Hey guys, 

Thank you for reading, giving my story a chance even when it's not the best out there.

As I have been hinting in the author's note at the end of a few chapters about dropping this plot.

The thing is I had this story published in Wattpad and I stopped once I got an invitation from Webnovel to do it. They wanted to sign this book exclusively and not the other books I had there.

At that time the offer seemed fine...I thought why not try. At first, I was hesitant looking at the books here, I mean most are fantasy and all, romance is there too. I went through the most read book's plots and I compared it to mine.

When I saw that this plot that NEVER has is exactly new and not used before as I got it by reading a few of the books here, I thought to publish it. I thought it would get the attention since it's giving something new to read.

You and I, we both shall not lie and say that most plots here are cliche and clingy. I bet that to point out one clingy scene in my story and not seemed to be realistic at all. Because I always make sure to put things in my book pretty realistic and people could relate to it.

NEVER had it all. And yes it's heartbreaking for me to see that when I went premium, I had only a few unlocking the chapters with their coins...its not much..its just 8 or 9 coins per chapter.

The thing here is if this book was not signed then it would not have mattered for me but this book is. So it's rating and worth henceforth gets decided by how many subs I get per day. 

I even got zero subs a few days. Tell me how much demotivating is that. I scratch my head trying to think new, come up with new things and then most of you just shrug and go off. 

I m not demanding you guys here to spend ur coins on my book. The thing is when I see books with such an ordinary plot with almost no difference at all get more subs than mine, it just hinted to the fact that maybe..maybe more people do not like reading new things...they like to read what they had been reading for a long long plots where damsel in distress, female leads with a brooding alpha male, slave to her lover, plots like that kind...

Looking at that, I feel so down. I mean they are not even writing anything new. They are just giving plots, writing away stuffs we most have already read. But with different, names, scenes and all that. 

What's the use of me of banging my head and coming up with new things and then get zero subs the other day? Guess I could also start writing one like ceo story or the marrying my brother in law kind....(trying not to offend here!)

So after much thoughts, I saw my original plot does not deserves to be shamed like that and this is the only reason why I m going to take it down and replace with a new story. 

Same thing will be done with my 2nd book too, 'Choose between 2 options: Mrs. Dalton or Mr.Staif' 

That is an original plot. A few of you read it and I bet you did not read anything similar to that plot here yet.

So you guys can go ahead and kick this book out from your library. I know this is unfair. But this has exactly been the same way unfair to me too. 

I had dropped my studies almost entirely to write better, give better but well no improvement. I m raking it I m not good, not that I thought other way before but I had a hope which I don't have anymore.

Plus Webnovel has weird craving of promoting the books which are already popular. I don't know why...its like the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. 

I m not satisfied with their effort on the exposure of my books either. That possibly could be the reason why the book is not doing well.

If it not doing well, I don't want to sign off my rights to an original plot as NEVER and Chosee between to them....they means a world to me.

I will drop the synopsis of the new plot soon too... It's your to decide if you want to keep the book in your library or not, I know this is shit but I cannot help it. 

I will take my sweet time uploading the new plot and replacing it with the present chapters. Since hence from now, this is not my priority anymore...I understood this is not for me.

That is more chapters from NEVER... And I m sorry I cannot give any hint on the ending either as a few of you asked for it. 

NEVER is a trilogy. That is all I could say. Maybe in future you might get to read it in Wattpad.

I shall be careful from signing up my original plots from next time lol. N of course not signing away my original plots ever. Learned a great lesson. Now I have to do the labor of replacing it with all.ost same words of 82 chapters.

It is going to be damn hard work and even if this time, I do not get any subs, I would not be disappointed because I m not keeping any hopes or expectations from now on. 

You all are free to do anything. Decide if you want to stay put and read the new plot or just leave it. No pressure there. Because if I was a reader and the author would do something like this what I m about to to a book I would have been reading, I would get irritated too. 

So I understand it totally if you guys do not want to continue. It is alright then too. I would not complain lol.  

So this is it....goOdbye to NEVER! 


I was really hoping that I would complete this book here and have a nice time here. A few of you did make my day with your wonderful comments and responses. They were what was keeping me to go on, write more, and continue hopping for a better day, better sub, the next consecutive day. 

I had a few nice conversations too through comments and I m glad I came across those. 

I did keep my promise of mass release too unlike many authors who skip that, break their promise or whatsoever. 

I gave away a total of seven to eight chapters as a mass release one day. You all saw it and cannot deny it either. 

So I was pretty efficient and truthful to all my words. Unfortunately, you guys did not like my plot enough. It is alright. 

So anyway...that is all...sorry once again! 

Stay safe...use masks on going out....

You guys shall hear not frequently from me take care...keep yourself safe...

If you want to contact me, my discord is chayasreedeka#6029 or you can follow and drop a direct message in my Instagram, chayawrites

I m currently more active in discord than Instagram but I will reply to any of the platform you guys try to contact me from....if I take time, just know I most probably am busy.

Happy 1st December!