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I'm goin to love you like I'm going to lose you!

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Table of contents


Chapter 1 - DAY 1: Meeting Her

Do you believe that the balance of nature had created multi timelines where you will meet the love of your life once in a different parallel universe? Well i do and it happens but the consequences of it all were the happiest times of my life but also the sadiest...i lost the love of my life in three days times and it was all because of the selfishness of being loved is the reason she died. i wanted to stay and i wanted to be with her and live the days where i know she will be at her happiness but the light died inside of her and it did too in mines. That was 3 years ago but it still haunted me to this day. As i wash my 2016 Ford focus i was thinking about her beautiful black and blue braids and brown eyes and that soft beautiful mocha skin. She had a dimple in her left cheek and the way she smiles at the world you could tell it will be alright. I just wanted to love her and be with her but i couldn't, I crave for her and i needed her but one thing i notice that in the midst of the darkness God seems to always bring light. Now sit back and listen to our story, Our beautiful but sad ending story.

It all started February 14, 2020, on a Friday Night of love day

I was sitting in the movie theater watching the old boring lasted and let me tell you it was not how i plan my V-day but since i was weirdly single and no one like a corky guy that's skinny that loves anime and want to be a big writer one day but no woman want a nerdy, skinny black guy with big imaginations so you can see where the single life comes in at. On the Big screen was a movie called Practical Magic, to be honest, it was one of the best romantic movies out there. Yes, i said it im a young man that loves the idea of everything that has to do with the idea of romance. even if i didn't believe it myself but i do believe it for others. I used to always think i will love to find love in someone then hopeful ill find in me too but no luck there. I was the guy who will get beat up and used for my homework, I get told to kill myself because of my body size, and for a guy with little to no emotions, you can see in that category i didn't give a damn about there opinions. But sitting here watching this adorable little girl wishes for the love she dreamt about was amazing, the fact that she can wish up the kind of love she deserves was brilliant. But sadly we yall want to be able to create that love we all deserve or want, Where we won't be judged or abused by our significate other. But one thing i truly got from the whole movie is that love doesn't exist until you wish for it. Well, If you do that tell me how it works out. I'm sorry for being a stick in the mud about love but so far all it does is hurt me. I threw popcorn at the screen and got up to walk out the movie room, Seeing all the teens' swap spit as their minds tell them that they are in love but in reality they just into lust. Love isn't the whole typical love at first sight/ take me away but love me threw my worse day but hate me for loving you is so cliche. So why do i feel like it will happen to me one day?

I leaving the movie theater walking on the cold night street of Hoover Alabama, Just thinking with the shit that happens in the world how can one place create so much destruction can be so peaceful at night. The way the light lite up the world with no care and just peace show's a different perspective on what's going on. 25 mins later i walked up to the house, Yes the dead silents of depression just waiting for me to get sucked into a life i never asked for but let's just say im happy i have 3 days to get out of here. Yep im that man that's about to learn what the world is all about when i get to college. I'm at the top of my class, I have a perfect GPA and i wanted to go to NYU for the literature. Yes, i want to be a famous writer one day. One day you will see Calvin Dickerson on the back and front of a book cover one day. Yep in that order so suck it or love it but it will happen. Anyways let me tell you about the important factors of being Calvin. Im a jumper and like any Jumper i can jump threw time. There are different type of jumpers, some can jump threw different universes, Some can jump there space or gravity. I have never met another jumper but i have gotten information on what it is about. I have been jumping since i was 9 freaked me out of course but my parents never believe me on the gift i received But hey would you if i came out and told you i was a jumper? Yeah, i don't think you would if anything you would freak out just the way that i did.

standing out front knowing that reality stuck back in. The house of terror i like to call it because you never know what will go on in this house or what you will see. I walk into the house prepared to hear any commotion. Nope, just the silence of no one being home and the loneliness of my heartbeat. I walked into the living room, the diner room, then the kitchen, Walk over to the fridge and i saw a note attached to it "Food is in the fridge, Please heat up don't burn the place down. We love you and see you soon. Extra money is in your room under the bed. Love ya xoxo" -mom.

