- I don't like your attitude young lady!
Ms. Prina was looking really scary at the moment. So scary that some of the student unconsciously pulled up their books and hid behind them.
- Now tell me all the systems in the human body and the organs which are part of them.
- All the organs?
- Well, as much as you can.
- Okay then. Number one. The Locomotive System. Contains two smaller systems – the Skeletal and the Muscular Systems. The Skeletal System. Skull. Frontal bone, Nasal bone, Zygomatic bone, Ethmoid bone, Maxilla, Mandible, Parietal bone, Temporal bone and Occipital bone. The Vertebral column or in other words – the spine is composed of 24 vertebrae, 7 of them are cervical, 12 – thoracic and 5 – lumbar. The other main bones are: Clavicle, Scapula, Sternum, 12 pairs of Ribs, Pelvis, Sacrum, Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Metatarsals, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals and Phalanges.
What was happening right now?
Sarah was moving around the skeleton as if she was floating and her voice sounded so confident. She didn't stop herself even for a second to think or remind herself of any of the things she just mentioned. As if this was child's game for her.
Even Eve Prina was starting to change her face from angry to rather surprised one.
Such confidence and accuracy she had seen only in university or teachers, but never had she met a high school student like that.
She could no longer hold herself and interrupted Sarah.
- Nice! Very nice! You surprised me in more than a good way and because of this I will let you go. There is no need to continue.
The girl looked at the teacher.
Such an interesting woman was she. For less than 30 minutes she had changed four times the expressions on her face.
First it was a friendly one.
Then this friendliness became a mad face.
Later the anger was replaced with surprise.
And now she looked like a mother who was looking at her daughter who had just made her even more proud of her.
It was in some way creepy, but at the same time the warmth this 27 years old woman was shedding at the moment was so strong that Sarah almost forgot about the previous three moods.
She liked this woman and for some reason wanted to get near her even when she was sending out lightnings.
- Thank you. – said Sarah and quickly went back to her seat.
- What a nice show you did. – Zack looked at her with a wide smirk on his face.
- Shut up!
"F*ck! Why is it so hard for you to hold yourself Sarah! Now this bastard will check one more thing in his list!"
- And why so?
- Because it's none of your business!
- Zack Dobro, please be so nice and listen while I'm talking. Sarah knows it already so she won't miss much, but I cannot say the same for you. – Ms. Prina interrupted him before he could say anything.
The rest of the students stood there in amazement…for the millionth time today.
What? Did they hear right?
Zack was Prina's favorite student and she never made a big deal out of it if he didn't listen in class, because he was getting straight A marks on every test.
But now…
The bell for the end of the class rang.
This year will definitely be extraordinary one.