Chereads / Leaving The Past Behind / Chapter 1 - Chapter One

Leaving The Past Behind

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As perfect as she seems with her gorgeous hickory complexion, that completes her sweet cheery smile, Rosie's past that she just can't seem to get away from slowly unravels. Her new start at life doesn't go as she expected: Crossing paths with Joshua King... but don't think he doesn't have a past to reveal. To some, Joshua is seen as heartless, but on the inside, he's just trying to protect the people he cares for the most. Rosie and Joshua may not get along in their first encounter but that still doesn't stop her from finding friends who she can trust with her life, with them also trusting theirs with her. With everyone's past waiting to be revealed, will it all just end in chaos? Is everyone telling the truth? Will this story end with a happy ending?

Chapter 1 - Chapter One

"This is it Rosie!" my mom said excitedly.

I stared out of the car window to see what looked like a mansion. I wonder if we're in the wrong neighborhood or something?

"I wonder who are our neighbors are?" I said to my mom as we pulled into our driveway.

"So do I. Maybe we can invite them over for dinner in the future."

"This is our new home?" I was confused because my mother didn't make a lot of money.

"Yeah, hun this is our new home. Your uncle Ian helped me with half of the expenses to buy this house, so you don't have to worry too much about it."

"Uncle Ian, I haven't seen him in forever. How is he?"

"You're just in luck, he said he'll be coming over in a couple of days to see how we've settled into the new house, but also for the food as always," she said with a grin

My Uncle Ian is my mom's older brother. He always fulfills his promises even the stupid ones like chugging a whole bottle of spoiled milk because he lost at a bet. I have never heard him say no to anyone. He is super funny, I have not seen him since the-

No Rosie today is a happy day this is no time to cry, I have to pick out my room!

"This place looks like a mansion I can't wait to pick the biggest room and decorate it! I am gonna inspect every room to see which one is bigger... And, of course, you have left already for the biggest room!"

"Yep!" she shouted from inside the house

"That is so unfair, I wanted the bigger room. Wait for me to see who gets the biggest room. How about we play rock, paper, scissors to see who gets the biggest room?"

I and my mom played three rounds of rock, paper, scissors. She won but I think she cheated.

"Least I get the second biggest room! I still think you cheated, I am watching you!"

"You're just mad because I got the biggest room." she scoffed but I could hear her little giggle.

My mom always wins at rock, paper, scissors sometimes I think she is cheating. She has nice coily, raven hair just like me and brown beautiful eyes, when you stare into them it feels like you're hypnotized, well that's what I think when she tries to get me to do something for her. Sometimes I feel like she is a witch or something. That is what my dad used to say. I have some features from my dad, but mostly from my mom."Whatever." I muttered under my breath."You might have won the battle, but I will win the war!"

The truth was I was happy that I and my mom were talking more and having a little fun. I haven't had fun in a while. I have not seen my mom smile as big as my dad made her smile.

"Whatever you say loser," she said, sounding cocky as always.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm gonna head upstairs to the SECOND BIGGEST ROOM and put up my luggage. I'm probably gonna explore the town a little."

"You sure about that Hun. I don't want you to get lost or hurt. You sure you're gonna be okay?"

My mother worries a lot, so I know how to stop her from worrying too much is to call her once in a while to let her know I'm fine.

"I'm gonna be just fine, I have my phone that has a map to show me where to go. My battery is not going down anytime soon, and I will call you if I find myself in trouble." I said, sounding confused remembering I needed a place to chill when I get bored since I'm not gonna make friends anytime soon.

"Well, okay I'll give you some money in case you get a little hungry, but don't eat too much you have to save some for dinner. Maybe you can find a job or someone cute, or just a job for after school, especially somewhere to hang out when you're bored at home." She tries to slide the part of me being in a relationship all the time as if I did not notice that she ended her sentence with me getting a job.

"Mom not everything is about me dating someone," I said while trying to hide my huge grin.

"Be free my little ant! Become a grasshopper or even a butterfly! Spread your wings!" she said, sounding like a crazy lady as always.

