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Oka no Ato - After the Hill

Get to know the story of a cat named Shimasen who loves his owner and will do anything to help him overcome the depression that has haunted him since he lost his father in a major catastrophe that struck Japan in 2011.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Single Chapter

"After the collision there is a place, a place with a green flowered field as never seen, such a place to shine the eyes of those who admire him with such joy." - Tales from Shizaki Tomiagi

It was another ordinary day in the city of Sendai, the sun was shining brightly, the wind was blowing and a crowd was waiting for the train leaving from Sendai to Osaki around noon but it was late that day in question, some of them were company workers Nohoto buildings that were returning after a week working on works in that region, the various men and women were happy that their service in that city was finished and they were now able to return to their homes after a long time.

-I can't wait to get home and enjoy a good range of my mistress. - A young man with blond hair and blue eyes smiled when he said those words.

-Shizaki only talks about food haha. - a young-looking boy with black hair and brown eyes played with Shizaki.

Shizaki was sitting on a bench with 2 more men who wore the uniform of the company where they work.

-And is there anything better? - Shizaki asked rhetorically to his friend named Tomika.

-Is that you? Donn-san, what are you going to do when you get home? - Tomika looks at the boy on her right.

-... well, tomorrow is my son's birthday so I intend to bring him something. - Donn appears to be the oldest of the 3, has spiky black hair, black eyes and wears glasses.

-Do you know what it will take? - Shizaki asked when looking at him and seeing nothing with him besides the things of work.

-I spoke to a lady shortly before coming to that city and ... - being interrupted by the whistle of the train that arrived at the station.

-It's about time. - Shizaki picked up his things that were lying on the floor.

-Let's go home! He shouted loudly. -Come on Donn-san! - touching your friend's shoulder.

-I'm already going Tomika. - Donn took his tool bag. -I'm coming home, Hito. - looking at the train.

So after everyone boarded the train it left, it was almost 2 pm and it would take about 1 hour to reach Osaki, but on that 11th of March 2011 something happened, something that would change the lives of many people in that region of Japan.

-The 9.1 magnitude earthquake has just generated gigantic waves in the coastal region, with reports of chaos and destruction all over the place. - The journalist on duty spoke that day, every TV channel that day announced a tragedy.

-No ... - a woman appeared young, with orange hair and light skin that watched the news ends up dropping the phone after learning something from the phone call.

-Mom? - a black-haired boy wearing pajamas arriving at the living room to see his mother crying with her hands on her face while on TV the trail of destruction that the waves had left was shown.

-Hito ... - the woman sees the boy and hugs him tightly while crying. - Hito doesn't understand that but hugs his mother when he feels a tightness in his heart.

Hito was only 10 years old, a smart and caring boy who waited for his father to return after days without seeing him, but fate wanted to separate them on that infamous day that all of Japan was moved by the more than 15,000 lives lost after the earthquake followed by tsunamis that hit the land of the rising sun.

Four years after that terrible incident, once again Hito's birthday was approaching, and like every year the date of his father's death also, but March 12 was never the same since then, until that year .. .

-Hito! Hito mama has arrived! - Sawani was Donn's wife, one of the victims of the incident, she spent her days working in a market nearby in Osaki, trying to get on with her life but the same could not be said for her son, Hito who after losing his father ended up isolating himself and becoming a lonely child. -Hito! where are you? - looking for him all over the room. -I found you. - Opening the wardrobe.

Hito was inside the wardrobe clinging to an old storybook that his father used to tell him, tears were streaming down his face, for Hito it was very difficult that life without his father, he had no friends, he went to school and spent the day inside the room alone, his mother was worried about it and decided to do something about it that year.

-I don't want to leave, okay? - Hito said when he learned that every day that year they went to his father's grave even though his body was never found in the middle of everything that happened.

-Hito ... - Sawani looked at Hito with watery eyes, it was hard for her to see her son in that situation. -Okay, but at least come and see what mommy brought you, after all tomorrow is your birthday. - Smiling while looking at Hito.

-But ... - looking at his hand.

-Without, come and meet your new friend. - Picking up something that was at the door. -This is Shimesen, a lady told me that you would love it. - smiling when showing Hito the puppy.

-... - Hito looked at that little creature with gray fur, pointed ears, very clear blue eyes and white mustaches.