Ha funny they love me yeah right, They leave when drugs and sex come involved, and what i mean by that is my father pimps out my mother and abused me for not allowing it. Walking upstairs heading to my room to see if the woman telling the truth. I looked under my bed and i searched for the money. Aww yes, the mother of mines left money this time...I turn on my music and listen to Dababy Jump, Ha you see what i did there. Anyway i like to dance when i get into my moods, I write or draw or eat a lot of snacks i been on my own for so long that taking care of myself was no problem. Dancing, Bobbing my head to the music and trying to rap the lyrics off-key knowing that im still trying to learn the words i headed to my bathroom to do my night route when i heard a tapping sound against the window. I peaked my head around the corner just too look to see if i was hearing things but when i didn't see anything i went back to bobbing my head and brushing my teeth just jigging to the beat. I rinse my mouth out and was just about to wash my face when another tap came from my bedroom window, I put me was cloth down on the sink and slowly headed to my window. I pull the curtains slowly just to see no one is out there.

"So what are we looking at." A woman from behind me asked and me like a dumb i answer

"Oh, im just trying to figure that out." I paused for a second scared to look to my left knowing someone was standing over my shoulder looking out the window too. "Ok, Calvin lets peak on three," I said out loud knowing im not crazy and i was in this house alone. But speaking loud like that kinda gave me some confidence to look because at first i was going to jump but i didn't want this person to know the kind of gift i got.

"Calvin you are not alone you can stop freaking out o won't hurt you, In other words, im here to protect you and give you what you most desire." seeing the woman's reflections in the window for sure had me turn around. My eyes were wide and i couldn't get a word out i just sat there looking dumbfounded and pinching myself to see if i was in a dream and forgot to wake up to start my day.

"Stop pinching yourself because you not dreaming and im not in your head either. Your a jumper threw time and i right." OK now, this is freaky hoe did she know. "Oh, Calvin i have been watching over you since you were born. God sent me to help you fix something that was once broken. We must jump threw three alternated universe to uncover a memory you once lost to save a life." She said and im sitting here like im suppose to believe that. She was mocha chocolate with green eyes and red hair. She had beautiful white and gold wings and the light she shines was magical as if everything will be alright. She gave off this mother vibe but i couldn't quite put my finger on it as to why she seems so familiar. She had a long wand that was all white with a big huge emerald sitting on the top of it. My face was caught on it and she knew that and moved her wand. "Be careful my emerald is a blessing and a curse. I help you understand what you need to change but when you are stuck with greed you get sucked into it. So be careful not to look at it for a long time." shes said cutting the music down and look at my CD collection.

"Who are you and How do you know im a jumper." she smiled at my question still looking at the CD's she jumped to the other side of the room next to my closet. I sat on the bed now officially scared out of my mind. "Sweetie i am one too, You see just like i developed a rare gift. I was 10 when i got mines and yes I was still human at the time. God gives us these gifts to change the bad things that happen to good people. People like us are the protector or guarding as you will like to say and that is why im here today. We must change what has been lost to restore balance and save a life." She waves her wand and a blue ring appeared in the middle of my bedroom floor. "Now once you step into this portal this world you live in won't exist because of the new world you will be stepping into. Now here is the important part of this journey is that we have 3 days times to fix what was broken. Within these 3 days will test your mind and your heart but i know you will overcome this and i saw how strong you are and what you can do." she wave her wand and she close her eyes, Lift her hand. The green emerald shines bright green as she spoke a language i couldn't understand, Then her eyes open and her green eyes were the same color as her jewel and it was fascinating. "Calvin on this night i give you your first gift and that's the gift of knowing. It's a powerful gift so use it wisely." She said and then she stepped into the portal and was gone.

