'Mythical blood? Hey, can you ask him to elaborate on that? Please.' Alex said politely to whoever was in control of his body.

"Why is the mythical blood considered a rumor?"

"Well, because mythical beasts are abominations. For instance, the offspring of two primordial class beasts, of different species. Primordial beasts are beasts that the universe has given its blessings to. It has given them the freedom to cultivate.

Meaning they are made to be strong, it is part of their nature. Although there are restrictions on them, the restrictions are not as much as those on the other classes."

Camron paused to confirm if Alex understood what he had just said. Alex gave a nod and said;

"Please continue."

"When two different species of the primordial class give birth successfully, the offspring is considered to be an abomination. The universe doesn't allow such, so most of the abominations we heard about in fables were all killed. By who? It doesn't say."

'So an abomination is a myth. Fair enough.' Alex thought, Feeling proud that he is a myth.

"Those with mortal blood, have a few perks over those that do not have any bloodline ability flowing in them. Those with beast blood can fight opponents a rank above theirs. The ancient blood class can fight those, two ranks above theirs. The legendary and primordial blood class, three and four ranks above theirs, respectively."

'And the mythical blood class, seven ranks above theirs.' Alex commented in his mind, praising himself.

'If only I could smirk at the moment.' He sighed.

'He said that with my current weapon Dao stage I can only fight a rank above mine, what about the other stages, how many ranks above theirs can they fight against. Ask the retard for me… please.'

"You said that at the Dao sprout stage I can only fight a realm above mine, what about the rest?" Alex questioned, this time his voice didn't sound as timid as it did previously.

'He's starting to open up.' Camron thought.

"You don't know much do you." He sighed.

Alex blushed and looked away.

'Goddamn it, would stop blushing at every little thing!!' Alex was furious at the entity that was in control of his actions. It was spoiling his image.

"I'm sorry," Alex said, blinking the tears that had formed in his eyes away.

"No-no there's nothing to apologize for." Camron sympathized.

'This foolish retard! Argh!'

Alex fumed in his head.

"I suppose that you know the stages of the weapon Dao cultivation?"


"Good. As I said previously, at the Dao sprout stage you can only fight opponents a rank above yours. The rest goes as follows;

Dao heart stage – 2 ranks.

Weapon and mind stage – 3 ranks.

Weapon heart – 4 ranks.

Weapon intent – 1 realm (9 ranks).

Weapon consent – 2 realms.

Camron paused and said.

"Haha, I don't know anything about the weapon soul stage and one with the weapon stage. What I know is that those stages cannot be quantified by realms."

"Thank you."


Alex had been asking the entity that took control over his body, who it was. But he still didn't get any reply, he was starting to lose hope.

"Young master, we are here," Evan announced as they approached the city gates.

Alex who had his eyes closed opened them. He peeked through the window and saw traffic of horses pulling different kinds of carriage. Some of the horses were brown, some black, some white.

'Finally, animals that I'm familiar with.' Alex rejoiced.

'There are some blue ones over there.' He heard in his head.

'Who is that? Are you the one controlling my body?'

'Mmmm.' He got a reply.

'Who are you?'

'Damn it.'

Alex cursed after a while. He didn't get any reply from whoever was in control of his body.

The walls of the city were about 40 stories tall, built with square-shaped rocks. There were guards at the top.

Camron observed as Alex stared at the walls of the capital in amusement.

"You haven't been to the capital before, have you?"

'Why is this retard looking at me like he owns the capital and he's trying to show it off.'

At the gate, many of the carriages were stopped and asked to show their identifications. The guards searched each carriage after showing their identification papers and tokens.

But they did not stop the carriage the Alex was in.

"Did they not see us?"

"They did, that's why we weren't stopped." Camron had a proud smirk on his face.

'Argh! I feel like punching this retard's throat. If only I was in control of my body.' Alex complained.

They had finally entered the city, or so Alex thought.

After crossing the gate Alex still couldn't see any building insight.

"Is this the capital?"

Camron chuckled at his reaction.