After having that crazy moment from my mom. I walked around for what seemed like forever seeing cute clothing stores, and food markets even cute people who are too attractive to not have me in their arms... my mom was right.

There was a bookstore that interested me because besides the sign was a poster on the glass that said you can become a member and get free books which's amazing. The store was surprisingly big and so quiet. I'll go there when I get used to being here.

I walked around a little more to see if I could find a place to buy a little snack. At the corner of my eye, I saw my favorite place of all-time a coffee shop. I went in to see if they had any sandwiches ready I saw a ham, turkey, wheat bread with lettuce, tomatoes, and all that good stuff it looked amazing. I got ice tea in case I got thirsty. I grabbed some napkins to hold the ice tea because it was super cold. While walking out I thought I dropped a napkin I did not want to litter because keeping the environment clean is what I am all for. I turned around to see that I didn't drop anything, good to know. I walked straight out of the store not seeing which direction I was going and before I can say 'potato' my ice tea, and delicious ham, turkey, wheat bread sandwich fell on a god himself. He was drop-dead gorgeous with the most beautiful black hair and the brownest of eyes that you could get lost in, but the gorgeous god made himself less hot with the words he said next.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" I was dumbfounded by his response but was still shocked a person like him was in front of me.

"Are you just gonna stand there staring!" said the god himself rudely-

"Whelp... A shitty rude god." I muttered so the asshole couldn't hear me. Me being the so civilized young adult, I said something that sounded more like him.

"You piece of shit! My poor sandwich fell on a jerk like you I should have tripped and fell and subtract you from the equation. Instead, my sandwich had to fall on you. At least you can say sorry or don't be such an ass." I was sad that my sandwich/friend who I was gonna eat fell on this jerk.

"I say sorry to you when you spilled ice tea and your sandwich juice all over me for YOU not watching where YOU'RE going."

I have had enough with this gorgeous god shenanigans, I picked up the food and put them in the nearest trashcan. I walked away from the gorgeous jerk himself so I could cool down a little. I hope I never see that asshole again.

When cooling off you never know where you're going because out of nowhere I saw my house in the distance of the driveway. I was just getting back to reality, I still am wondering how I got home in one piece. I was back home and calmer than before.

I told my mom about the "incident" she just told me it was my romantic moment like in the movies. That this was the starting of my "love story". I think she has been in this house way too long, she may be losing a little too much oxygen. At the same time, I would never date a jerk like him. Yes, the jerk was gorgeous, but on the other hand, I am hoping I never see him again.

I went upstairs to unpack more of my luggage and see what improvements I can do with my room in the future since it didn't feel like me.

After what seemed like hours of all the clothes and fixing my room again after making space and fixing everything, I just need a couple more hangers for my shirts I may just put them on a chair for now. It has been at least three hours since me and my mom have spoken I should probably check on her.

"W-what are you up to?" I said after I almost fell while walking down the stairs. Sometimes I am just so clumsy.

"I was just searching up cooking recipes online to see what I can cook up, but I took a little longer than I expected, and it's getting kinda late, and cooking up dinner now will take even longer and you have to be up early for your first day of school. Therefore, I am just going to order a pizza; I was just about to call you to see what type of pizza you would like, but you can tell me now."

My mom looks super tired, so to speed up the process I just asked for rootbeer with a double cheese meatball pizza with a lava cake, which is my favorite.

"Yay! I am starving as well, so maybe I will get a lava cake too, I love the powdery sugar they put on it, so yummy. While I order you can go shower at the same time it will only take about twenty minutes you should be done by then."

"Okay, but I won't be done until a couple of minutes after, so just take out two slices of pizza for me or three."

"Sure, but if you take longer I will have no choice but to eat the slices of delicious pizza so I will time you when I press this button you will be down here only a couple minutes after or before the pizza no more than a couple of minutes THREE...TWO...ONE...GO!"

