Chapter 3 - Detail

Lesson Three


Detail is the most important in an action packed story. If there is no detail, there is no story at all.


"Detail is an individual fact or feature." Detail is the facts inside a story, and it is very important. You wouldn't want to make just a summary, but a book. And, detail is very important in books.

When using detail, you must explain everything that happened. It's only acceptable to leave some information, for some suspense, but it should be explained later in the same book, or you can explain in the next book, in case of a series.

To put detail in a book, you must let the reader get the gist of the book, and follow through the story, and understand when they are done with the book. For example:

28 Days

Joy was stuck in a train that was shut down when almost falling off a cliff. She tried to escape, but the train finally fell. She had to experience many dangers of being inside the train.

Someone will return the book in a second. There is no detail at all. How did the train almost fall? How did she get stuck? What were the dangers of being in the train?

To make the detail, explain the process of the story. It makes your book much longer, it adds the suspense, action, and the plot, which will be talked about later in the story.

Title and Detail

Title and Detail is a connection in a book. The title must match with the story, only because the detail is clarification for the title.

How would everything relate to the title?

How would I know the details will give me answers?

How would I understand the concept of the story?

Detail is very important in an action-packed book. It makes the story, and it works with the title, to give clarification of the certain story.