Kaida Endo: "You two are following me like two lost dogs. What the hell?"
Tsubasa Endo: "Now that they are of age, what do you plan on doing?
Botan Date: "Well I suppose it will depend on how much power they may have once they have awakened. Though I doubt it will be as high as Kaida's. Her hidden power emanated like no other, even before she was turned."
Kaida Endo: "Was it really that overwhelming? I feel the power coming from them, but it is lower than that of Tsubasa, you or the others."
Botan Date: "Yes, your power leaked even as a human. They are of the bloodline, but there was no presence when you chose them that was any better. They were obviously of the highest at the time, right?"
Tsubasa Endo: "That is true. I had used my clairvoyance at the time to determine which ones we should choose. These two were the ones that were showed to be the most compliant with our ways as they are. And they had the most power. Not as much as me and Kaida, but enough to be of great help. Besides, even Kaida double checked their power levels before we chose, it was the best way to ensure."
Kaida Endo: "As long as they will be of use in these trying times, that is all that matters. I fear that others may be coming soon, and our peace will not last much longer. If there are those who acted so rash as to kill off all their humans, they will be searching for more. We must protect our people and land at all costs."
Botan Date: "Yes that is too true."
Kaida Endo: "By the way, are you guys leaving or do you plan on intruding on my entire bath time?"
They both got an evil grin as they locked the door and proceeded to disrobe themselves. Taking the bath bomb off the shelf, Tsubasa placed it in the larger of the baths and proceeded to get in. Botan soon followed. Kaida knit her brow as she got a slight twitch to them, she gave them an evil glare as they had just taken her bath bomb. Her only thought, "Are they trying to irritate me today? Or are they trying to seduce me today in a rather unflattering way?" She could not decide which it was. Sighing heavily, she disrobed her clothes and got into the smaller tub that sat just behind the divider. Sighing heavily, she leaned back and dunked herself in the herbarized water. Scrubbing in the herbs, she then dunked herself a second time to loosen them from her hair. From the other side, she could hear loud sighs coming from Tsubasa and Botan. Giggling to herself, she could not help but to laugh at their frustration. This was the type of payback they needed. After all, they just invited themselves. How could she pass up such a golden opportunity to make fun of them at least a little bit to get back at them some.
Kaida Endo: "Oh come now. Did you think you were going to get to bathe with me exclusively? This bath area has four different styles in it."
Tsubasa Endo: "We were hoping, but you kind of dashed that hope just now."
Botan Date: "We were trying to be romantic you know."
Kaida Endo: "Romantic? How is disrobing and hoping we would bathe together romantic? I did not see candles or hear some kind of music you know. You might want to work on your approach a little bit more, because this was a massive fail."
Kaida began to laugh once more as she heard the sighs coming from them once again. Perhaps they will try harder next time. Till then, she was going to take great pleasure in teasing them. Getting out of the tub, she dried herself off and put on one of her more elegant evening kimonos. Asking a maid to help her with her hair and sash, she sat patiently while her hair was being done up. Thanking the maid, she turned to leave the room and head for the dining hall. By this point, Tsubasa and Botan had already gotten out and were getting themselves dressed. After a few moments, they came into the dining hall themselves and took a seat.
Sighing heavily at the table, she lifted her glass up, staring at it as she swirled its contents. Her only thought, "I hope they come out of this okay". It was as though she were there mother and worried for them as such. But it was not far from the truth. She only hoped the lords would continue to treat them as decently as they had been up to this point. After all, they would be one of them fully now. At this point, her main thought was on the fact that there was now three of them to help the bloodlines be pure. She only hoped that Aya and Bai were bearing that part in mind when they agreed to be changed. As they were not as powerful as Kaida, the possibility that they would be attached to Dai and Kano was a high one due to this fact. While she pondered this, she decided to ask if that was a definite possibility.
Kaida Endo: "I was wondering, due to their power not being as high as mine, will they mildly react like that of a lessor to a master?"
Botan Date: "I honestly have no idea. The possibility is low, but it is there, nonetheless. Does it concern you, my queen?"
Kaida Endo: "It does in a way. No one should be enslaved in such a manor unless they choose to be. And even then, I would have some words to say about it."
Tsubasa Endo: "I would not expect anything less from you Kaida. You never did like it when someone told you what to do."
Botan Date: "I do not expect anything less from you as our queen. It is your job to keep all in line."
Kaida Endo: "That is something I will not forget in the least. The burden is to great I fear some days that is almost too overwhelming."
Picking up her glass, she lifted it to her lips one last time, downing its contents in one gulp. Standing up, she excused herself and headed for her room. Closing the door, she headed for her wardrobe and took out a set of night clothes. Putting them on, she finished dressing and sat at her desk. Reading a little bit more of the one book she had been working on reading. She sat quietly, listening for any signs that her nieces were waking up. Stretching, she yawned a bit and got up heading for her bed. Climbing in, she pulled the covers up partway and tried to get comfortable. While doing this, her brother and Botan were busy talking in the dining hall. After around two hours, morning was dawning. Tsubasa excused himself and headed toward his room. Botan sighed heavily and headed toward his room.
Botan sat in his favorite evening chair and poured himself a glass off of the aged bottle once again. He thought back over the years that Kaida and Tsubasa had been here and how long Aya and Bai had been at the castle. He got an evil smile on his face every time he thought about how he managed to get three female members to his home. His only thought, "How do I get her away from Tsubasa long enough to have time with her to myself?" He sat pondering this as he rubbed his chin once again. Giving up on the thought for the night, he climbed into bed and went to sleep.
Tsubasa was in his room lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. His only thoughts being "I want to make her mine alone. But I cannot beat Botan in a fight currently. I am not powerful enough just yet. However, I cannot deny how well he has cared for us these years." Falling asleep on his bed, he got up once again after a few hours and headed straight towards Kaida's room. Climbing into her bed, he unconsciously leaned over, kissing her forehead. He softly caressed her cheek as he laid down beside her once again. The next thing he knew, he had fallen asleep next to her once again. Holding a section of her hair in his hand. Kaida woke up long enough to reach over to her night table and take a drink off of her bottle. Looking over, she seen Tsubasa in her bed again, she only shook her head and just laid back down once again and went back to sleep.
It had now been around thirty-six hours since they were bitten. Dai and Kano had stayed by their sides the whole time. With it getting close to the two-day mark, Kaida went and had two bottle filled part way with donor blood. Taking it to the Aya and Bai's room, she handed the bottles to Dai and Kano to top off with a little bit of their blood to set aside for when they woke up. They smiled at Kaida and thanked her for bringing it to them and finished prepping the bottles. Setting the bottles back inside a bucket that was chilled and set it to the side. Another rough twelve hours or so would determine if they were going to come through simply fine. Kaida spent most of that time in the library writing down scrolls once again. Adding Aya and Bai into the accounts of new vampires added to the house. Spending her day among the books helped to keep her mind off of Aya and Bai. Spending more than seven hours in the library, Tsubasa came in with a bottle and a couple of glasses. He had already spent several minutes trying to get her attention. Pouring her a glass, he set the glass down on the scroll she was working on. She was so absorbed in what she was doing she did not hear Tsubasa had been calling her name.