I was still sitting on the bed dumbfounded and confused, she pops her head out again and wave her hand at me to come as if i was hypnotized by her command. I got up and walk to the portal and i stand there for what seemed like hours but it was only 5 mins. Do i have the power to change what was lost, "come and find out." she whisper and i step into the ring.

"Calvin son listen to what i have to say, Things in your world will not be the same in this world. Keep your eyes out for warning signs that is what the gift of knowledge is. Your angel has secrets that she need help figure it out as well that is true but with your great mind i created and gift you with will help you with will uncover the darkest lie and to know what is true. Stay on your true path because this will be your biggest challenge yet but i have faith in the son i created even though the family you were born into feeling off on there own free will i know you will fix the balance uncover what is lost. But for now, my son sleeps and dreams with all your might and when you wake up it will be a bright and better day." The man voice that holds so much power when he spoke made me feel as if i can conquer the world but in a good way. I felt myself escae the reality that i was in and turn it to a night of deep sleep.

*Angel P.o.V*

"Is he asleep," God asked

"Yes sir, I will watch him as he sleep." i sat in the chair beside the bed and i could help but feel so connected with him as if i knew him for a very long time.

"Nala, Darling can you keep one secret," God asked as i looked up from Calvin to him.

"Yes of course God anything," I said with no hesitation.

"Let's keep your identity a secret for now." i looked confused as to what he meant and then he said " Your name love, for now, we change it and you will be called rose. When he awakened the answer within himself and that when we will tell him. Now, this will be a difficult task for you as well because of your past you will re-lived, But in due time everything will reveal itself ok." I nod and went back to watching Calvin while i sleep. Yes, i am Nala and i lost all memories of what happened to me. God grant me this wish to find out how i died and what can i do to change my fate. But the thing is God wouldn't tell me was how is everything connected to Calvin. I'll find out in due time but for now ill watch him sleep.

*Day 1* ( Past Time Alternated Universe of Valentines Day)

"Calvin!!!" My mother shouted from the other side of the door. I roll out the bed and hit the floor real hard and i got up and looked around the room. Nothing, But everything is still the same. Another knock snaps me out of complete thought. "Calvin honey it's time for school get up now or you will be late." She called out is that my mother but i thought she and my father were gone.

"You might need to answer her before she comes in and sees me an angel." I look towards the bathroom to see the angel in the bathroom door was with a towel wrap around her. I saw the bedroom doorknob turn and i jump up to close the door before it could be open wider.

"Mom, Sorry i thought you and dad were gone," i said trying to keep the door close.

"Honey, now why would i leave you alone," I looked at the angel who went back into the bathroom to get dress. "Right mom im sorry ill be down in a bit," i said and open the door a little.

"Calvin are you ok, You seem off this morning," she said looking at me worried as she touches my face to see if i ad a fever.

"Yes, mom im ok just getting ready. I did have a crazy wild dream but it's too much to tell" i said smiling to show her nothing was wrong.

"Ok love hurry and come down for breakfast and don't forget your practice bag this time. You always do and i have to bring it." she smile and turn on her heels.

"Practice?" i asked and look at the angel for confirmation.

" Yes, honey are you sure your ok. You're the captain of the football team did you forget." She turned around before walking down the stairs.

"Yes, mom ill be downstairs and i won't forget the bag ." I turn around and close my door. what in the hell is going on here? i look at the angel who was doing the last touches on her super-long red hair. For a black woman with red hair, she's truly is beautiful.

"Are you going to keep admiring me or are you going to ask that question that in your head as we speak." She walks into the room with white skinny jeans and a white crop top shirt that said all good girls go to heaven. I couldn't help but laugh a little as i go to my closet to pick out clothes.

"Ok question one, What do you have on and where the hell am i? My mother never cook breakfast and she never looked that happy," i asked throwing out jeans and a shirt on the bed.