-He's yours now. - Handing Hito the kitten of the Siamese species.

Hito holds the puppy while he purrs as he receives warmth from Hito's hands in his fur.

-Cuddle him, go ... - smiling.

-T-ok ... - stroking the kitten while it sticks out its tongue as if showing Hito that he was enjoying it.

-Look, he liked it! - Sawani is happy to do that. -She is now your friend.

-Friend? - stroking Shimesen who soon licks Hito's hand. -Shimesen, my friend ... - lifting him up and smiling like he hadn't done in a long time.

As time passes, Hito and Shimesen become great friends, inseparable, Hito the best owner in the world and his faithful squire Shimesen.


-Yes, the best owner in the world.

- I thought he was your human.

-No, Futoji, he is the best owner in the world and let me continue my story

-Okay, so stay there.

-That one day it will take me to know the place after the hill, as in the tales that Hito read to me, "After the collision there is a place, a place with a green flowered field as never seen, such a place to shine, who admires him with such joy "

-Sometimes I think you travel a lot in your imagination, Shimesen. - Futoji is a black cat from one of Hito's neighbors.

-Not my dear friend, I'm still going to know that place. - Shimesen was an adult, after all, two years had passed since he lived next to Hito in his house.

-If you say ... - licking the left front paw.

-It's about time, I have to wait for Hito to come back from school. - Jumping off the wall while your pendant glows when touched by daylight.

-Are you going out at night? - Shouts Futoji to Shimesen.

-Most likely not! - shouting back.

-There's your damn cats! - an old man opens his window and throws a slipper towards Futoji who was on his wall.

-...! - dodging the slipper. - You old bastard! - shouted Futoji.

-Haha, see you! - runs to the right side laughing at Futoji.

-This is your fault Shimesen! - running across the street.

Shimesen runs back to his house, which is two houses in front of where he was, the movement of cars was very small in that place, several people had moved from that region after the 2011 incident and now few people were left.

-Fast, quick, if I'm not going to waste the time! - running down the sidewalk until you reach the front of where you live, it was a white house with red windows, and right there at the end of the street the school bus appeared revealing that Hito was almost there.

-Hito ... - standing in front of the house waiting for its owner, the best owner in the world as he always said.

Hito gets off the bus with his head down, his face was sad, but it was not uncommon, after all, that date was about to arrive, as every year he was feeling the weight of his feelings, but his face changes when he sees his companion, his best friend the cat Shimesen who was waiting for him at the door.

-Shimesen! - running to the cat and taking him in his arms. -I missed you! - petting the cat.

The cat meowed showing joy when seeing its owner arrive, the purring echoed through Shimesen's body welcoming Hito after a long day at school.

Hito was now a teenager, he was wearing his school uniform, his hair was black and spiky like his father's, his eyes were brown like his mother's.

-Lets go in! - walking with Shimesen at his side Hito opens the door of his house and enters.

Hito was about to turn 17, and still was still without friends, he went back to classes, but the trauma of his childhood did not allow him to socialize with anyone other than Shimesen, not even his mother could have a conversation with him for a long time.

-Hi Hito, how was the class? - Sawani arrives at Hito's room.

-Normal ... - taking off his uniform and leaving it in the laundry basket.

-Okay, dinner is almost ready. - Going back to the kitchen.

-Hito ... - Shimesen looked at Hito, he was worried about that week, Hito's clothes were constantly soiled with dirt or blood.

It gets dark quickly and after dinner, Hito and Shimesen were in the place they always stay at that hour, a place of their own.

-Today is another day of Shizaki Tomiagi's tale and as usual we will start with the phrase from the hill tale. - Taking the book that Hito kept very carefully.

Hito flips through the book until it reaches a page marked with a fold and begins to read the words that are there.

-After the collision there is a place, a place with a green flowery field as never seen, such a place to shine the eyes of those who admire him with such joy.

Shimesen leaning against Hito observed his owner's speeches, and thus began the night of stories, at that moment he was not just a human and his cat, they were two friends who shared the pleasures of reading together.

-Me and you together Shimesen. - Joining the pendants that both carry around their necks, the pendants had a star shape when they were together. -Never leave me ... - Hito ends up dozing off after reading his book to Shimesen.

-Hito ... - Looking at his owner who slept after reading one of the stories. -I will never leave you. - lying down beside his owner.

