Chapter 6 - Nap! (1)

A few minutes later, Icarus arrives in front of the bank

'This is fucking great! Are we really in 2225? Could it be that when I crossed the street, I traveled to the past? Wait! That is a Gullbhar over there and an Enfys over there! Damn I really didn't travel back in time! So why the fuck are there so many people here! What kind of people with nothing to do (besides me) need to come to the bank to withdraw money these days? Damn, there are so many credit options out there! So go to your fucking home!'

After his long internal monologue, Icarus sighs and decides to enter the bank

"Sigh! Whatever!"

However, just before going through the doors he notices two individuals standing near the entrance.

Normally he would simply ignore it, but seeing that they both wear old, torn and slightly grimy clothes he think

'Who would say, I met two comrades with a style like mine!'

Notices that they both seem to be alert and a little concerned.

'I understand you guys! I also don't like having to go to the bank! These queues are to die for! Good luck with your affairs!'

Then he enters the bank and realizes that everyone stops to look at him.

However, he ignores this and goes to one of the queues.

As he absently looks at the ceiling, an unknown and somewhat childish voice calls to him.

"Hey sir!"

Looking at the origin of the voice, he finds a child of the Gullbhar race looking at him with curiosity.

"Sorry, but did you talk to me?"

Icarus asks the child doubtfully.

"Yes! Why are you wearing these ugly old clothes? You don't have money to buy new ones?"

The little Gullbhar asked curiously and a little doubt.

"Pākiki! I'm sorry Sir! I was distracted and didn't realize that my son was bothering you!"

Interrupts the woman standing next to little Gullbhar.

"Huehue! It's okay, I don't care! Besides, unlike all the curious people who just are staring me, he decided to ask me!"

Icarus says as he laughs happily

Upon hearing this, all the people around him look away in shame

"Okay, about my clothes! I dress like this just because I like it! Besides, I have money to buy new ones if I want! So, you don't have to worry!"

Icarus replies to little Pākiki with a small smile

"Oh, but why do you like to dress like that?"

Pākiki asks doubtfully, while his mother looks at Icarus with an apologetic look.

Icarus shakes his head at her to show that he doesn't care about it and responds with a smile to the child

"I only do the things I find fun, and dressing like this is one of them! After all, I like to see people's reactions, about how I dress!"

"People's reaction?"

"Yeah, you know, most of the time, they look with doubt and even a little contempt! However, it is just that they see a well-dressed person such as that man there!"

Icarus points to a man who has just entered the bank, he was holding a communicator; he wore sunglasses and clothes that look chic and expensive.

"You see? It was just that they saw that man's expensive clothes, that all the people who were listening to me, forgot my existence and stopped paying attention to me!"

The people around who were staring at the man who just entered, start to be embarrassed realizing that they were acting as Icarus predicted

"Wow, this is amazing! They acted exactly as you said, sir!"

Pākiki says happily, as his eyes shine as he looks at Icarus.

"I think I will ask my mother to dress me like you!"

Icarus is proud to hear the compliment and just when he was about to agree with Pākiki he sees the boy's mother's eyes and feels a shiver.

"Ahem... thanks for the compliment! However, you had better keep on wearing normal clothes for now!

Besides, when you're older if you still want to, you can try to dress like me!"

Icarus responds with a smile.

"That's right Pākiki You can try to dress like that only when you are older! You understand?"

The woman asks Pākiki

"Hmm... okay mom…"

Pākiki replies to his mother a little disappointed.


Icarus sighs with relief as he thinks

'Damn! This feeling is the same as I felt before that T-Rex hit me!'

"Sir what's your name?"


Pākiki asks Icarus with his mood already revitalized.

'That was quick!'

Think Icarus while answering

"I'm Icarus!"

"Ohh... Hello Mr. Icarus! My name is Pākiki! Nice to meet you! Hehe"

Says Pākiki while having a big smile on his face.

"Hello Pākiki it is a pleasure to meet you too! Besides, you can just call me Icarus!"

Icarus responds politely while thinking

'What a cutest brat!'


However, just as he was about to continue his conversation with little Gullbhar, they are interrupted.


Shouts one of the two masked and armed men who have just entered the bank.

They wear clothes on their faces; one holds a NEO M16 rifle and the other a NEO AK47 rifle.

Unlike their predecessors that used gunpowder to fire, these use electromagnetic energy to propel bullets, so these weapons gained the sub name NEO.

One goes to the manager and takes him to the safe while the other points the gun at the guard's head who was distracted tying his shoe and says

"If you move, I'll paint the floor with your brain!"

The guard freezes when he feels the gun on his head and taking advantage of it, the burglar hits the guard hard on the head leaving him unconscious after that, he takes his gun and places it on one of the counters.

The first thing that Icarus thinks when looking at the appearance of the burglars is

'Damn! If I had known that your affairs was actually, robbing this bank I wouldn't have wished you luck"

"Mom I'm scared!"

Pākiki says to his mother and starts to cry.

"It's alright my love! We'll be fine!"

Says the woman trying to calm him down.


Shouts the burglar who just disagree with the guard.

With that the little Gullbhar cries even more, the man who was already irritated gets even more irritated and goes in the direction of little Gullbhar and his mother, but on the way Icarus appears in front of him and says

"Hey, hey… relax man! He's just a scared kid! Don't discount your bad mood on him!"

The man stops for a few seconds while facing Icarus then says

"Yeah… you're right!"

Then the man walks up to him, releases his rifle, takes out a pistol, points to Icarus' head and says

"Then I think I'll take it out on you! Since you're not a kid!"