Trotting alongside the wide street, my heart speeds up. But I lick my lips nervously. I'm half-giddy at the thought of Aiden's power, half-terrified I'll be sacrificed to Satan. But the other half of me . . . that half can't wait to find him.
A block down the street, away from my car, I come to a huge warehouse with a caved-in roof. Teeth of broken wood stretch for the stars beginning to peek out of the night sky. There's no glass in the windows, and when I get close, I can smell cold soot.
I'm reminded of my fear of being sacrificed and have to stifle a frightened giggle.
Wary, I stick to the side of the old warehouse, let my feet crunch on pebbles and broken glass, until I make it to the beach side where the wind has piled the dunes up against the old timbers. From there I peek around the corner of the building, then freeze.