The day dawns in Osaki and as usual Hito leaves for school and Shimesen stays at home, but that day Shimesen was planning something different.

-Phase one, go to Hito's school without being noticed. - Inside Hito's backpack that was already on the bus heading to school.

The bus arrives at the school after 30 minutes and Hito goes down towards the main door of the school, he had his uniform washed, Osaki's elementary school was huge, every day more than 2000 students pass by, Hito did the 8 year D, he was not the best in the room, far from it and his way of acting ended up attracting the attention of bullies who pestered him whenever they could just to make waves with him.

-Eai Hito your mom washed the dirty uniform from yesterday. - Bumping into Hito a tall boy with red hair, who looked strong and robust, very different from Hito who was slight, he was snapping up with two more boys who were in Hito.

-Who are these assholes? - Shimesen heard everything from inside the bag. -Come on Hito, hit back. - tried to see through a hole in the backpack.

But Hito remains silent while trying to walk.

-What was the cat that ate your tongue? - a boy with long black hair who accompanies the boy with red hair laughing at Hito.

- Leave him alone. - A girl with blond hair who was right behind speaks to the bullies.

-Don't meddle in what doesn't concern you, Mika. - the red-haired boy speaks irritably to the girl.

-The director will like to know that. - Said the girl named Mika who was carrying a pink backpack.

-... lucky you that ... - walking away from them towards the school door. -lets go guys. - the red-haired boy goes towards the school together with the other two.

-Are you alright? - asks the girl with green eyes who smiles when looking at Hito.

-... yes ... yes ... - he walks quickly with his face flushed towards the door.

-Who is she? - Shimesen asks after hearing the dialogue that came from outside.

-Espe ... - the girl tries to call Hito but he enters the school without looking back.

Inside the school, Hito walks down a corridor towards his classroom, the school had small white tiles on the walls and the floor was red, there were windows every meter and many students wandering around, a staircase led to the second floor of the school where the most advanced grades like Hito's were.

After climbing one of these stairs, Hito arrives at his room, inside the room was green with very wide windows where you could see the schoolyard, outside there were many students still arriving even with only 10 minutes left for the class to start.

Hito sits at his desk, just behind the row on the left side sits Mika, the girl who helped him outside and soon all the desks are occupied and so the class begins.

-very well class today is tuesday and as you know we will have physical training on the court in the third half, after finishing the second half go to the cafeteria, eat and then go straight to the court. - explained the math teacher when reading a notice from the physical education teacher.

The hours pass and soon the interval between the second and the third class arrives, Hito as well as the other classmates go to the cafeteria to snack and thus the room is empty.

-At last! - opening Hito's purse. -I was already running out of air here. - Relieved to be able to get out of the bag. -So this is Hito's office, damn it is huge. - climbing on Hito's table.

-it's big right? - a voice sounds in response to Shimesen.

-...who said that? - looking to the sides looking for who would be speaking.

-Down here! - someone answers.

-...! - looking at it without believing what your eyes see.

Next to Shimesen was a small white ball with something inside.

-What are you? - looking at that sphere.

-I'm a hamster. - talking with his mouth full.

-But I only see one ball. - looking at the moving ball.

-it's because I'm in, intelligence. - the ball opens in two, revealing a small rodent with orange fur and a white snout. -My name is Gibs, my pleasure.

-...! - Shimesen looks on without believing what came out of the ball. -A mouse?

-Hamster! Going for me is different. - Getting angry.

-I do not see. - Looking at Gibs with a doubtful look. -To me you're a rat.

-Ah! your cat ... - interrupting his speech when he heard footsteps arriving at the door.

-There's someone coming, hide! - running next to Gibs who enters his ball and starts to roll behind a backpack that was lying on the floor.

A blond-haired girl opens the door and starts looking at the bag of a colleague who was with her.

-This voice. - Looking at the girl who went through the bag.

-I found! - leaving with something in their hands after closing the bag.

-is that girl from before. - Looking at her close the door. -Who will she be?

-it's my human. - commented the hamster while devouring a piece of celery.

-Your owner? - looked at the hamster quickly.

-Yes, my human, her name is Mika and she has a crush on her human.

-Mika ... - realizing that she had heard that name. - wait for a fall? How do you know that? He asked the hamster.

