Chapter 19 - Attack 18

Note: Yup, still not exchanging phones.


7:57 p.m


How can you text Historia if we won't exchange phones?


I won't text her yet.


Why? You finally got her number.

Please, i really need my phone back.


I'm still waiting for someone to message you.

And i'm trying to be calm here


I'm supposed to be the one who's mad here.

You're invading my privacy!


So, what?

You can do that with mine

Don't tell me, you didn't check any of my messages.


Well fyi, i did not!


I don't believe you.


Well, that's because I'm not like you.

I'm not an overprotective idiot who would do anything he wants just because he thinks he has the rights to!


I'm a what?


There, I said it.

You know how to read, don't you?


I can't believe you're being this rude to me.

Just because I temporarily cut off your communication with him



Is this still about Jean?

Aren't we done with him?

Goodness, you're stressing me out.

I just want my phone back.

I'm off



Talk to me.

We'll talk

And this is not about Jean


Okay, this is not about him?

So, who?

Who's your problem?


You're the problem



Okay. It's me again.

It's always me, anyway. Why did I even ask.

Okay, what's my problem


Don't push me to the edge, Mikasa.


What now?

What did I do now?

I'm just asking. I am the problem, right? Why?

Make me understand, Eren.

What's our problem?


What's with you and Levi?

I read your conversation with him.

Mikasa, that's fucking incest

You two are fucking related


I want to curse so bad.

You're bothered with my relationship with him?


What the hell are you thinking, Eren?


You hated his guts! You fucking told me that?

You were always badmouthing him before! And now you two are lovesick for each other? Texting almost everyday?

And it's true, you're related to him, right? Aren't you even disgusted?

you're secretly meeting with him!

He's giving you gifts!

And you didn't tell us anything??


That thing...

Oh, Eren

You misunderstood



How so?

Because it's so obvious that there's something going on with you two!


I guess, I need to tell you

Prez Hange's birthday is coming, right? September 5th? I know it's a month from now...but Levi wants to have a grand surprise birthday party for her.

You know, 18th birthdays are important to girls.


Welcome to legality.

And he asked me to help him...since you know, I'm the vice president of the SC and I'm pretty close to her.

And with the gift, he gave me that as a token for helping him.

Again, it's a surprise, so we can't really tell it to many people.

The lesser people who knew, the better.

Of course we're going to the tell the rest, you are all invited. It's just that, it's still too soon, and Prez Hange might catch on us.

But since you're reacting like this, I have no choice but to tell you now. So, keep your mouth shut.

And one more thing, you are a fucking stupid asshole.

Sorry. I just need to let that out.

There, I dumb it down for you. You understand now, right?

Seen by Mikasa


What? Why can't you reply?

cat got your tongue?

Gosh, you really thought I have a relationship with Levi?

You make me laugh with anger.

Now, what Eren?

So, I guess you have something to learn from here, right?

Not to jump into conclusions

Oh and to fucking mind your own business.

So, return my phone tomorrow!!!

Seen by Mikasa


Eren just made Mikasa mad hehe.

He knows too well that he doesn't like a mad Mikasa.

And if she's mad, he can't really say anything.

Eren's thoughts rn: FUCK PHONES! FUCK BIRTHDAYS! FUCK LEVI! FUCK MIK---- (lol no we don't wanna go there, self) ME. YEAH FUCK ME!!! FUCK MY LIFE! I'M DEAAAAAADDDDD

Mikasa- 1

Eren- 0