, Carol went to the restroom without changing out of the dress. As we saw her leave, I told Madame DeJoue,

"Please add that into the calculation of the cost, too."

"Yes, milady."

I glanced back at the smiling Madame DeJoue, then turned to approach the clothing on display to choose what would best suit Julien, who was quietly flipping through the catalogue.

Hmm. This shade was a little too dark. And this one looked too mature.

After consideration, I took out the clothes I liked the most and showed them to the prince.

"How about this?"

"Mm. It's pretty."

Wow. How unenthusiastic. Was he originally this disinterested?

I guess that's because he's only a boy.

I felt a bit playful at the moment, and I pulled out a dress.

"How about this?"

"It's pret— Sharon, are you trying to make me wear a dress?"

"Why not? You said it was pretty."

At my response, Julien spilled the tea he was drinking, as if he were embarrassed.


"What, why? That's so stupid!"

I started laughing as I saw Julien acting so dumb. Julien began to laugh as well.

"I'm going to buy you something. So choose well."

"…I have a lot of clothes at the palace."

"This is special because I'm buying it for you!"

"All right. But before that, I should go wash my hands. Be good while I'm gone."


Does he think that I'm a kid? "Will you try on everything that I choose?"

Julien shrugged, and then Madame DeJoue and I were the only ones left in the dressing room. The owner of the boutique was away, packing up Carol's clothes.

I shook my head at Madame DeJoue, who showed me a couple of dresses.

"I don't need it. I can wear what I have."

"Lady Sharon… Did you forget that you're also growing up? The dress you're wearing now seems to be short."

"Ah… I forgot that I was growing taller. I keep forgetting that I'm only 8 years old."

"Lady Sharon, you're still a growing child. Though sometimes you seem like you're my age… "

Madame DeJoue didn't hide her suspicion, but instead stated her words clearly.

Of course, after being attacked so ruthlessly, I felt a cold sweat. I fanned myself.

Phew. She's so sharp.

"Haha… It's strangely hot in here."

At that time, Madame DeJoue and I couldn't have imagined that someone overheard our conversation.

We also had no idea what kind of influence our little exchange would have.


"That's a good point. Is Sharon really an adult?"

Carol scratched her head. Her face showed that she was deep in contemplation.


Julien quietly listened to Carol's words.

"Sharon really is adult-like. She can do a lot of things well. She's calm, she reads books well, she can study well, and she's not afraid of thunder."

Carol's suspicion only amounted to that much, but Julien's suspicion gradually deepened.

"…It really is weird. Or should I say that she feels contradictory?"

"…What is 'contradictory'?"

A chilling silence spread at Carol's innocent question.

"Yeah, what do you know. Read some books!"

As Julien scolded her lightly, Carol stuck out her lips in a pout. Carol, annoyed, kicked Julien's leg with a sound like 'puk!'

"You… Are you trying to antagonize me?" Julien rolled his eyes.

"Huh? That's something Sharon said! But what is 'antagonize'?"

"…I don't want to talk to you."

Carl's lips were still in a pout as she pushed him away and ran out to Sharon and Madame DeJoue.

"Julien is ignoring me! Scold him!"

she screamed. Julien stayed behind, thinking quietly

about the secret that Carol didn't put much stock into.

But he pretended not to know. No matter what Sharon's secret was, nothing would change. For Julien, Sharon was just Sharon.

'It's enough that Sharon is by my side.'

Julien calmed his beating heart and went into the dressing room.

It would not be long until they faced the turning point of their relationship along with their growth.

But nobody could guess when that would be.


Time passed, and it became winter. I had already lived here for two whole seasons.

Before I entered the novel, I could skim over this part quickly, but the things I felt and experienced one by one passed me by like a kaleidoscope.

"Sharon, what are you doing?"

"Just thinking."

"…Why are you thinking over there, of all places?"

I smiled embarrassedly and stood up from the toilet, where I had been squatting. I reopened the closed lid and headed to the terrace as Carol had pestered me to.

"Really. You're so weird."

It was a habit from when I was Nara Lee, thinking as I sat on the toilet, but it was a very strange sight to Carol.


With a dispirited laugh, I soothed my sore heart.

Oh, darn. The restroom in this house is bigger than my rooftop room…

Regardless of my heartbreaking regret, Carol only glanced at the snow falling outside.

"It's snowing a lot, huh."


Today, Carol and I both had colds and couldn't do anything.

These days, Julien, who had no trouble with the Empress, was also quiet. It could be said that that part was the most fortunate. It had been a long time since the Imperial palace was adorned with countless misfortunes.

Of course, it would take a long time to heal the wounded little prince's heart…

"Sharon! Look over there! It's snowing even more!"

"It's just white trash."

Carol tilted her head at my assertion.

"The snow is garbage?"

"Ah. Did I say that? I, it's pretty."

I hurriedly changed my words and stuttered. When I looked at the snow, I felt worried about going to work and slipping.

It seemed like yesterday when I sat around with the director and the teachers and chatted about white garbage falling from the sky. A lot of time has passed.

The reason why I think so much today is that the first day of spring will begin next year. As if the late snow knew my worries, it fell gently.

It was already reaching the season when I came here.

I laughed weakly as I saw Carol urging me on.

Nevertheless, I was still Sharon. I was in the Empire of Clementia, and I had not been able to return to my original life. I was gradually adjusting to life here.

It was a winter night when I felt intensely that I might have to live my whole life here.

Chapter 5. The Kids Are Growing

When I said it was precious, time passed a little more.


My babies are already 14 years old. It was like a ghost had played a trick on me. Meanwhile, as they grew taller, the clothes I bought were enough to fill one truck.

Much had changed over time, but even more had stayed the same. The relationship between Carol and the prince progressed a little further.

They had become true friends.

Sometimes they did things for each other, covered their mistakes, and gave comfort when one was going through a difficult time.

They grew up nice and pretty, just as I wanted.

I was sitting next to Carol, who was idling away. I tapped on her desk.

"Read a book or something. Have you forgotten your bet with me?

It was already the end of winter. In a little while, the new year would begin. I put on some more shawls and pressed Carol.


"Of course! I'll definitely win this time."

My hobby was reading books. I spent most of my time reading in the mansion's study.

However, Carol was a lady who was more interested in tea parties and dresses than books. Therefore, I proposed a bet to make Carol study.

Our tutors often assigned us tests to awaken a sense of rivalry.

And if she beat me in that test, I would grant her a wish.

"If I win, are you really taking me to the night market?"

"I keep my promises."

I personally set an example to teach the importance of keeping promises.

It was one of my efforts to change the original Carol, who used to be a liar and a cheat.

Carol, who was excited that I'd go outside with her when I preferred to stay inside, picked up a book and sat across from me.

There were always parchments and quills ready for the two of us on the desk of the study at my reserved seat.

Seeing Carol's gray head stooped over her books, I yawned drowsily.