Chereads / The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent / Chapter 10 - The tamer challenge

Chapter 10 - The tamer challenge

3rd person POV:

The trio wandered around the city once again, in search of the last general of the large crime organization known as Gin.

(Y/n): So who's the last person I have to hospitalize?

(Y/n): A nun? A monk? Something actually cool?

Leona: The last general is an ex-chemist and in charge of the drug side of Gin's business.

Leona: Her name is Betty Bopper and she's called, The queen of the wild.

Marcus: Why do they call her that?

Leona: Besides her chemical knowledge, she also has a hobby in taming animals.

Leona: But those two things together, and you get a woman who basically controls animals.

Marcus: I don't like the sound of that...

(Y/n): Too bad no one cares. Let's pick up the pace, I want to punch some animals!

The trio arrived at a zoo. The first thing they noticed was the lack of people inside.

Marcus and (Y/n) had been here many times until (Y/n) broke a gorillas arm, getting the two banned.

Marcus: Are you saying, this is the place where she's hiding?

Leona: Gin has a lot of money... And guns.

Marcus: Figures.

They slowly entered the zoo and began exploring it.

(Y/n): So where is the last general?

Leona: Probably indoors, making some kind of chemical.

Marcus: Can you be a little more specific?

Leona: How the hell should I know?

A bird then starts cawing.

Crow: Caw caw!

(Y/n): Fucking bird...

Grabbing a rock, (Y/n) throws it at the crow, knocking it out of its nest.

Leona: Was that necessary?

(Y/n): Would you rather I threw a rock at you?

Leona: No.

(Y/n): That's what I thought.

Entering the main building of the zoo, the first thing the trio noticed was the birds inside the building.

Peacocks, flamingoes, eagles, all sorts of different kinds of birds were inside.

The strangest part was that they all stared at the three.

(Y/n): The hell are you all looking at?

Leona: They're birds...

(Y/n): They're dinner if they are not careful.

A woman then began speaking through the speaker system.

Betty:(on speaker) I've been expecting you three.

(Y/n): And the hospital is expecting you, so let's not keep them waiting!

Marcus: Can she even here you?

(Y/n): Why wouldn't she be able?

Marcus: I don't think the speaker system works both ways.

(Y/n):.... Can you hear us?

Betty:(on speaker) You in the red. If you dare, walk alone into that hallway.

A door opens, slowly and silently to reveal the path she was talking about.

Betty:(on speaker) At the end of my path you'll find me if you live.

(Y/n): Can't you just come here?




Marcus: I don't think-

(Y/n): I know!

Leona: You're not going to go through with it, right?

(Y/n): Don't have much of a choice if I want to beat up all the generals.

(Y/n): Stay here... Or not... I don't really care. Just be somewhere, where I can find you.

After cracking his neck, he places his hand into his pocket and waltzes on into the path Betty gave him.

Leona: You think he can handle this?

Marcus: I'm more worried about the birds staring at us...


Leona: Slowly walk back.

Marcus: Way ahead of you.

The Hellspawn walked down the hallway.

(Y/n): Hello?

(Y/n):.... Tch.

(Y/n):(mind) Bored. At least give something to fight...

Two tigers then wandered into the hallway and growled at (Y/n). One was white while the other was a normal one.

(Y/n): Heh...

(Y/n): Stupid cats... Do you really think you can beat me?

The orange tiger rushed towards him, then pounced at him.

(Y/n) kicked the tiger in the face, causing it to fall into a wall leaving it dazed.

Turning towards the white tiger which got close enough to swing its paws at him, he began kicking the tiger's attacks to avoid getting hit.

Fed up with (Y/n) messing with it, the tiger jumped forward to try and take a bite out of him, only for (Y/n) to uppercut the tiger back.

Grabbing the white tiger by the fur, he lifted it up above his head, walked up to the other tiger, then slammed the white tiger into it repeatedly until the fur he gripped tore of.