"I told you already everything is not what it seems because we jumped to another universe and for my clothes, God told me to join the society due to my having to protect you." She looked at me but with the gift, she gave me to tell me she holding information about her self and i will find out.

"Ok well answer me this why do i feel like your hiding something and two you never told me your name. Should I just call you angel," i asked and went to the bathroom to do my morning route.

"Rose, you can call me a rose, and if i was hiding something don't you think you will know. I did give your first gift yesterday did i not." she was right i mean i would know right. i brush my teeth it had me thinking a lot she hiding something. I finish my face and my teeth and walk back to my room to find that rose was gone. I put on my blue jeans and my Tokyo ghoul snap back on my pants loop then i slide on my all-black T-shirt with my Tokyo ghoul converse and let me tell you this skinny nerdy guy i looked good. I grab my book bag and my gym bag and headed downstairs. the smell of bacon, eggs, waffles, pancakes, sausages, and hot coffee hits my nose and i almost jump the rest of the stairs to be the first to hit the table. But when i got there i was wrong. I was not the first Rose was and i couldn't be madder at the site. His plate was stack with food and my mother saw me began to fix my plate as well.

"Calvin, Your friend Rose was telling me you are riding with her to school." i look at rose as she plays her part.

"Mrs. Dickerson thank you for breakfast. Calvin ill be waiting in the living room." she got up and took her plate to the sink. For a slipt second she looks as if she was going to cry, she kissed my mother on the side of her cheek and walk out the kitchen. Does she have a connection with my mother? I sat at the table and begin to eat. Her reaction to my mother is a sign that is for sure the biggest key in this mystery i must solve. Devouring my delicious plate i heard another set of footsteps coming downstairs. That colonel made me stop all tracks and of course Rose knew she looked at me and smile and turn around.

"Calvin school is about to start soon are you ready." She asked in a bubbling personality.

"Yeah, im ready...." his voice stops me and i looked up to see my dad, Mr. Dickerson. He demons off all trade. James Dickerson. I gave my mom my plate and kiss her on the cheek. "See you after school momma." I was about to head out before my father stops me.

"Katherine and Calvin we have to go over the Miller's house tonight for there Fundraiser Ball tonight." She nods and came to help him with his tie.

"I know love already got this set... I've got your suit out the dry cleaners and Calvin yours as well and me i pick out the most beautiful dress you ever have seen and i know my boys will love it." Mom said and i couldn't help but play along because in my world this was a child's play.

"Ok, Calvin has a good day at school and practice on your defense. We talked about NYU so that is where we are going." I nod while he smacks my shoulders and smile. "see yall tonight and be ready and prepared." he grabs his briefcase and was about to walk out the door before his eyes land on Rose i watched everything play out because her facial expression went from bubbly to scared in a split second.

"Hello, who is this beautiful young lady Calvin," he asked and extended his hand to her. She shook it and begin to scream. I ran to her as if i need to protect her and my father looks concerned.

"Is she alright." i panic because i couldn't answer it. i looked at my dad and his expression was the same. It's like he knew her. He stood up without saying a word and walk out with his briefcase. I couldn't escape the feeling as if he knew something. My mom touched my shoulder.

"Lay her in the guest room next to the guest bathroom. There she will stay safe ok i will protect her until she wakes up ok. Go to school love ill call her parents." I nod knowing she doesn't have any and that she was an angel but i truly didn't want to leave her but i knew i had to. Why am i so connected to this woman and i don't even know her. I walk to the guest room and lay her on the bed. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her forehead. But i back up wit the little tiny sparks that hit my lips. I walk back to the living room and walk to the door gave my mom that look and she about laughed at my priceless face.

"Sweetheart you have a whole motorcycle you don't need me." She gave the keys and open the front door. my mouth drop when i saw it was a 2015 Kawasaki Ninja and i loved it. It was all black with a hint of green in it. I had green neon lights and it shines just like a million bucks. i grab the keys from my mother and she kisses my cheeks.

"Have a good day." i wave and i was gone.