I ran upstairs which was maybe the fastest I have without falling. So you can now call me Usain Bolt because I went lightning speed. Hey, you can even call me Barry Allan either one I find a compliment.

One minute had passed already so this was a fight that I had to sacrifice some things to win. The shower was on but I didn't pay attention to the setting it was a death situation, I think I was just being overdramatic. I was done five minutes later I took a little long in the shower because I love the water, but I can't swim for shit ironic right. Later getting out of the shower it took me three more minutes to pick out my favorite oversize shirt because I hate pants.

Usually, I tie my hair in a bun which usually takes about ten minutes, but it felt like an hour it took me three minutes to give up it was frustrating me, but I had no time I just left it out because it was taking too long and mama gotta eat! I just can't let my mom win the larger bedroom, and the delicious slices of pizza. Usually, I am on the go before you can say potato, but I don't do well under pressure, thirteen minutes I took I think I did pretty good I might just play some games on my phone to speed up the process.

"Ugh, I lost again at my fifth try!" I said being a little unsure while remembering I should take a peek at the time because only five minutes have passed... Right. No, I was wrong before I can even blink I ran as fast as I could I think I might have broken my phone, but I did not look back it was either pizza or phone right about now one of them is way more delicious than the other.

"I WASTED EIGHTEEN MINUTES!?!?" I said angrily, but sad.

The pizza was there for at least five minutes should not be that much or less. I have no clue if my mom ate the slices all I knew was that I was running faster than the speed of light I was in the kitchen out of breath trying to see my mom eating her piece of pizza I panicked was this it, but looking over the side of her I was surprised to see a plate with three slices of pizza next to a small box which I guessed was the lava cake.

"Oh, thank the pizza gods!" I said in victory.

"Yeah took you long enough. As you can see I did not eat your slices of pizzas I was about to but... Instead, I wanted to change the offer." She said suspiciously.

It can't be that bad. Well, I was wrong.

"Tomorrow is your first day of school if I'm not correct. I will drop you to school instead of you taking the bus, and when you leave the car... I will kiss you on your forehead while saying 'Bye little ducky!!!' and everything with my motherly love. You will also say 'I love you too mama duck.' while bowing of course." She said with a grin that fit across Jupiter.

I thought this woman was crazy, but then she said one of the worst offers in the world, I thought I almost had a heart attack.

"OR you can admit you are a loser at rock paper scissors, and that I am not a cheater without mocking or sadness."

I thought long and hard about this decision either to be embarrassed or be embarrassed, so I chose the one, and only choice...

To be embarrassed, but with way, fewer people are around.

"I choose the second option... Oh, wise one, you are better at rock paper scissors, and I am a loser who no longer thinks you cheated in rock, paper, scissors. Use your powers wisely spread your wings like a true butterfly!"

"I will little ant, one day or never you will become a grasshopper."

"Oh, I will," I said, smirking secretly planning my revenge.

After that whole moment, we headed to bed and the next day was when I was filled with adrenaline to spring out of bed gracefully.

Bitch, you think I am a ballerina. I fell off the bed hearing the annoying sound of my alarm like it was the sirens of the annual purge.

I showered with my new vanilla body wash, that I have been craving to use. I got my uniform set on the bed and since you can either wear pants or a skirt I chose a skirt because I was feeling a little feminine today.

I sprayed my hair with water and left leave-in conditioner so my curls can be more definite making myself look like 'I woke up like this-' while eating some eggs and toasts with tea. I woke up at six o'clock sharp and was ready at seven exactly, and wasted a couple of minutes watching a show while my mom got ready for the day of her job interview while I'm at school fun times.

My mom was ready to drop me to school, so she and I headed to Josiah Henson High School where their mascot is a crow. Pretty cool. Hope they have sports I can play or clubs. Crows are usually seen as a symbolism for strength. Right?

By 8:30 I was there when everyone is in class so I can head to the office for my schedule and make my way to class with not many eyes on me.

I was in the office, said I was new all that stuff the receptionist gave me a schedule and a slip since I was sorta late to class. I made my way to the class which first was math, the subject I hate the most, my day is not going so good, but it could be worse.

