Today was a day off for the worker's everyone was getting ready to attend Kylah's birthday party, today Kylah turns four and her party will be keeping after the party she will be sent to Jamaica to stay until the war has cooled down.
The party was very big guards were there and everybody will be there luckily Kylah has more adults than kids, so she was looking forward to more expensive gifts.
The party wasn't of any particular theme it was just colorful with unicorns and all those stuff the men were carrying the decor by the back while Leah was getting her and Kylah ready for the party Kylah outfit was already picked out so they got ready quickly heading to the venue Mikah had given them.
Meanwhile, the boys were on their way also Joel was bringing a girl he said he is dating she was a pretty girl but she wasn't his type nor was he really her type he wanted time she wanted money so I guess he pays her to spend time with her.
Kim, on the other hand, was having some desertion issue he hasn't seen Leah since last night and it was taking a toll on him he was cranky and rude at the moment because he wanted to see her, maybe in a thousand years he will never admit that he can't live without her but that's the truth about it.
Leah kept him sane and occupied, he felt like he could do anything around her and not be judged he loved her and she loved him, but it will be forever rough on him because during the day when he is not at work and she is at school he will sit at the gate in his car and text her or sometimes he just enter her room and lay around in there until it's time to pick her up.
Amalee got even closer to Leah since they live in the same house Amalee has a girlfriend, she got with her good while now but she liked Joel more and she didn't want to confuse things so with Joel it was just business she was also bringing her girlfriend so the night was about to be toxic.
Leah was now at the venue and Kylah was all over the place she had a party every year but the older she got was the more she understood what it is and the more she got excited about.
Everyone was turning up and the party was now in full swing, the bounce house, water slides, unicorn rides everything was amazing.
Kylah was having the time of her life Leah was at her first official birthday party and even though it wasn't hers she was having the time of her life with Kim right behind her she knew how clingy he gets and it was never a problem as long as they were having fun together.
Jessica was at home plotting against her son, she couldn't even make it to her granddaughter's party she knew she didn't want to plot against Mikah but the money sounded more to her even though Mikah could give that to her in a second and not pressure his bank account she was in on it along with her husband and someone else.
After Mikah Dad died Jessica got with the man she was having an affair with and he never liked Mikah even though Mikah didn't know him and that was the funniest thing, he plotted against Mikah day and night at times he wouldn't sleep and Mikah wasn't worried about him.
Mikah had his team and everything in his corner to defeat anyone that stepped to him in Atlanta Mikah was about to step down from the drug business anyways he was going to hand it to Kim and Leah and they split it with the rest of the gang by the time he did that she would be finished with high school and Emily will be released from the Rehabilitation center and they could spend more time together, well that's how Mikah planned it out.
The place was in a buzz there was food their enough to feed the whole community and left some, Kylah was having the time of her life she didn't even miss her mother and she stopped caring about her long time ago.
It was now time to cut the cake and everyone was gathering around Kylah had five birthday cake one was for decoration and the rest she had to cut one was for the family and one was for the guess, everyone sang happy birthday as she jumped up and down in Leah's hand she finally got to the cutting of the cake after she blew out the candle and with the help of Leah she cut the cake and then went to play.
The ladies share up the cake that was supposed to be shared and they put up the family one.
Everyone was having a good time