"Time certainly flies when you're strolling through the city." Malleus mused as they made their way down the bustling road. Sebek trudged along as he dragged his depression with him.
The goat who had followed and played with them had already left them for other parts of the bustling streets. Lotus followed along lightly on her feet as she gazed upon the area in awe. Curious, Rollo turned to her, "Could this be your first time in Fleur City, Mister Xue?"
"Yup!" She nodded with a bright smile, "I have heard much about this place from word of mouth. However, never had the time to come visit. Hm... I do remember someone bought me a type of buttery bread from this city. I believe it was called a croissant? I've never had pastry so buttery and savory before! He said it is crispier when fresh though."
Remembering something, Jamil spoke up in in thought, "I'm curious to see what kind of souvenirs they have here...but we don't have much time before the meet-up."
"Yes, we can't be late for the rendezvous." Malleus nodded rather in disappointment, "Tardiness would be entirely unacceptable."
"You sound very empathic about that." Jamil noted in confusion.
"Then perhaps you should head to the rendezvous point soon. You'll find plenty of souvenirs in the festival square." Rollo suggested, "Is there anything else you'd like to see before you go?"
"Hmm." Malleus pondered with uncertainty before turning to Sebek, "Sebek, what would you like to do?"
As all eyes turned to him, Sebek looked up in surprise! Did his liege actually ask him, a mere personal guard, for his opinion?! He barely managed to speak in a bewildered tone, "Huh? Me, sire?"
"Yes. I'd like to hear your thoughts as the youngest of our group." Malleus nodded.
Realizing this was the case, Sebek became nervous and hesitant as he denied such an honor, "Why, I wouldn't dream of asking you to indulge any requests of mine!"
Unfazed and unknowing to what was going through his guard's mind, Malleus continued curiously, "I don't mind. I was discussing this very thing with Rosehearts and Viper while you were chasing the goat."
"You're a freshman. I'm willing to humor a little self-indulgence on your part." Riddle nodded in agreement.
"Agreed. So go on, don't be shy. I can tell by the look on your face you have something in mind." Jamil concurred.
Seeing this scene, Lotus was rather amused. This was probably the first time she had seen someone cornered by acts of kindness. She snickered as Sebek noticed this but couldn't even give her a glare when Malleus and the other seniors were staring at him. He stammered, "Not at all! My interests are the same as all of yours, studying history and—"
His words were interrupted by a loud sound of growling. A stomach growling.
"That was..." Riddle stiffled back laughter but could hardly hide an amused smirk.
"Ah, now I see." Jamil sneered, "You're hungry."
"No, I'm really not...!" Sebek denied red in embarrassment.
"Haha! Pretty good timing too." Lotus laughed.
"Can't you practice some self-restraint?" Riddle muttered in disappointment as Lotus regathered herself.
"It's all right, you know. I'm interested in trying some local foods, myself." Jamil nodded as he ignored her.
"Yes, it might be nice to experience some of Fleur City's culinary offerings." Malleus agreed, "Flamme, are there any good eateries in the area you would recommend?"
Rollo noted curiously, "You want my recommendation? All right then, come with me."
"Sorry about this, human." Sebek apologized in defeat.
Rollo once again took out his handkerchief and grumbled under his breath, "That's Rollo Flamme to you."
He led them away to what looked to be a cheese shop nearby. Seeing this, Lotus distinctly recalled a time when her teacher had also brought back bread and cheese shortly after she had gifted him a spatial ring she first craft for his birthday years ago. She remembered the unbearable funky taste of the cheese. However, she did enjoy the taste of fresh croissants. She remembered the buttery taste, but certainly not something she did not dislike despite the overpowering taste of the cheese which forced her to put off most dairy products for months later.
"This place is good for simple, local fair." They stopped before what looked like a cafe but with a familiar foul odor.
Lotus cringed at the smell of it. Malleus and Riddle, who had been keeping a close eye on her so as to not exacerbate any already existing chaos, looked surprise as they notice her keep her distance. Riddle noted in surprise as she turned around and stepped behind the group in disdain, "What's the matter this time?"
Hearing this, Jamil quickly noted her look of hesitation at the place Rollo recommended and questioned curiously, "Is it a cafe? I notice there's a lot of outdoor seating."
