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Wolf Games

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Prophecy appeared in Andara, announcing change. Andarians are preparing for it, yet their expectations are crushed when they find out humans will be living beside them. After decision to eliminate these pesky creatures is made, leaders of groups and packs come to conclusion to let the annual Wolf Games begin, who wins, can treat the humans however they like. Luckily for humans, there's still hope for them, young pureblooded werecat names Aura, who was banished from Andara can still save them.

Chapter 1 - Beginning

Cold wind blew, crashing the silence of the night. Under the starlit sky, dark figures were moving among the tall grass, their paws brushing the ground ever so lightly. Soon the grass opened ahead, letting them enter small clearing with huge rock standing on the other side of the clearing. The figures sat down, transforming into their humanoid forms.

After another while, fourth figure broke through the grass, panting as she stopped, „What took you so long?" One of the others growled, moonlight shone on his sharp teeth, turning them bright silver along with his eyes. „I'm sorry, guys. I couldn't come sooner-„ „That's enough!" Tall one said with husky voice, „We should get going, we're wasting the night." The others nodded, following him to the rock, with swift leaps all of them landed on its surface.

As the others sat down, the tall one, Eric, turned to them, his eyes glowing amberish light, „You know, why I called this meeting." He said in matter of fact-ly voice, others nodded slowly, „It's about the prophecy." Muttered brown eyed male, „Of course it is, Akitta." Snapped the last male with deep orange eyes, „That's enough," Eric hissed stepping closer to prevent them from fighting, „it's time to decide, what we'll do aboput it." He continued, pacing around them like a hungry predator.

Akitta tilted his head, confusion burning in his eyes, „Why is it so important? We got prophecies before, and none of us ever called a meeting to discuss them." He asked, but quickly regretted it as Eric sent him coldhearted glare, „Were you sleeping, you dumb buffoon, when Asra told us the prophecy?!" Eric growled, his hands turning into black paws with claws unsheathed, Akitta shook his head quickly, „Of course not, Eric." He mumbled, eyes dropping to the stone surface, „At least there's something you didn't do, for once." The orange eyed one said with insulting voice, „Shut up, Kent!" Kent yelped a little as Eric's sharp tone cut through the blowing wind.

Eric then turned toward the last arrival, „What about you, Fennel? You're unusually quiet today. What do you think about the prophecy?" The female sighed her bright blue eyes glistening in the moonlit night, „I'm not seeing the threat you told us about." Fennel replied „Sure, these are big changes," she added once seeing Eric's rage filled eyes, „but there's nothing dangerous about it. It's just new species coming into Andara after millenias of living alone, I don't see anything bad about it." She finished and gritted her teeth, closing her eyes and preparing for some harsh answer.

Her expectations were true, Eric turned his head sharply, his blazing eyes burning into her slender body, „Not dangerous?" Fennel's lip quivered as she tried not to hiss at his venomous tone, „Not dangerous? They are not dangerous?" he stepped closer to her. Fennel could feel his hot breath touching her face, „IDIOTS!" he growled loudly, causing all of them to shrink away a little bit. „Do you know what they are? They're humans, stupid ugly creatures, who-„ „We know well enough what they are." Fennel cut him off with small voice, she regretted moments later as Eric's enourmous paw slashed across her face, leaving red mark behind, „Never again, disturb my speech, you useless bitch, is it clear?" Fennel nodded, „Speak." He barked, „Yes, it is clear." Fennel whimpered, covering her face with one hand.

Akitta and Kent looked at each other astonished with shock, „Can we move on, please?" Kent yapped with fear, crouching to the ground, Eric took few deep breaths, sheathing his claws he cleared his throat, „Of course." He said with icyly calm voice, frightening his companions even more, „Now the question is," he paused controlling if they were paying attention, „what should we do with the humans." He finished and went silent, waiting for the others to start.