20 mins later i made it to the school... Boy even in a different reality this school still hasn't changed. The bully jocks who are stuck up with there dicks and their big egos are the reason why i hate high school. I grab my iPhone 6s out of my pocket I went on Facebook just scrolling at memes to pass the time. I happen to look up from my phone to see her. I almost drop my phone when i say this beautiful chocolate milk way get out of a blue Nissan Altima i knew she felt me looking at her. She had black and blue box braids but how she had it some was wrap in a bun with she let the rest hang, She had snake bites piercing on her lip giving her that gothic vibe trusts me when i say this i liked a lot, She had curvy in all the right places and is that a naruto shirt she got on. Im in love she likes anime. When she turns around to grab her book bag i noticed it had Nezuko and Zenistu on it. I had to hurry up and go talk to her before class starts. I walk up to her and felt myself get nervous.

"Son listens well to pay attention to her face, This the past but in different realities. Do she seem familiar to you." I did what God said and i looked closely. One thing i notice was her face see looks just like Rose but different as if they can be related. "Now son looks past her and what do you see." I did as i was told and i look past her and then i see them, Three guys were watching her as if they were waiting for something. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that tells me something was wrong.

"Can i help you, Calvin," she looked at what i was looking at i can tell she didn't know what was going but in my heart i did.

"Hi, my name is.." she stop me in mid sentences. "Wait you know my name."

"Duh, We have mostly all of our classes together and we are best friends," Best friends.....then tiny memories popped up in my head. What is this as if it was a flashback.


It was a raining night and this girl had all black box braids and two lip piercing on her bottom lips. She was taking out the trash, I couldn't make out what happened but two guys grab her and put her in the van. I tried to get to her but i was knocked out. The last thing i remember was them calling her name.

"We got her, We got Nala and we are bringing her in." The guy said. I know his voice i do but i couldn't map it out yet.

*End flashBack*

"Are you ok, You look as if you have seen a ghost," Nala said and i laugh to let her know that everything was ok.

"Yeah umm i came over to ask you out tonight is that's ok. My stupid father is going to a ball tonight want to be my date." I asked and she smiles.

"Well that is sweet and ill be happy to take you up on that offer but you do know that your father and my father are business partners and also best friends or did you forget." That's when it hits me my best friend Nala Wilkson. How could i have forgotten her, She was my light how did i forget her. "So yes ill be your date but also ill see you there." she smile and blushes a little then she gave me a wave then went back to walking into the school with her friends.

"This should be easy i know her from the back of my hand," I said while smiling i rub my hands together. "Those men are here for her keep watch ill send rose as soon as i can," God whispered and i listen. I went from happy to on guard and these men just sat there taking photos of her and watching as if nothing is happening or wrong. I walk into school and let the torture begins with the 7 hours of no fun just books and annoying teachers who don't give a damn about the students and the systems. Hours have past and my last class of the day was Chemistry. Our Teacher Ms. Robinson was a pushover and no one listens. People throw trash, write on the desk, hell they would even walk out. Well at least in my world it did, This one everyone was on their best behavior what is going on. I was just about to pass out when there was a knock on the door. The class got still and everybody heads turn to look at the principle. Nala and Amanda were paying attention when he walked in.

"Did you do the homework last night because girl it was a pain in my ass," Amanda said rub her neck sighs as she did a dramatic fainting fall on her desk.

"Girl now you know im a chem nerd everything about this class speak to save the world and cure cancer," Nala said and i couldn't help but laugh a little at her logic of chemistry.

"Excuse me, girls, if you are done with the talking you can listen to the request im about to give." Principal Dean, Ah yes the meanest guy in school well one thing about this universe that didn't change, and well that's was his attitude. Told the girls to quiet down and the principle went on with what he was about to say. That feeling came back again and something doesn't feel right. I look at the door and those two-man were waiting. I looked at the giggling Nala as we listen to Dean.

