Marina looking into the globe at the entire water covered world she made as she's holding it in her hands. Before saying, hmm... so I have to create land.... but how. she sets the globe down on a desk and sits in a chair with the globe floating above the desk. maybe I should look in the menu - she looks up at the corner of her vision and sees a menu pop out, she reaches out with her hand and it opens up. A whole Column appears of different options, different selections that she can choose from. She looks down the list and sees an edit options, she clicks that and lines appear around the globe and a pencil appears along with different selections of materials of rock, dirt and everything else to be found on planets. Oh! So I can use this mode to draw land then. - as she peers into the the globe with her excitement of finding something new out she brings the pencil down and clicks on the rock option and goes to draw. As she does so she creates a massive mount straight up of rocks almost to the edge of the atmosphere in a straight line. Oh my! She gasps with her mistake as she drops her pencil. She quickly presses the eraser button and with a swipe of her finger she deletes the mistake.
Marina goes to try again and this time as she goes to place the rocks she lightly touches her pencil thinking in her mind just little bit of rocks... Little Rocks little... and a little pebble drops from her pencil and plummets into the ocean of a world she currently has. As she sees this she lets out a sigh. Well at least it's not a mountain... letting out a small chuckle. Leaning back in her chair she stares into the globe before mumbling to herself. Maybe I shouldn't try the pencil route and try the envision route? She closes her eyes and picturing a small piece of land that she would go to when she was a kid. The small hills of grass that would blow in the breeze, the smell of distant flowers as they are blossoming in the warm sunny sky on a late spring day. Trees just in view from the middle of the open field just waving in the wind that passes by here and there. As she's reliving her memory the globe starts to glow and the outline starts to fill up with her daydreaming. The hills fill in on the globe, the grass flowers and trees start to fill in as she imagine herself walking down the field. As she opens her eyes a small tear forms falling down her face, she quickly wipes it away before noticing her vision has become a part of her new world. Her eyes become shocked by what she sees,Before blurting out. I... I got land! That's my... she puts her head up against the globe starring in.