„What do you mean?" Akitta was the first one to snap out of the silence, his eyes were rooted on Eric, expectation clearly showing inside of them, „I'm sorry," Eric said, tilting his head. Akitta shook himself, „What do you mean? What do you want us to say? They're just another living species, just like us, they're not some parasites." Eric rolled his eyes with a frustrated sigh, „You really don't get it, right?" he asked looking at them again, they shook their heads, giving up on arguing with him. Small malicious grin grew on his face, „They're humans, the race who chose to leave us, the same species who closed its boundaries to us, the ones who attacked and decimated our families and friends just for fun." He stopped to také a breath after talking so long, „Don't you remember all their attepmts to enslave us, to destroy us and rule Andara? Or their torture of our animals just fopr entertainment? Or even the fact that they hunted us down for fur, teeth or organs?" All three nodded, „I tried not to," Fennel whimpered, „I tried not to remember…but these….these memories just keep coming back." Eric gave her a nod with his head, „See? That's why I'm worried about them. They tried to bring us down in the past, they might do it again." „We should inform other packs about it." Kent stepped into the conversation, „They should know about this." He added. „Maybe they'll know what to do, maybe we can come up with something if we work together." Akkita said trying to help.

Eric smiled at them, „I knew you'd smarten up when I remind you." Standing up, he beckoned them with his tail to follow. „Now we need to spread the word to others." They nodded, „How do we do it?" Kent asked, receiving smack on the head from Akitta who eyed him with annoyed scowl, „As normal, go to them and tell them, idiot." Akitta muttered while looking at Eric. „Akitta's right, for once." Eric said before jumping down, he landed on the forest floor, soon thumps of the others echoed through the forest as the landed beside him.

„Wait." Fennel said as Eric turned to leave, „What is it now?" he asked turning his head to look at her, „You're not saying humans are dangerous because your little Eastwool girl might return once their reality attach, are you?" she asked with raised eyebrow, „How did you call her?" Eric asked coldly, Fennel opened her mouth to retord, but Eric cut her of: „She's not Eastwool, she doesn't deserve to be called that surname. It's enough she's already a shame of my family, she's forbidden to destroy my surname too." He growled, his voice filled with hatred, „And she won't return, don't be silly." He added before turning himself into his wolf form, Fennel, Kent and Akitta followed and soon the four wolves trekked back toward the long grass, „Before we split to our packs, I'd like to decide who'll tell the other packs." Eric said, his eyes turned to the other canines, „We can each send three of our best runners to get the word spread as fast as possible." Akitta thought out loud, his ears pinned backwards the moment he notice he said his thoughs aloud, „Good job, Einstein. At least little bit of brain cells were left inside that dumb head of yours." Kent snorted with laughter, Eric just rolled his eyes, „You're right Akitta. I'll send Heather, Wren and Romeo to each of you respectively before they'll go to the others." „Why can't we just use email, it's faster?" kent muttered to himself, „We need to have our packs coordinated and you know it." Eric hissed, glaring at Kent, the reddish wolf whimpered, head bent down, „Sorry." He piped. Fennel brushed past them, „Okay. May Luna light your paths guys, night." She said before dissapearing in the tall grass.

„What the hell's wrong with her?" Akitta asked, „She's poisoned by that little, Eric's" Kent started, gulping as his eyes met with Eric's blazing ones, „I mean that little," „MaxWolf, her surname's MaxWolf." Eric helped him finishing his sentence. „Maiden's name of her mother. Interesting." Akitta mumbled, Eric gave him annoyed snort, „It's not. She's named after the one who brought this dissaster upon us." „Here we go again!" Kent groaned, hiding his face in his paw.

„I never wanted to have three kids!" Eric growled, Kent turned to Akitta, „You just had to start with the surnames, didn't you, dumbass." He hissed into his ears. „I already had two wonderful cubs, but no. Larry just had to have another kid, and to make matters even worse it's a freaking pureblooded female!" „Calm down bro. It's over, you banished and got rid of her forever." Kent said while Akitta just whispered quick „bye" before pounding into the grass wall. Eric and Kent watched him go, Eric then turned back to Kent, „But now it might not be over." He pronounced through gritted teeth before following Akitta into the grass, leaving Kent behind.

Kent sighed, „Of course it is over. Your daughter might be broken, but she's smart enough to never show around Andara ever again, it's the only useful thing she inherited from you afterall." He mumbled to himself before turning left and exiting the clearing.