With the white tiger on top of its friend, (Y/n) then began jumping on the tigers as if they were a trampoline until he got bored and walked away.

(Y/n):(wicked smile) Ah, I love playing with cats. Hahahaha!

Reaching a door at the end of the hallway he kicks it open to find a woman and a bird. The woman wore a traditional japanese garment while wielding a sword.

(Y/n): Are you the last bitch I have severely injure?

Betty: How did you escape the tigers?

(Y/n): Didn't escape anything, I beat them up.

Betty: You fought two tigers, with your bare hands?

(Y/n): Yeah, why?


Betty:(mumbles) I might have miscalculated...


(Y/n): Shit, did I go from strongest to weakest in the general line up?

(Y/n): Fuuuuuuccckkkk.....

Betty: I'm no pushover!

(Y/n):.... Aren't you supposed to be a chemist? What's with the outfit?

Betty: If I must fight then I should look proper while doing so.

(Y/n):... Nerd.

Betty: Enough. Let's fight!

(Y/n): Something we agree on.

Betty: Fred!

Her bird flys towards (Y/n) while Betty charges with her sword after setting the mood with a song she put on.

First, (Y/n) raised his fist to knock Fred away from him. Then when Betty came swinging in with her katana, (Y/n) smack the side of the sword while it was in swing, so the blade would land on the floor.

This turned out to be an advantage for Betty, as she was now close enough to spray some kind of gas into (Y/n) face.

(Y/n): What the fuck!?

(Y/n): That smells sucks!

(Y/n): it's like if dry was a smell and was the rotten version of it.

Betty: Now bow to me.

He punches her in the face.

Betty: Ngh...!

(Y/n): Ugh!

Fred the bird attacks him again, but this time he catches the bird and uses him to wipe off the smell that clung to him.

(Y/n): You bitch!

Betty: Release Fred!

She swings her sword at him. (Y/n) uses Fred to block the attack, and Betty accidentally cut off Fred's legs.

Fred: KAAA!

Betty: Fred!

He then grabbed Betty and began hitting her with her own bird.

Tossing the bird away, he punched her in the gut.

(Y/n): That's for spraying that junk on me.

Then, (Y/n) grabbed the back of her clothes while she was bent down because of the punch

The Hellspawn then lifted her up and swung her face-first into a wall.

(Y/n): That's because I felt like it.

He continued to swing her into a wall until her face was covered in blood.

(Y/n): Hehe... That's because it's fun.

After that, he tossed her into her chemistry station.

(Y/n): That's... Ah, who gives a shit.

Walking up to her, he kicks her in the gut, then leaves.

(Y/n): I'm leaving... Bye.

Going back down the corridor, passing the injured tigers that ran away at the sight of him.

Arriving outside, he finds Marcus and Leona covered in feathers.


Leona: Birds...

(Y/n): No shit.

Marcus: I think I actually stepped in some...

(Y/n):.... I beat up the bitch.

Leona: Good, that means we can leave.

(Y/n): Time to fight the boss!

Marcus: Hey, (Y/n)...?

(Y/n): What is it?

Marcus: Why didn't we just make Leona take us to the boss from the very start?

Leona: Yeah... Why didn't you?


(Y/n): FUC-

Meanwhile, with Tony and Anna.

Tony just finished a call with someone.

Tony: It seems your stepbrother has defeated my generals.

Anna:(grins) Are you scared?

Tony:... I'm honestly impressed but with the defeat of Betty, I'm sure the guy I sent will be a match for him.


Tony: Anna, have you ever heard of Prime humans?

Anna: No.

Tony: It's an interesting thing. Some people are born with a certain gene that makes them naturally be in peak human condition.

Tony: They usually have some kind of specialty, like running, lifting, science, whatever.

Tony: The gene is also extremely rare, even rarer is to find it active.

Tony: I have no idea if this (Y/n) is one of them... But the guy I sent, definitely is.


Tony: Let's see how he does against the "Ultimate man".