Maybe I am over reacting ,or I am just not get the point he is trying to make.
So he is stalking my account with his two separate account that Gary and I know he has. He look at my story three times.
He block me a while ago and now he unblock me, but is restict my account from his.
I don't get it. Korbin walk back and foward as Gary read the message
Ladofthepast send to him.
Okay I am sorry if i seemed rude earlier, but i just don't want to deal with this.
I didn't answer him. I want him to know I not wanting to talk to him.
I posted a stalking post and said I am being stalk now. You know what he does. He has the balls to ask who it is.
I wanted to say" hmmm I don't know maybe you should go look in the mirror. You big fat butt licker."
I didn't i just didn't answer him.
I answered one of my other friends who comment on the same post.
She is a smart girl and she guess who it was. She asked if could ask him why does he care, but i told her to be a good girl and not say anything to him.
So I comment on his post with my other account. Well he made a post calling me out. korbins rubs the back of his head.
I played dumb though, but he still notice.
I will tell you more later.