What felt like forever, I finally made it to the room! Damn this school campus is huge!

Me being awkward and a scared little cat went straight to the teacher giving him the slip the receptionist gave me so I won't get in trouble for being late. I am just so cool and bad. Even though I was just late because I could not find the classroom and had to do all that new student jazz.

"Hi, my name Rosie I am the new student." He introduced himself, his name is Mr. Bagel (but the color with an added 'L') what looks like bagel the bread.

Coming to reality he said I can sit down in the empty seat next to Joshua King and when I saw his face, my face went pale as I had just seen a ghost not because of his features but because who he looked like...

You guessed it, I have to sit next to freaking drop-dead god gorgeous asshole himself I am regretting saying 'I hope I never see him again' because I think I jinxed myself!

"My luck great, but I never had much, to begin with," I said muttering under my breath.

Walking to the seat slowly dreading coming to this school, even more, I saw in the corner of my eye girls eyeing me like I have done something wrong, and the boys were just smirking. I sat down next to the idiot took out my books, and ignored the eyes, especially his.

This day cannot get any worse, I was wrong again. The idiot spoke, I jinxed myself while thinking wow!

"Well, if it isn't ms. Clumsy herself."

"One what makes you think I am clumsy I spilled my ice tea and my delicious ham, and turkey sandwich on you once and you already have a nickname for me real classy," I said annoyed that I talked back.

"Least it ain't a slut or a whore," I muttered so he could hear.

"Hey, thinking kind of dirty I see. If you wanted to sleep with me all you have to do is ask that's what all the girls do lately."

"Oh, you're a man-whore who thinks girls will fall at your feet just to satisfy your needs. Real classy you're seriously a real gentleman.", I said sarcastically so he can hear. A little too loud, I thought.

Then the teacher turned around seeing we were not doing any of the pointless work and seeing we were 'talking' when we were just facing each other a little and was trying to form an argument about him wanting to get in my pants, ironic since I'm wearing a skirt.

"Ms. Reid you and especially Mr. King that is a warning next is detention," he said in a very mean way as if we didn't have a connection because I am the new kid and should at least get a freebie from getting in trouble, just a thought. I was obeying but it sure did not scare Alexander he sat there with a smirk.

"Wonder what you have done to piss him off so," I said sarcastically, of course, he is an ass no wonder why the teacher dislikes him.

"I am loved by every teacher especially Mr. Bagel," he said sarcastically pronouncing his name incorrectly.

"Does not look like it to me and it is Mr.Bagel like the color but an added 'L'." However funny it looks and how it is always purposely or missed pronounced he doesn't deserve it especially since that joke might get old.

I forgot, what the teacher said next but all I heard next was maybe the worst thing I have heard today. Trust me I have heard bad news this was one of them below the many things.

"Rosie and Joshua I said no talking you can spend your time detention alongside Joshua your new 'friend'!"

"Wait, what did you just say!?!" No, I cannot be in a room with that piece of egotistic shit!

"You heard me Missy or do you want another detention." I now understand why Joshua is the way he is with Mr. Bagel.

"No, sir! I was just surprised." I felt like I was talking a little too much, but shocked that a teacher gave me detention, and on my first day!

"Two days of detention it is alongside your buddy too so no worries and no talking."

Oh, no shit. Thanks, captain obvious, no talking in detention isn't that what it is all about.

"Mr. King, I wish your little gang was here I could have given them all detention, but looks like there is a recruit to the team guess I got one at least." he said focusing all the anger on Alexander which was stupid why did he have to give me detention, because of Alexander, and his 'gang'.

"Wait for what!?!"

"Just great I have two detentions, and with Ms. Clumsy ass!" sarcastically he said.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed my first ever chapter. I have been working on this book for a while even though the grammar isn't the best I hope whoever reads this enjoys the story till the end. Maybe I can even edit it when I am more experienced in writing. Stay safe, wear a mask, and stay hydrated!