Mr. Goblin was not a smart goblin. He had not wiseness, intellect, or simple cunning. Mr
Goblin did have one thing considered excellent, his shedule. He awoke from a nap, went and walked 16 steps or so, the creatures quieted down, and he munched a little. This was ingrained into his bones. Any change is obviously extremely noticeable. This nap, a large inconguency occured. There was no noise. Those tiny green (You have no idea how much I wanted to put some curse words, but I want to wait for readers opinions) things are always noisy. Every second besides his munch time is full of small noises. As a gooblin with a set schedule, he went out of his tiny little cave to check on them. He pokes his head out of the hole and takes a long glance in a 180 degree arc.
"Hmmmmm..... nothings wrong back to nap."