-I always come with her to school and see her looking at that strange boy. - finishing eating celery.

-Don't talk about Hito like that, he is the best owner in the world. - Taking the pendant you carry.

-You say some very strange things. - Picking up a sunflower seed from Mika's bag.

-If she likes Hito, then ... - looking up. -Phase two, unite Mika and Hito. - looking up.

-Unite ... - laughing at him. -and how do you intend to do that in pussy? - devouring your sunflower seed.

-With your help. - Looking at him.

-Haha, do not even think that I will help a pussy that calls me a mouse. - Rolling on your ball.

-Oh yes. - Shimesen starts to throw the ball where Gibs is from side to side.

-Wait, what are you doing? - getting sick. -I just eat...

-If you say you're going to help, I'll stop. - increasing speed.

-Okay, I'll help. - A little dizzy.

-perfect now, where to start ... - thoughtful.

-But it is very clear that I did not give in to his pressure, just because my human is involved. - Rolling still dizzy.

-I know I know. - Looking at the time. -We will!

-Hey pussy wait! - rolling on his ball towards Shimesen.

The school signal sounds as soon as the recess is over, the students return to their classrooms except for Hito's class, who went straight to the court where the physical education class will take place.

-Very well guys, today is a practice day, but first I want you to get along well. - The teacher of ed. Physics was athletic, her voice was soft and she wore loose clothing, her hair was long and straight in caramel, she was a beautiful lady and made her students look at her a lot.

-Hey you, it's to stretch and not look at me. - Complaining about 3 boys who were there, the same ones that implied Hito.

-That guy is an asshole. - Watching the students stretch from the top of the stands.

-I already heard that he likes Mika but she doesn't give a shit about him so he takes it out on the other boys. - Sniffing something.

-Let's see, form two groups, we will play a match of burnt. - Separating the groups.

-I'm going to bust you, Hito. - the red-haired boy pointed to Hito after being chosen for the opposing team.

-... - Hito is left without understanding why of all that pressure towards him coming from that boy, he had never done anything to generate so much anger.

-Start! Shouted the teacher, thus starting the burn game.

-Very well the first ball is mine, say goodbye Hito! - throwing the ball very hard in the direction of Hito who tries to deflect it, but it is hitting him in the head and his nose is bleeding.

-...! - Shimesen is left without action when seeing that scene.

-Hito! - the teacher runs to him when he sees that Hito was bleeding.

-Not this one. - a girl speaks with her hand over her mouth.

-Haha, they saw it just fell hard. - Laughing with other colleagues.

-That's not funny, Tesuka. - Mika was annoyed with Tesuka, the red-haired boy. -You could have killed him.

-I didn't do anything, he's a weakling. - replies Tesuka to Mika.

-Your irresponsible. - said another classmate.

-Are you alright? - the teacher raises Hito who had fallen to the ground after the blow.

-My head ... - Hito was complaining of headaches while trying to clean the blood that dripped from his nose.

-you better go to the infirmary. - the teacher was worried about Hito, who was still dizzy. -I can't let you go alone in that state, but I also can't leave the students alone.

- I'm going with him. - Mika offered after hearing what the teacher said.

-Would you do that Mika? - looking at the girl.

-Yes No problems. - nodding his head.

-Okay, but come back soon, okay? - looking at Mika.

-Yes. - Looking at Hito. -Come on Hito. - holding him.

The two leave the court and head towards the infirmary, but someone did not like to see Mika leave with Hito.

-That kid. - Tesuka gets angry.

-Let's go back to the game, and this time please play well. - Throwing the ball to the team where Hito was.

- Damn it big. - Gibs looking at Hito going out with Mika.

-Come on ... - Shimesen was serious and runs to the room where Hito went with Mika.

In the hospital's waiting room, Mika hands Hito an ice pack that remains silent even though she tries to strike up a conversation.

-Is it still hurting? - sitting next to Hito.

-Uhum ... - confirms while putting ice on the head.

-You want me to hold the bag for you? - realizing that his hand was hurting because of the ice.

-No ... it's okay ... - looking sideways. -I appreciate it, but you can go back. - Trying to hide that I was in pain.

-Are you sure? - getting up.

-Uhum ... - without looking at her.

-Ok ... so bye ... - starts walking back to the court.

