"If what you say is true then I accused them wrongly." Miriam immediately admitted her mistake.
"Not exactly, everything is pointing towards the Krakion family," Katherine mentioned.
"I think so too." Emma concurred.
The rest of the people present too agreed with what Katherine said, all but Al.
"Hmm, you say that all evidence points at the Krakion family. To you it does, but to me it isn't, I believe that the family behind this is none other than the Kawataro family." Al smiled, he loved the twist and turns the situation gave to his mind.
"How are they connected to this?"
"I don't know. The best way to find out who is behind this at the moment is to send two out of the three clients to their fathers." Al proposed.
"Huh? Why would we do that? If they step out of here then they would be attacked." Neko pointed out.
"True, but if they don't go, then their fathers will have to face what they have been trying to avoid." Al blurted out.