"No, the spring dance will be a night to remember theme so everyone gets ready to bring the last bit of school spirit before graduations. This will be my only message ill be giving today." I kept turning him out and i was looking at the man in the doorway. Man, where have i seen it before? With a light that went off in my head i stood up and i knew where i saw him. That raining night he took Nala and from that night on i never seen her again and that happens on V-day.

"Calvin are you alright." He asks ed and i slowly sat in my chair. The man looked at me knowing that i figured him out and he smiled. OH, he smiled that evil smile and i wanted to punch his face in. "Calm down son you can't give yourself away." I listen to God and hold my anger in and finish playing out this story.

"Yes, I'm ok," I said and i kept my eyes on that man. Nala passes a not to me and i read it.

"I know that man he works with my father and yours too." I looked at her and i saw a hint of fears. Yep, something was about to go down a and i need to stop it."

"Oh Yes, I almost forgot Mr.Robinson we need Nala Wilkson please." The principal wave for her to come and she got up slowly to do so. She packs her bags and slips another note to me. I unfold it and read what it said.

"I have a bad feeling please, Help me." my face went pale what am i going to do. "go to the bathroom," God whispered and u raise my hand.

"Yes, Calvin what is it you look pale." Ms. Robinson asked.

"Can i go to the bathroom i don't feel well and i think it was something i ate." i said and i got up to rush out."

"Yes sir please go you don't need to get everyone sick and please do to the nurse's office afterward," she shouted and i just ran as if i was about to throw up. When i got further away from the class i ran to the principal office to see if Nala was there but she wasn't. I went to the back parking lot where my bike was when i saw her. Screaming for help struggling to fight the guys off. They threw her into the white van and the principle got money from the guy who took her.

"Stop let go of me!!" she shouted "Let me out!!" you can hear the tears coming from her eyes. I got onto my bike and follow the van out of the school parking lot being careful not to be seen. the van halfway pulls up to this abandoned house and i hear her kicking the door trying to break free.

"Quiet that bitch down." the guy said. That what ill call him until i can figure out his name. But he will be known as the guy. He was white with blue eyes and no hair, What are they going to do to her. The second man pulls out a needle with drugs in it, He opens the back doors to the van she tried to run. Mind you it's in the middle of the afternoon and where we are no one seems to care what's happening. I put my helmet on the bike and snuck up a little closer.

"Get off me!!!" she yelled as he holds her down.

"Get a hold of her Scott." Oh, so the guy whos trying to pump her up with drugs is Scott.

"I'm sorry im late god told me everything." Rose pop out of nowhere scared me to death. i put my hand over my heart.

"Ok don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack. Second are you ok? Thrid we need to save Nala." She looked at me as if i called her name but recovered and look at the not responding Nala.

"What happened to her," she asked

"No time to explain come on," i said and we moved snuck to the back of the truck.

"Ok we get her out fast and we leave." I nod but heard Scott coming back outside from the abandoned house.. Rose moved her hand to cover us so we couldn't be seen. She silently opens the doors to the second door and she lays there as if she was dead but i knew she was sleeping. Rose moved her hands again and Nala disappears as well.

"This spell will last until you get her out of here, Get on your bike and go ill soon follow," she said

"Wait where will you be," i asked and she looks towards the man and i knew. I pick up Nala and rush to my bike. I speed off and not looking back. I looked at the time on my bike it was about 5:30 pm. I arrived at my house and ride my bike in the back just in case if someone saw me. I pick her up and jump into my bedroom. I felt kinda dizzy because i had to stop time to do it but i didn't as long as she was safe. I laid her in my bed and she appeared again. I went downstairs to see note just like the one in my reality. I freaked me out because now i knew they left to go to the ball and i saved a girl's life from the past and things are catching up. I went back upstairs to check my bed and there it was the 500 dollars in cash was under the bed.

A loud bang came in from behind me and it was rose. She looked at Nala as if she was looking at herself. She looked at me and cried so hard. I hold her until she calms down she laid her head on my chest.

