After Lexi told me what happened I was horror stricken!
Lexi told me about how she messaged him and told him she was 12 and then he said he was 12 and then the worst part of it all...
He sent Lexi a picture of his d**k!!!
After that I was so pumped up and ready for revenge, he was gonna pay for trying to mess with my friends and for trying to mess with me!!!!
The Next day you will never believe what happened.
I broke up with him! I had enough of his lies! Even when I told him we were breaking up, he still tried to play innocent it upset me so much on how naive I was.
I mean how could I have fallen in love and dated a complete wacko pervert!
To be honest thought I kind of deserved it for honestly believing him.
And for those of you who are reading this and thinking "Wow! that's so boring, what a bad ending!", don't worry my story isn't over yet! In fact it's just begun.