Chereads / Love or Luck / Chapter 20 - Chapter 20

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20

"Help! Doctor! Nurse! Help!" Lumician shouted entering the building, nurses swarmed through Lumician as they bring a stretcher with them.

Putting Venus at the stretcher they immediately check her breath and pulse, the scars and wounds were visible on the patients body, wincing from time to time. The doctor finally arrived at their rescue and asked what happened to the injured girl.

"She got kidnapped and- and we only saw her rolling down the rocky path-" without any more words the doctor nodded his head and immediately dragged Venus to the Emergency Room.

"Wait- wha-? Where are you taking her?! Venus! Wait no-" nurses pushed Lumic away from the girl, pushing his way in he shouts some unnecessary profanities.

"I'm sorry sir but no else is allowed inside, you have to wait out here" the nurse calmly said to him, making him furious.

"Wha- no! I do not agree being left here! I should be there with her!" he shouted making a scene, Lucas finally arriving at the scene he dashed to Lumician's side tugging on his shirt for him to stop.

"Lumi stop it, we have to do what the nurse said" he said making Lumician stop what he was doing and looked at Lucas.

"But little blue, Venus" he started dropping to his knees.

"It's gonna be alright, they will take care of Venus' wounds, let's just fill out the forms and call aunt Layla and Lumic"

Sighing Lumician nodded at Lucas and stood up, taking the little guys hand in his as they went to the counter and to call the family that they found Venus. Not even half way on going out, a nurse appeared in front of them and smiled sweetly.

"Excuse me sir? Are you perhaps that young girl's guardian?" the nurse asked carrying a clipboard with papers on it.

Lumician and Lucas looked at the nurse and then down to their feet, shaking their head no.

"Well if that's the case sir can you call her parents or guardian?" she asked politely to the young man that stood before her.

Lumician nodded and immediately took out his phone and dialed Layla's number, meanwhile little blue looked up at the nurse and opened his mouth to speak.

"Will Venny be alright miss?" he asked, eyes full of concern as tears were about to flood out.

The nurse bended her right knee and petted his head giving him a smile before nodding her head.

"She will be just fine, the best doctor that is here is the one who's with her right now" she smiled again and stood up after bidding a small good bye to Lucas she went her way, leaving him and Lumician by themselves for now.

"Thank you Aunt Layla, we'll be waiting right here for your arrival" he stated before he put his phone out, now facing Lucas who was looking at his feet, still sadden about what happened.

Remembering on what she looked like when they found her, after pulling down the curtain that supported her from falling down, there they found all the sorts of things on what Jose Johns did to her. There were burned marks, a scar on her back, her legs were full of blood, bruised and messed up, her once white shirt and red sweat pants were now tattered and full of her blood and dirt. It would be a miracle if it won't leave a scar and a miracle if she won't be in a trauma after this. sighing as a child he couldn't help but feel this helpless and hopeless, he couldn't do a thing when they were out looking for her.

"What did Aunt Layla say?" he asked in a whisper while twiddling his thumbs together and still looking down.

"They'll be here any moment now" he replied brushing his hair with his left hand, yawning he came to a realization that he need some sleep too, boy was he exhausted.

Finding a couch to seat, he wandered his eyes and finally spotted the thing he was looking for, waddling his way the couch he dragged Lucas with him, he knows that the little guy was exhausted as well, he was still a child he should've never been with them looking for Venus. Sighing again, how he wanted to know why did his brother brought Lucas with them, thinking deeply he suddenly cringe that he was thinking like his brother.

"Are you alright, Lumi?" Lucas asked facing him with a questioning look, looking down at the child before him he smiled and ruffled his hair.

Sometimes this kid could be a lot like him and his father, a combination of both could be quite deadly in the future. Chuckling he pulled Lucas closer to him and rested his chin at the top of his head.

"Yup, never been better bud"

Fidgeting a little but from his seat he wrapped his small arms around Lumic's waist and snuggled deeper, a content sigh escaped from Lucas' mouth and closed his eyes hoping not to fall asleep.

A small snore suddenly sounded at the hall, looking down he found his company sound asleep 'He must be really exhausted' Lumic thought and adjusted the little guy in his arms, sighing he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Exhausted was not the right word to actually put it, his body was screaming for sleep but somehow his brain was saying the otherwise, he struggled to keep his eyes wide open but alas, sleep finally made his way through Lumic's system.

A couple of minutes have went by, still the two child like boys were still sleeping soundly. It was quite noticeable that they didn't got a good night rest, as they were snoring and sleeping soundly on the bench. After sometime the Lumier Family and their friends finally made it at the Hospital where Lumic said to be where they are at. Dashing inside the building and frantically looking from left to right, when they got there they immediately spotted the dark haired teen and the blue haired teen snuggled up and sleeping soundly, they quietly made their way towards them.

"They're knocked out as a light" Edward stated checking on his friend brother.

"Has the doctor came out?" Layla asked the nurse that assisted them.

Not before long she finally got not only her answer but as well as the others. As the emergency room finally opened its door, and out came the doctor with the other nurses by her side, tugging on her mask she faced front with a professional look.

"Doctor!" Layla shouted and quickly went to the doctors side to ask her daughters condition.

Not a minute later all of the ones that came with them also surrounded the doctor, making the doctor step back and looked at Layla in the eyes.

"Are you her guardian? Parent?" the doctor still asked the mother with a straight face.

"Yes yes I'm her mother" she answered immediately, putting her fist in front of her chest.