"It's actually a fromagerie-a store that specializes in cheese." Rollo explained.
"Oho." Malleus smirked as it dawned on him, "Yes, I can see an array of different cheeses inside."
This little...
Lotus glared at him in annoyance as he was hardly fazed by it and moreso pleased with his discovery. Oblivious to their little quarrel, Riddle recalled something as he spoke up in surprise, "Oh, I read about this. Fleur City is famous for its cheese. Is this a well-known store, Rollo?"
"One of the better-known ones, yes. Our city has a great many fromageries." Rollo explained with a rather calm smile, "Bread and cheese have been staples of ours for a long while. And nowadays, we produce many different types of cheese. This particular establishment also runs a cafe, and their menu is themed around their cheeses."
"That makes sense. Now that you mention it, I see the people sitting outside all have pieces of bread that are loaded with cheese." Sebek looked around the front patio curiously.
"Well, now that I've gotten you here, I'll be taking my leave." Rollo nodded politely.
"Sorry for the extra trouble, Flamme." Malleus smiled rather satisfactorily.
"You have my gratitude, human!" Sebek joined in rather pleased that Malleus was somehow pleased with the recommendation.
"Once again, my name is Rollo. Rollo Flamme." Rollo grumbled silently before bidding farewell to them, "Do enjoy your time in Fleur City."
"I'll put in our food and drink orders! Malleus, you and everyone else are welcome to have a seat and wait." Sebek declared as he rushed in only to be met with a queue line!
Lotus watched from afar as she looked around for another table. However, there was none that suited her requirement. For once, she cursed for her keen sense of smell and scowled.
"What's the matter, Xue? You seem rather displeased about this." Malleus laughed.
"Hmph." Lotus elbowed him hard in the side before raising a brow and her lips twitch in dismay, "Pardon me. I believe I spotted a rather giant opera cake nearby. Perhaps I should bring it back and gift it to Diasomnia as a show of gratitude for the hospitality. I believe Sir Lilia would be quite pleased with the gift."
Suddenly unamused, he sighed as soon as he heard this, "Very well. I yield."
She huffed before turning away. From afar, the two watched in confusion and bewilderment. Riddle hesitated with a look of surprise, "Am I hearing things? I could have sworn I overheard Dormleader Draconia admit defeat so easily."
"Were they fighting? Since when?"Jamil muttered nervously, "The way they interact just reminds me of some of Kalim's siblings. Have the two always been so close? Speaking of which, I seem to recall that Lotus comes from Briar Valley as well."
Riddle shook his head, "I doubt they knew one another for that long. Let's go. It's not good to get involved in other's affairs."
"Agreed." Jamil nodded hesitantly as he glanced at the two standing in the street. For unknown reasons, he is reminded of a couple quarreling. No. Just the thought of that makes me feel uncomfortable. He should throw that thought out while it's still fresh. Yet, for some reason, that also makes him more annoyed. This guy really isn't satisfied until he's been annoyed by her at least once a day!
After a while, Malleus hummed curiously, "Sebek is taking quite a while."
Lotus gave a dry smile, "You let him decide your lunch. I guess this isn't something he gets the chance to do very often. He's probably stuck trying to decide which would suit your palate. You know he likes to overthink the small details."
"Perhaps." Malleus muttered hesitantly, "So what is it you wish to share?"
"Share what?"
"Do not be coy with me." Malleus grumbled in disdain, "You would not have even approached us had you not have anything you want to share with me. Keep it brief."
"Don't even wish to play along, huh?" Lotus pouted in disappointment, "Very well. There are enemy cultivators in this city and we saved the mayor. Oh, and the current headmaster isn't the actual headmaster. There. I won't bother you now. So enjoy your lunch."
"Hold it." Malleus stopped her with a hand over his face as he groaned, "Start from the beginning and do not leave out a single detail."
"Now that's more like it." She smirked before explaining, "Turns out, there were assassins from the cultivator society in this city. This batch seem to be rather observant and decided to take over the city hall in hopes of stealing the city's artifact, the bell. That said, there doesn't seem to be a lot of survivors. The only survivor my people found is the mayor. Safe to say, even he nearly perished to a deadly practice in the experimental phase when we found him. He may require mental therapy for a while before he is well enough to stroll through the streets confidently."