"It is the capital, but this is the outskirt of the capital."

"That makes sense."

Within 30 minutes they had finally reached the border of the city.

There was a huge wooden signboard by the side of the road with black ink on it, written on it was;


Alex had his face glued to the window of the carriage. He was mesmerized by the architecture of the buildings before him. It looked like the buildings from the medieval era mixed with the architecture of the 20th century.

'Well Death's Door, compared to this you are an utter disgrace.' Alex felt happy shaming the organization in his mind.

They passed by many buildings. The people here had unique attires on. Some of the women had kimonos on. Some dressed like ladies that lived on attending balls. For the men, some had robes on, and some dressed like they attended balls to pick women up.

There were a lot of nice-looking attractive females walking around. Some of them shot Alex's flirtatious looks.

Alex quickly hid his face. He began to blush, furiously.

"You are a ladies' man after all," Camron commented.

'And you are a gigolo, a retarded one.' Alex replied in his mind.

"Where are we going to now?" Alex heard himself say.

"My Manor. Or should I say my family's Manor? We are going to my father's house." Camron pushed his chest out. He was proud of his father. Despite being a mortal with no cultivation or bloodline abilities flowing in him, he still made a name for himself.

"We are home Master Camron," Evan announced.

Camron got off the carriage first, looking behind, he saw the shy Alex covered in nervousness. He was hesitant.

"My parents shouldn't be in now, but they would be in the evening. You don't have to meet them now."

'Why would I want to meet your parents?'

"Alright," Alex said as he took in deep breaths to calm himself down. He made his way out of the carriage.

"Woah!!" Alex exclaimed.

He turned around and noticed the mini-forestry around the Manor. The trees were cut and shaped like a vase. A very eye-catching calligraphy caught his eyes.

"THE AVANTI MANOR." He liked what he saw.

There were flowers of different colors and types around the lawn, maids, gardeners and other staff was spotted.

'I guess the retard's family is really rich.' He thought to himself.

"Welcome back Master Camron." Several maids and butlers came forward and greeted their young master.

"Thank you, everyone." He smiled. He was home now.

"Everyone, this is my friend Alexander." He introduced Alex to his staff.

"Welcome, Sir Alexander." They chorused out.

"Th-thank you." Alex stammered and blushed.

"He's handsome... He's very cute.. Look at his hair... Those eyes... Master Camron's friend.."

The maids around started to whisper. Alex could hear what they were whispering clearly.

His face was now beetroot red.

"Hahaha. You should stop talking about him now. Take him to a guest room near my room and bring some new clothes for him."

"Yes, Master Camron." They chorused.

Alex followed a maid that was boldly checking him out throughout the whole walk to the guest room. He distracted himself by looking at the exquisite and expensive designs around the Manor. They stepped into a long hall. There was a long red carpet that stretched out from the beginning of the hall to the end.

The carpet had woven-in gold threads in it, making the sight of it more exquisite. The walls of the hall were painted creamy-white, with white marbles and glowing objects that Alex knew nothing of, on the ceiling.

"We are here Sir Alexander. If you need anything, I mean anything, please don't hesitate or feel shy to ask."

The maid that guided him to his room said as she opened the door for him. She still gave him flirtatious looks as she emphasized on the word 'anything'.

"Okay," Alex replied quickly and stepped into the room. He closed the door. Now he felt like he could breathe.

'Now can you tell me who you are!?' Alex screamed in his mind.

'That's enough Lex, he might actually lose it if you keep him in the dark like this.'

Alex heard a stern voice say in his head.

'What! There's more than one of you in me!? Who are you guys and why are in me?'

'A weird way to put that, isn't it Alex?'

This time he heard a playful voice say in his head.

'What in the hell is going on? Am I losing it?' Alex didn't know what was happening.

"I'm sorry." The entity in control of his actions said timidly.

'Who are you guys!?'

'We Alex, are your alternate personalities.' The playful voice said.

'W-what?' Alex stuttered.

'You Alexander, have Dissociative Identity Disorder.' The playful voice said as he chuckled.