"Layla calm down! Remember that you're pregnant" Jude reminded calming his wife by putting a hand on her shoulder.

Nodding at her husband words, she just faced the doctor in front waiting for her to speak and let them know about her daughter's condition.

"Well, as far as I can say Miss. Lumier's doing great, though she fractured two of her ribs, a dislocated left arm while the rest are bruises, scratches and also some slices here and there," the doctor stated it all, they all stared at the doctor processing what she had said before their eyes going wide.

"Aside from that the burned marks on her body- especially the one on her right leg could leave a scar, as well as the whip marks on her back. But do not fret, there is an ointment for scars" she finished, mouth a gape some can not believe that she has gone through some horrible things.

"Venus, not again" Levy said in a whisper as she was now crying reliving some memories she doesn't want to remembering.

Stephen by her side seeing that she was really sad about her best friend's state he comforted her and hugged her, whispering some comforting words.

"She is now transferred to an empty room, you may be able to see her but do please be quiet, it would take time before she'd wake up. Also I suggest for you madam that she needs to rest for about 3 weeks, a two days check up every week, that would be all" the doctor then bid her good bye before going to another patient that was waiting for her.

"Well, at least now she's fine, right?" Layla stated looking at her husband who's frowning.

"We should've never let her leave the house, she's experiencing it all over again" he frowned.

"I know what you mean, but sometimes we just need to let her go" she comforts and hugs her husband.

"As long as she's alright that's what matters, but I just hope Victoria wouldn't go on rampage when she's out" she whispered, grabbing Jude's hand and intertwined it with hers.

"Now, let visit our daughter shall we? Let's worry about what will happen next when that time comes" she smiled at him.

"I guess there's no point of whining when all is done"

Sighing, looking around they found themselves alone at the hall, shrugging Layla stifled a laugh and looked up at Jude with a smile on her face.

"I guess all of the kids rushed up to her room, Lumician woke up the moment the doctor stated that we can visit her" he smiled and kissed her temple, they started walking towards their daughters room with their hands intertwined.

"Oh, I can not wait to for them to get married, they'd make a great couple. Don't you think so honey?" Layla questioned looking up at Jude, whilst he frowned.

"He first have to go through me" he stated, she just giggled and nodded at his statement.

"Yes yes, but I wonder what would Lumic think or do" she put her free hand on her chin and begin to imagine.

"He would totally oppose, he'd rather marry our daughter than Lumician" he nod his head, thinking about Lumic and Venus rather Lumician.

"Hmm, well let's worry about that later" she giggled and got closer to Jude.

Meanwhile, Lumician and Lucas hurriedly went to find the room where Venus was staying at, upon finally finding the designated room, they quickened their pace more, the moment where Lumician got a grip of the handle he instantly slammed the door open and yell her name.

"VENUS/VENNY" Lumician and Lucas yelled together.

Gaining a lot of eyes unto them from the yelling; but no they did not mind nor did they know that people were now looking at them. Still at the door frame, out of the a black haired woman suddenly smacked their heads making the two wince and rubbed the area that was hit.

"Shut it Lumic, Lucas you two should know better" she whispered and eyed Lumician, something about the guy made her question something on her mind.

Upon realizing that some of Lumic's friends didn't know that he was Lumician, he straightened his composure and cleared his throat nodding at Lucas that they should now follow the rules that Lumic laid out for them to know and to act.

"Yes sorry about that Ruby, I was just so worried about her" Lumician stated as he brushed his hair, but deep inside he was screaming profanities and on how he just wanted to jump right in and check on Venus state.

"Lumiciiii- ahem Lumic" Edward cleared his throat before he could expose Lumician's true name.

"Edward" Lumician nodded his head as if greeting him.

Quiet wasn't their kind of a thing, the group then went inside bickering with each other. When Layla and Jude finally arrived, they both immediately noticed Lumician and Lucas by Venus' side all silent and, whilst the other group was on the chair or couch or by the windows' side. Rare to see Lumician and Lucas silent both parent sweat drop at the sight, 'so he can also be quiet' Layla and Jude both internally thought out loud.

"See? If we had of caged her at home, she wouldn't have met such friends"

Layla stated smiling at her husband, although she was surprised, she still accepts them- like how she accepted her long time friends, Venus might not know but her friends from childhood are still here, and that never left her side, she may have forgotten but someone deep inside her didn't.

"Now, Jude dear? Can you help me with this boys" Layla said smiling, no she was not asking, she was commanding her husband.

Jude sighed, he knew he could not get away when it comes to Layla, she always get what she asks. The two boys who sat opposite at Venus' side now asleep, their heads rested on the bed and snoring lightly, Jude sighed and nodded before carrying Lumician and Lucas at his shoulder, he may look old but he still works out. Out of no where, Layla's phone suddenly rang, she silently excuses herself as she answered her phone.

"Hello?" she asked yet no one answered.

She smiled knowing who this person was, she may not have seen this number yet she knows it's him, he is quite the mysterious type since before.

"She's fine dear, just a fractured ribs and a dislocated arm, some bruises, cuts and slices" sighing she closed her eyes and continued.

"As well as some scars soon, but she's fine" she stated, although it felt like she's talking to a wall, Layla knows his listening.

"Also thank you, thank you for saving my daughter, Lumic"

"Anything for Venus mom"

And with that, the line ended, smiling she wandered a loud, 'Lumic and Lumician huh, well, this turned out to be quite fun" she murmured before turning back. 'I wish you two both luck'.