"What happened to him?" Malleus frowned.
"Kidnapped, tortured, mind read, etc." Lotus listed offhandedly, "Based on the damage and symptoms, I'd say these people they faced are skilled in the arts of assassination. They were probably here hoping the home their skills."
"They've already taken lives? We should evacuate the city." Malleus responded in surprise.
Lotus shook her head, "Terrible idea. Those people have already replaced the majority of the higher positions in the city hall. If you set off the alarm, they will simply erase all evidence including those they've interacted with and wipe their hands and scent clean of the mess."
"They've already committed a crime and took innocent lives. We cannot let them escape nor can we allow them to cause further harm to the people. Will you notify this country's officials?"
"The only people who know about us are those I've interacted with. Including the Draconia clan, there are only a few other royal families and officials." Lotus frowned, "For now, you need to continue to enjoy this trip. If you do that, they will not be aware that their plans are leaked. Keep the other students occupied and close by. My people and I will look for my master and catch those guys off guard."
Her people... Malleus hesitated with uncertainty. Just how powerful is the princess of the Fairy Kingdom?
"Yet, we could easily take those people down." Malleus grumbled in opposition.
"Do you think we have the upper hand because we are stronger than them?" Lotus raised a brow in amusement, "There are other ways to defeat an opponent who is stronger than yourself. Some utilize poison and curses while others use others weakness. As underhanded as it is, it really wouldn't matter if it did the job. For the outside, they would get away with it. But, for caultivators on the inside, it is a show of power of knowledge and strength to pull off such an underhanded feat and would make others stand on edge for days. If word gets out that there was such an incident where half the city perished despite your presence being present, I'm sure those old fogies wouldn't mind keeping you in the castle for a while longer. Granny would also be quite pleased, don't you think?"
"Ugh…." Malleus hesitated as he knew she was right. If something that horrible happened under his watch, not only would it become a thorn in his side but he will also receive an earful from the Queen herself. He shook his head, "Seeing as you have everything under control, what do you propose we do?"
"Well, what do you think we should do?"
"Huh?" He looked to her in confusion.
Lotus sighed, "You've never left for another country before, right? For your first task in this situation, what do you think we should do?" Lotus turned the question around calmly.
Surprised, Malleus was left in deep thoughts before opening his mouth. Laying low was indeed the best choice to make in this situation. He's been a student for such a short time, but the relief he felt have dulled him enough to nearly forget the other part of responsibility of being part of the Draconia family. This comes first before being a house warden or being a student of one of the most prestigious schools. He had thought it would be fine to be a student a little longer, but perhaps he should start picking up his magic a little more by now. He'd receive an earful from Lilia, otherwise. He could imagine him getting a scolding from him. However, in this situation, Malleus had to ponder the best action for this scenario. His role and position. In this case, he should...
He opened his mouth, "If that's the case, then it would be better to wait and see. Since its the first time in years when you last seen so many cultivators, will you be joining us at the VIP box?"
Hearing this, Lotus sighed, "I wish I could attend. However, I have another play to script out. However..."
She sighed, "Knowing the prefect is so attached to everyone, you may as well have someone familiar to give you guys a tour. If you do, perhaps, I'll indulge you with a gift."
Malleus hummed. So, if he plays his cards right, he will get something from her? Is she testing him? Yet, it was obvious from the words she spouted that this shouldn't even be a question. He was annoyed yet interested. A weak human, who has this ability to cultivate and gain longevity which long surpasses ordinary humans, dares to challenge him, a descendant of the Draconia clan. How amusing...
"Then, I expect that reward to be highly sought after." Malleus smirked.
"Well, that's easily done." Lotus smiled, "Then, why not I give you something to begin with?"
Lotus handed him crumbled handkerchief and smiled as she whispered something quietly and smirked. Hearing this, Malleus's eyes widen before he laughed out loud, "Hahaha! I can't wait!"
"All right, I have our snacks!" Sebek hurried back with a large tray of food only to look to them in confusion, "Huh? What happened? Why is my liege chatting with the human?"
"Just chatting in private-" Riddle paused with a look of surprise as a rich and savory smell drifted around the table It was enticing! He looked at the sandwiches in surprise, "Wow... It smells amazing."