Nora's POV
It's only been a week but I feel as if it's been years.I came back to the palace to find everyone in distress. "Nora you are back" the queen rushes to me as I wait for her in the hall and I smile back at her. " There's no time to gossip about boys even if it's necessary, come" and she takes my hand and sparks flows through my hand as our hands make contact.So it was true she was a witch. " So it's true you are a witch" I said pulling my hand away from hers whilst she turned around and smiled "She told you didn't she?" was her reply.
"Yes I'm a witch or technically a half witch just like you but you're stronger than any witch so I guess Mora told you all that"she continued towards the bedroom while I thought about what Mora told me within those five days I spent with her and trained.
She basically had a twin sister Namora whom she got separated with at birth as one went south the other went north. Their parents couldn't keep twins cause they were said to be a curse to society and would truly understand because it was 19th century but we leave in the 21st century now.Both sisters were never suppose to meet and the parents kept it that way until both the twins turned 16 and came to a witch casting competition. Long story short they found out they were sisters but then after some weeks Nomara was supposedly cursed by the moon goddess.
I'm back here to keep Nick and his people safe and that's why Nick has to train twice as much as he can to control his dragon and keep it tamed from up-roaring.
As we got into the room the king was laying there on the bed and I knew I was the cause of it. "Don't worry my child he will be fine by this evening" " Are you sure?" " Of course my child" and followed her into a room where Nick was slightly opening the windows and thats when I saw who was lying unconscious on the bed.
" Uncle!!" and I ran to him but he lied there not moving " Why isn't he moving ?" I asked in anger " Dear he slipped into a comatose state, I'm sorry" she looked down and all I could do was stand there looking at my uncle who slipped into coma. After some time the door to the room open and the king was standing there weak but standing "Jac!!!" the Queen said in surprise and ran up to him "it's okay I'm fine" he replied to not get worried " No !! Don't say that because a lot has happened and our son might be in grave danger" she added " what do you mean?" both the king and I asked as she instructed the king to sit
"On nous a dit que le clan du diable formait une armée d'élite de soldats et que ce sont des tribus qui pourraient tous nous tuer" she said to the king though I didn't understand but she translated through our witch mind link "We were told that the devil clan was making an elite army of soldiers and these are tribids that could kill us all". My jaw flew open after hearing " Tribids!!!" " Hush dear your uncle is still in a coma so it's best you two go too the diner" she stated and I nodded in agreement as Nick was having problems controlling his dragon his eyes kept changing color from brown to pale gold then back.
" Nick let's go" I touched my mates hand to calm him down which made me kinda happy as he was "Nora I needed to talk to you about something" I really wanted to hear what he had to say but I choose to ignore him ,to have space between us even though space was created by a person who was afraid to get close I just couldn't forgive myself if he died because of me "Tomorrow we are training to tame your dragon" I stated and let go of his hand " How do you know my dragon needs taming?" he asked with weirded out look and I wanted to laugh really but I had to be serious " I'm a witch remember and I left that day to unlock my powers"I said with a smirk " Oh I see okay we will train tomorrow" he left me as I was now confused about which room to use for the night.
" Come with me" I felt someone grasp my hand and looked up to see the princess " Your majesté I'm fine in the room my uncle is at" I replied "No let your uncle rest and come and rest with me" she babbled it out " Okay" I replied back.