Kace wanted nothing more than to hide in the background quietly as the airship began its descent. However, it seemed like a peaceful homecoming would never happen for him. Soon the cheers that had been aimed at Vaskra took a sudden turn. First, they began to notice the strange dark-skinned goblins hanging from the guardrails. Especially since they were doing all they could to get the females' attention in the crowd.
Soon, however, shocked gasps escaped from a select group in the crowd. These came from the Eljeins'. They had spotted Grugda hanging on near where the boarding plank would be let down. The crowd began to stare at them in confusion. It was, after all, just a single Eljein. However, most of those currently present did not know what Grugda looked like, so they had no reason to assume that the Eljein that they were staring at would, of course, be accompanied by the Chimera.