The night turned into first dawn light when Fennel finally reached her home, „Welcome back." Newton, her brother said as he spotted her light brown fur in the corner of his eye, „Tiring as always." Fennel replied giving him weak smile, „What did Eric want?" asked Fiorra, crossing the entrance, she stopped in front of her leader, „Something about the prophecy." Fennel answered with a yawn, „Newt, will you manage organizing the patrols? I need to také a nap." „Of course, sis. Good night." „Night." Fennel replied before climbing into her cave, curling up she closed her eyes as the voice of her brother, organizing the patrols, lulled her to sleep.

„Fennel." Someone whispered nearby, bringing her back into reality, „Yeah?" she said opening one eye, Newt was crouching beside her, his pale green eyes shinning in the half light of her den, his paw was layed softly on her shoulder giving her quick small shakes. „What is it?" she asked slowly standing up, „Dawn patrol found Mitchell, he was standing at the border, he said he wants to talk to you." Fennel nodded standing up, „Tell him I'll see him shortly." Newt nodded backing up from the den. Fennel followed him closely.

„Hello, Mitchell." She said before leaping down, she landed on the ground, facing him. Mitchell bent down his head, „Greetings, Fennel." He said with respect, „What brings you here?" she asked. Tilting her head to one side, „Did Eric send you?" „Yes, he wants you to send two of your fastest hunters to head toward west plains." Mitchell explained, before Fennel had time to answer, Newton stepped up, „Wait, why does she has to do it?" he asked growling, other packmembers watched Mitchell with weary eyes, „Does Serenity really think they can command us?" „Propably, they always wanted to tell others what to do." They started whispering among themselves.

„Silence!" Fennel yowled before the gossips could spread any farther, „We came to this agreement at yesterday's gathering." She explained with stern gaze, turning to Mitchell, she added: „You can go now. Tell Eric I kept my promise." Mitchell nodded, „Goodbye." „Goodbye." Fennel responded as she watched him go.

„Layla, Lyra, go to Blackwwod pack, tell Rimson we'll meet him at the next full moon gathering. Rogger, Ritta, you'll go to Maplehill pack, inform Meena we'll have a gathering at the next full moon. And tell them it's important. Is it clear?" „Yes, leader." They said in unison.

Fennel watched them go, „Safe travels." She whispered after them, her eyes watching the sky, ‚And may Luna guard your path,' she thought to herself. Turning away from the entrance, she scanned the clearing, looking for her brother, „Newt?" she called as she failed to find him. „Do you need something?" he asked as his grey stripped head appeared from behind boulder, where was hunters den, „Please organize midday patrols. I'll be in my den if somebody will need me." Newton nodded, „Right away, sis." He turned toward the clearing, „Mayflower! Kibba! Koi! Please go and patrol the north area. Lunala! Maryanne! Essence! Take the south way. And if you'll have time, stop by the lake to hunt, we could do with more food, and take some apprentices with! They need experiences.!" The six of them nodded, „Ringo! Koryna! Patrol's waiting for you!" Marryanne howled toward the small bush den, two grey-reddish pups slipped through the entrance, „We're coming!" one of them yowled as they sprinted towards the adults. Together they climbed through the entrance, then split up on the other side.

Newton chuckled to himself, „Cubs." He said with an eyeroll, „Jenny, Lianna. Please go to the oak meadow and try to hunt down something." „Sure, Newtie." Jenny giggled passing by him, Lianna followed her close behind, „Don't mind her. She are too much rabbits today." She whispered as she padded past Newton, he nodded keeping his mouth shut.

Full moon started his journey through the sky when Akitta slipped through his den's entrance, „Jules, please keep an eye on the camp. And make sure the cubs don't wander away." The pale ginger female nodded, „Of course, Akitta." She said with her soft voice.

He crawled through the forest floor, grunting as few thorns got stuck in his fur. He stopped, jerking his head backwards to pull them out. After the last one was out, he stood up and continued his trek toward the clearing.

