Chereads / The Devereux Family / Chapter 4 - Into hell.

Chapter 4 - Into hell.

"Azrael, are you sure about this? What if they recognize you, and then what I have already lost, my daughter, I am not really to lose my son now."

His mother-in-law sounded worried, fear echoing in her voice loudly. "I doubt that they will even remember Mother. People like them don't care enough to remember faces, I was wearing a mask, so I don't think that they will know." He sighed the minute that Alex Grey handed him the contract. He was confused by the man, not even asking him to see his face.

"It's weird that he didn't check your face, though. Do they normally just do that , I mean."

she asked, clearly as confused as he was. "No clue, but at least it worked." he said while his glowing blue eyes were fixed on something. "Just be careful, son, for Alonso sake." she said a mother who never could stop worrying about her son.

"I will mother, I promise. " He said, feeling the warmth flowing back into him. Just then, a loud honking sound broke up the conversation. " I gotta go now. Mother will keep you up dated."

He hung up the phone, closing the laptop he made on his lap. It's screen glowing with the image of something. Outside, a black car waited its headlights, cutting through the harsh darkness.

Azrael walks out of the shabby apartment that he had rented not far away from the main city.

He walked gracefully, effortlessly down the steps , each muscle tensing and releasing, with each movement made under his black suit. His chest was clearly well defined, the buttons struggling to hold onto the material. Cain, as promised, was on time. His eyes widened on seeing Azrael's face. He did not think that his man would look like that. At first, he thought maybe it was a model walking towards him, but as soon as he spoke, he knew who it was. Ruth, he thought stunned.

Ruth(Azrael) walked to the passengers side as the back seat was taken up by three other men, and each of them had bodies made of muscle and tattoos. All of the men wore the same suit, consisting of black pants, jackets, and a white shirt. The men inside the were silent, each looking with questioning eyes, asking each other how this man could not be a part of them.

Cain drove silently, sometimes glancing over at Ruth, wondering how he missed this. But he then locked his eyes on the road. After a few minutes, the men had reached the black rose, as usual, the club was filled lines snaking around buildings and wiving in and out, people were getting impatient but didn't dare to complain as the club was hard to get in and just getting in was something to brag about. Many came early waiting in the cold just to get in.

"Right boys follow me." Cain said after parking the car in front of the club. Following his lead, everyone got out and followed suit. Everyones' gaze fell onto Ruth, as the air around him just turned magnetic. He had everyone mesmerized , the people in the front of the line lended in for a better look. They entered the club, and it was empty, making it look abandoned. The staff was scattered all over , some cleaning the bar and polishing the glasses, while others mopped the floor. The DJ was setting up , going through songs and Playlists .

"Right boys in a line."Cain said , following his orders, they lined up in a vertical straight line , placing their arms to the side. Cain placed a hand tag on the front of their suit's coat, and each of them had their names engraved into them on. Afterward, he stood in front of them, clearing his thoart , " Right, boys, so here are the ground rules. Number 1.) Do not kick out the pretty girls, 2.) If there is a group of guys more than two, do not let them in. 3.)Check out how the guys are dressed , only let in those that look like they have money, 4.) Do not get into a fight with the customers inside the club. 5.) The most important one if a Vip calls you follow them. Ok, right, that's all. Now for your positions, Liam, James, you two will be outside letting in the guests, Ruth and Sean on the dance floor since you four are new just ask the others if you need help they will be here on the dance floor and with you by the entrance. Do you understand. "

"Yes, sir." They all screamed loudly in unison.