Calliope hit the ground hard. Really hard. She didn't react quickly enough to break her fall, resulting in scrapped knees, scrapped hands, a cut lip, and a painful blow to the head. When she managed to lift herself up by her elbows and turned around, her heart dropped and her eyes widened like a deer in headlights. Lilith was standing above her, standing in a cocky pose and wearing a menacing grin.
This girl named Lilith has bullied Calliope ever since she made the decision to be silent. Lilith is a girl from the same school as Calliope with blood red hair, black eyes, and what society calls the perfect body: tall, slender, and a pretty face. In school society, she is considered popular and the obvious candidate for prom queen. In fact, she has won prom queen for the past two years in a row. Why Lilith chooses to specifically bully Calliope, is a mystery.
As realization struck her, Calliope began to slowly inch away from her assailant. Lilith has always enjoyed the cat and mouse game, so she let her inch away a little before kicking Calliope right across the face.
Calliope fell to the ground again, this time with blood spewing out of her mouth. It was a few seconds before she registered what happened and heard the laughing, the laughing that haunted her nightmares.
"You fat slut!" Lilith yelled at her before kicking her in the stomach this time. Calliope grunted and more blood dripped from her mouth.
Lilith said, "I saw you crying CALL-Y-OH-PA. Why were you crying this time you big baby?" Lilith has always liked to make of her unique name. Calliope didn't answer and curled into a fetal position to protect herself from future blows.
As she expected, there were future blows. Lilith continued to kick Calliope until a small plea escaped from her mouth. Calliope murmured, "Please...stop..." Lilith's only reply was another fit of laughter and another strong kick.
Calliope has only fought back once, and she remembers that Lilith had fractured her nose, and she later had to reset her nose herself. Ever since that mistake, she just accepts beating after beating from her bully.
She assumes that she receives these beatings because Lilith is bored and has nothing better to do. She assumes that she is just a pass time. However, she is grateful that Lilith didn't have her minions with her today. When Lilith brings her crew, Calliope is left with more than just a few bruises.
For a good few minutes, Lilith kicked her time after time again. Silent tears streamed down Calliope's face, and she stifles her screams. Like with many other things in her life, she just thinks that no one would care anyways.
At noticing Calliope's tears, Lilith chuckled to herself and yelled, "Crying again? That's all your're good for anyway!"
Calliope squeezed her knees and buried her head in her chest, preparing herself for more kicks. She got lucky because Lilith's blood lust finally eased. She only smiled to herself as she walked around her prey lying on the pavement.
"You're worthless," Lilith said just loud enough for Calliope to hear. "You're just a wast of space. Just do everyone a favor and disappear." And just like that, Lilith strolled away.
Lilith just walked away from the bloody scene she created, all with a big smile on her face.
Even though her bully was gone, Calliope stayed curled up on the ground. She took the words Lilith told her to heart. She could feel blood dripping from her nose, and didn't make any effort to wipe it away. The girl made of song and sorrow laid on the ground bleeding, and this time not bothering to stifle her sobs.
A good while passed before she got up and limped the rest of the way home.