"Day 2 will make more sense and i wish i can tell you but i can't. It eats me alive but i must, My memories came back when i touched your father's hand. I was blurry but i felt him kill me." She looked at me and knew something wasn't right again. "Where's your mother," she asked.

"The Ball remember," I told her.

"Did you get a note with money." looking confused as to how did she know that.

"Yeah she did but that whats she does when she going out somewhere," i explain that it was normal even in a different universe things don't seem to change too much. "Rose what are you not telling, You been hiding things and i know it because of the gift you gave me." she bites her nails and got up and went to the bathroom. I watched a sleeping Nala and i rub my hands in my face. What is she not telling me? "Son it's me and i give you the second gift for the second day and this gift is the best gift of them all and it's love. Show her son that she can trust you and all the answers you seek will come out." God whispered to me and i felt myself fall asleep in the chair. Why is it that when i receive one of there gift i fall to sleep.

*Rose the Angel p.o.v*

"Nala it's time for him to know." I looked at God scared of what will happen.

"He won't love me the same the way after i tell him." I bite my nails and God stops me.

"Listen, He will still love you even after telling this secret. He knows parts of it and it will hurt him even more if you don't. He just saved your life and now things are changing. This world is were yall met and became friends, It's where he asked you out and it will be where he saved you. Now we are going to the future tomorrow and i need you to stay by his side. Because what he's about to see next it's going to hurt him when he knows the truth. A knock on the door stops us from talking.

"God i thought he was asleep," I said panicking

"Sweetheart you know he's stronger than that especially when he has a strong will to save you." God kisses me on the cheek and disappears. The knock on the door grew louder.

"I'm coming out give me a moment Calvin," he said ok from the other side and open the door. He looked at me and then Nala on the bed. "What is it," i said confused as to what's going on.

"The gift of knowing huh yeah i know who you are. Your not rose are you." I shook my head no and he walked up to me slowly pinning me against the wall. "Who are you angel.' his words above a whisper. Oh, man, i wanted him so badly but i knew it was against the rules to love him my form now.

"I'm Nala," i said looking up at him. His eyes widen and then he kissed me. I couldn't stop him because i wanted him craved him as much as he craved me. He took off my shirt and i did him as well he closes the bathroom door behind him as he sat me on the sink and we made out while he caresses my body. I bite his lip while he took off his pants and i jump down the sink to take off mines. I don't know who started it but we made love on the floor at night on Valentine's day. An angel is not supposed to make love to a human but i did. I love this man when i first meet him till the day i died and afterward i watched over him and loved him quietly. He's what i prayed for and God gave me a second chance at love and im going to take it. I died too soon and now im getting so of the answer i derived. I know who killed me and i will help take him down. And to say he l killed his mother too is the icing on the cake.

"I love you Nala." is what i needed to stop all of my thoughts, I looked up to him as we both sweat from lovemaking.

"I love you too." That night i gave myself to him and my memories came back again


"I love you Nala." wait this happened before.

"I love you too Calvin," I said

As we kept going the memoried hit m again

"Nala where did you go why did you leave me." Calvin is crying what happens. "She has gone God why did she leave me. I loved her and she was carrying my child.

*End of the flashbacks*

Tears feel as we climaxed. He was crying too and i wonder did she see what i saw.

"You left me and i loved you why?" He asked me and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"It's because your father killed me while i was pregnant with your child." Those words put a pain in my heart. I felt it badly that it made me scream. Calvin got off me and saw that my souls were disappearing. "Keep me alive, stick with me I'm sorry to say i won't be with you in this next Journey, I broke the rules"

"What rule." Before i could answer i was gone and the sight of losing me again he couldn't bear it. so he looked up to God and me. "I promise to protect her and keep her safe. I promise to love you Nala and i will do everything in my power to stop my dad." He then cries on the floor a feel asleep.