He shook his thick fur as the night dew splashed all over him, „You better have some good plan when I get thre, Eastwool." He grunted as another drop fell onto his head.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity to him, Akitta spotted the tall grass ahead. He broke into sprint, swiping through the grass wall as fast as he could.

He felt his paws slip as the grass gave way to the small meadow clearing, unable to regain his balance fast enough, he fell face fist to the ground. „Well finally." Kent said as Akitta stood up again, „We thought you're not coming." Rimson added chuckling as well, „Very funny," muttered Akitta giving his fur another shake, looking around, his eyes fell onto Eric, „Welcome, Akitta." Was all he said, turning away he signaled for them to follow. Akitta stayed on one place, watching the leaders, his ears lowered as all of them walked past him, he was the last one to arrive.

Scrambling up onto his feet again, he followed them quickly, stopping beside two cream colored leaders, he sat down eyes pinned on Eric.

„As you all propably know, we've received a prophecy. Andara will be changing into its original form and the last isolated world will be joining us." Eric started his explanation, his eyes unreadable, „And with the last word will come last species, a species we have encountered long time ago and it was nasty, it's the same species who tried to také the whole of Andara to itself-human." Several shocked gasps sounded throughout the crowd, „What are we gonna do?" Seilla asked, her dark silver eyes round with fear, „They'll destroy us once they see us!" „We can't let them here, they'll ruin everything!" Rimson growled, his claws digging into the soft pine floor. „Rim's right. We have to prevent this from happening." Meena joined.

Eric waved him tail, silencing them all, „That's why I told you all to come tonight. We need to decide what to do about this situation together." Everyone nodded in quiet agreement, „So, any ideas?" Moments passed as everyone went quiet again, suddenly Kent stood up, holding his head high proudly he looked around the crowd, „I've got an idea," he begun, „why not letting them all come through the gate and then ambush. If we'll team all of our best fighters together, they won't stood a chance." Eric bent his head, thinking, „That's not bad idea-„ „No that's a terrible idea." Fennel said cutting him off. She stood up and climbed onto the rock, standing beside the black male she adressed the gathering: „We can't just kill them all without giving them chance to protect themselves! It goes against the rules, against all we were taught to follow and obey!" She howled.

The group turned to itself, silent mutters were echoing around the rock, „She's right." Old gray male, Kyiran, said, „I hate to admit it, but she's right. We need another plan, some that wouldn't go against the rules, „But we can't let them just live beside us, they're to dangerous Kyiran." Meddison said her eyes burning into his. „You're right, all of you." Eric said, grinning a little, „We can't let them live here without them proving to us that they won't destroy everything, but we can't wipe them out either. So what can we do?"

Ace, youngest of the leaders, stood up, „That's easy, we can do it just like our ancestors." Rolling her eyes as confused gazes of the others burned right through her, she continued: „The Wolf Games. Each time when new, dangerous species appeared here, begging for their rightful place in here, they hosted the Games to find out if they're worthy enough. We can do it too." She finished her speech and sat down again, the leaders turned to one another, whispering about it, Kyiran suddenly stood up, „It's agreed then!" He yowled loud enough for all of them to hear, „Once the worlds attaches to each other again, we'll approach the humans and challenge them. If they win, they will be able to stay on Andara, but if they lose, the winning pack can do whatever they want with them." „Great idea!" „Excellent!" „Brilliant!" sounded around him as others were agreeing on his idea.

Eric jumped down from the rock, walking to him with a smile he stopped inches from him, „Good job, Kyiran, it's good to see that aftel all those years of being alive, your head isn't completely messed up." He praised the elder, „Thank you, Eric." Kyiran said his pale golden eyes shinning at the praise from the more respected leader.

„If noone has anything else to say, I call these gathering to end."

The leaders said goodbye to each other before splitting and going back to their camps.

Unknown to them, three other wolves watched them, hidden behind thick thorn bushes and under the dark cover of the night, „What are we gonna do about it?" asked hazel colored male, his fur was spiky and messy from all the dew they covered themselves in. Taller pale ginger male shrugged, „I don't know, what can we do?" he asked looking at his companions. The last of the group, pale silver furred female crawled through the bushes and stopped on the other side, „We should at least tell it to boss, she might be in danger."