Chereads / The OutCasts / Chapter 14 - A Heavy-Metal Supervillain

Chapter 14 - A Heavy-Metal Supervillain

Heavy Metal:

Tapping the side of the truck, I yell.

"It's loaded. Drive!"

The servant-bot driving away, I turn back to see police lining up. They get behind cover and pull out their blasters.

"Surrender," a police captain with a megaphone yells. "You're surrounded and outnumbered."

"Your blasters will do nothing," I say, walking back into the courtyard. Walking up to some supplies under a roof, I grab the supports and rip them from the ground.

"Open fire," the police captain yells. The officers shooting their blasters, their attacks bounce off my iron skin. They hit the ground, hit some other supports, and a few even hit the cars the officers are hiding behind.

"Watch out," an officer shouts, dropping to his knees as a car's window breaks.

"Hold fire," another officer screams. "Hold fire. Everyone, hold fire."

The officers withdraw, they all watch me as I walk toward them with a roof in my arms. Pulling it back, I throw the roof through the air.

The officers all scream as they run. The roof crushes a car as it lands. With no real options left, the officers all run away. Meanwhile, I look at welding supplies.

"I think these are it," I say, picking one of them it. It looks like a long metal stick. "Welding rods?"

Hundreds of welding rods all laying side-by-side, on top of each other, I spread out my arms and grab as much as I can. Carrying the rods from the courtyard to another truck, I drop them in before turning back.

Bending down to grab another armful, I stop when something suddenly lands in front of me.

"Uh," I say, looking and seeing a beeping arrow. The arrow explodes and forces me back. Shielding myself, I slam my arms down and look around.


"You know," Ms. Justice says, "If you need these so badly, you can just buy them."

"I doubt being a supervillain pay very well," JumpStart adds.

"Whether or not it pays well," I go on, stepping forward. "It's no excuse for stealing."

"Give it up," QuickShot orders, preparing another arrow. She pulls back her bowstring and aims an arrow at the villain.

The villain closes his hands as he prepares to charge us, he instead turns around and grabs something. Grabbing what looks like a bunch of long metal sticks, he starts to swing them wildly around.

"Watch out," Ms. Justice says, jumping over one of the sticks. Landing on her knees, she brings up her shield and blocks another swing. However, due to the man's strength, she's still forced back a little.

"OutCast," QuickShot shouts, backing up. "Onward!"

Shooting her bow, her arrow flies and hits the villain. It explodes and covers him in green slime. Screaming, he drops the metal sticks and tries to get rid of the slime.

"I'm going in," I say, running and jumping into the air. Pulling back my sword, I slam it down and hit the villain.

Sparking flying off as I hit him over and over again, he once more back away. His back hitting a wall, I pull back my sword and send it forward.

The metal man grabs my sword in mid-thrust and pulls it back, along with me. Screaming, he then throws both the sword and myself.

Ms. Justice:

"Head-up," JumpStart yells, the three of us watching as the man with metal skin grabs SpeedBlade's blade. He pulls both the sword and SpeedBlade back before throwing them forward.

SpeedBlade dropping his sword, I run to catch him in mid-air. The two of us fall to the ground. I help him up.

"You okay," I say, getting back on my feet.

"I'm fine," SpeedBlade answers. He said he is fine, but he doesn't look fine. Without any warning, he starts spinning around, his head going up and down.

"My sword," he cries," Where is my sword? Where is it?"

"I have no clue," I say.

"No, no, no," SpeedBlade yells, rubbing the sides of his helmet. "Where's my sword? I can't fight without my sword. Where did my sword fall to?"

I'm about to help SpeedBlade look for his sword but stop when I hear JumpStart.

"Head-up," JumpStart yells again.

Turning, I see the Metal-Man charging toward QuickShot. She tries to stop him with some more slime and explosive arrows but it's no use.

Charging right through the arrows, he reaches QuickShot and swings his metal arm. Hitting QuickShot, she's sent flying through a wooden support beam.

"QuickShot," I scream, leaving and running to help her.

However, Metal-Man blocks me off. He gets in front of me and spread out his arms.

"Leave," he says. "Now. Your shield cannot do much against my iron skin."

"Let's see about that," I say, running toward Metal-Man. Metal-Man seeing me swings his fist but I rise my shield. Holding my shield at an angle, Metal-Man's fist slides right off and into the ground. Now with him hitting the ground, I take the chance to attack.

Spinning around and jumping, I hit Metal-Man with my shield. Hitting him right in the face, he steps back while holding his mouth.

"Not bad for just a shield uh," I say, landing on my feet.

Putting down his hands Metal-Man then charges toward me. I bring up my shield and prepare for whatever he's going to do.

His footsteps cause earthquakes as he runs, he pulls back his arm. Only a step from punching me, JumpStart jumps in from the side and hits Metal-Man's arm as he shoots it forward.

Screaming as the electricity from JumpStart's stun batons travels throughout his body, Metal-Man trips over and falls to the ground.

I jump to the side and barely dodge Metal-Man as he falls. JumpStart landing on his feet, he runs to my side and twirls his batons.

"If I remember correctly," JumpStart says, "You, or QuickShot, or maybe the both of you, told me once that electricity and metal don't mix. Too bad for this guy."

"Well, actually they do kind of mix," I say, "I mean, you're a mechanic elf. You practically build the whole OutPost."

"Yeah," JumpStart replies, his head shaking right and left. "But, well, you know what I mean."

"Sure I do," I say, smiling and nodding my head. Hearing Metal-Man grunting as he pushes himself up, he slams the ground with both his arms and prepares himself.

JumpStart and I bring up our weapons. JumpStart tapping his batons together, they crack with electricity.

"Save yourself a visit to a doctor and give up now," JumpStart says. "As long as I got these, you can't win."

"You're right," Metal-Man says.

"I am," JumpStart asks, looking at me. "Wait, did you just say I'm right? So you're actually going to give up? Yes!"

"Of course not," Metal-Man says, raising both his arms into the air. Slamming the ground, a wave of dust and rocks erupts and sent both of us into the air.

Falling to the ground, I get up as fast as I can and wave my hand. However, despite my best effort, I can't get rid of the dust in the air. It's blinding and making me cry a little.

"Don't rub my eyes," I tell myself, "Don't rub my eyes. Don't rub my eyes."

Fighting the itches in my eyes, I rise my shield and look around. It takes a while, but eventually, the dust does settle. As it settles, I see Metal-Man holding JumpStart by his neck collar.

"JumpStart," I yell, watching as JumpStart hits Metal-Man over and over with his bare hands. "Wait, where are JumpStart's batons?"

Looking around, scanning the surrounding area, I see JumpStart's stun batons on the ground, far from where JumpStart is.

"JumpStart must have dropped his batons," I say, turning back to see Metal-Man walking with JumpStart in his hand.

"Hold on!"

I run and pick up the stun batons before running to where JumpStart is. It's too late though.

Metal-Man reaching some wooden supports, he pulls back his hand and throws JumpStart right through the wooden supports. As JumpStart flies through and breaks the wooden supports, the roof they're holding collapses and falls right onto JumpStart.

"JumpStart," I yell, skidding to a stop as Metal-man turns around.

"You're next," he says as he stomps his way to me.