-haaa. - Hito see himself in the reflection of the glass of the door of the infirmary, his eye was black and his nose red.

-Your human is not much to talk to, right. - Gib speaks to Shimesen

-That's not it, it's that Hito is not comfortable with other people. - Looking at Hito who enters the infirmary after being called by the nurse.

-It seems that your plan drooled, so this is where I dispense with pussy. - starts to roll inside the ball.

-Don't even think about that hairball, we have to unite these two and fix that big boy. - Thinking of something.

-You're going to get us in trouble. - looking at Shimesen

-Come on mine, which is a success. - rolling Gib back.

The school day ends and Hito returns home, in his backpack was Shimesen thinking what he will do the next day ...

-Took the medication? Asks Hito's mother.

-Yes. - Going back to your room.

-Sleep well, son. - With a precautionary feature stamped on his face.

-Hito ... - the cat lying next to Hito's bed watches his owner fall asleep.

The night soon passes and another day begins at Osaki's school, Hito as every day takes his bus and goes to school and once again Shimesen accompanies him inside the backpack without being noticed by its owner.

The signal sounds at school, it was time for a break and just like the day before, all the students left the room leaving it empty.

-Hey hairball. - Exit the Hito bag. -I know what's there. - Looking at Mika's purse. -I have cheese, after all you are a mouse.

-I already said I'm not a mouse! - getting out of the bag quickly.

-Look who showed up. - smiling.

-You are a very cheeky pussy. - riled up.

-yeah, yeah, we have to start our plan. - Looking out the window.

-I thought you forgot that. - Rolling over to Shimesen.

-On the contrary ... I brought reinforcement. - looking out the window.

-What? Asks Gibs.

-So shimesen, I took all the garbage you asked for. - The black cat from the alley appears in the window, Futoji.

-You're kidding ... - looking at the cat that appears in the window.

- Just in time, Futoji. - Shimesen jumps in the window and helps Futoji to come in with the bag of rotten fish he asked him to bring that day.

-Are you going crazy pussy? - Gibs is concerned about that.

-Oh shimesen, what's with the rat? - Futojo looks at Gibs who is hiding.

-I'm not a mouse! - shouting from behind a wallet.

- I can eat it. - licking his lips.

-What ?! - Gibs is frightened by what was said.

-Hahhah - Futoji starts to laugh.

-Relax Gibs, Futoji is vegan.

-Vegan? A vegan cat?

-That's it, buddy, I abolished toxic things a long time ago.

-Actually it was because he ate spoiled food that a cat gave him.

-You promised you would never tell that.

-Haha, and I think you were the top of the food chain.

-Let's go before they come back. - Shimesen runs to Tesuka's purse.

-Are you sure you're going to do that? - Gibs looks at Shimesen.

-Absolute, that's because he threw that ball so hard at the best owner in the world. - Taking the garbage bag. -Help me open this Futoji. - Opening the Tesuka bag. -Gibs keep an eye on the door.

-This boy's purse is very disorganized. - Futoji with his head in the bag.

- Quick with that before they get back. - Looking at the door.

Sound of footsteps approaching the room down the hall.

-They are coming. - says Gibs.

-It's done, let's hide. - Shimesen runs towards Hito's bag.

The 3 run to the side of the window, Futoji jumps on top of it and leaves the room, Shimesen and Gibs enter the bags of their respective owners while the students start to enter the room and smell a bad smell in that place.

When the biology teacher arrives in the room, she asks everyone to stay put and starts to move towards the smell until she reaches Tesuka's bag.

-Is this bag yours? - pointing to the blue bag.

-Yes, why?

-Open it. - the teacher wore a white coat, her hair was short and white.

-Han? Do you think this smell is in my stuff?

-Open, let's go Tesuka.

-Okay, there won't be anything.

When Tesuka opens it, the garbage bag falls and reveals several spoiled fish inside.

-It looks like we thought it was funny. - Looking at Tesuka.

-But ... - without understanding how it got in your bag.

-Without, go straight to the principal's office and explain it to him.

-But Miss Hisaka ... I ...

-Go out now Tesuka.

The students start to laugh at the face that Tesuka makes when he is put out.

-That's what happens to those who move like Hito. - Shimesen seeing everything through a gap he left when closing the bag.

Soon the afternoon arrives, Hito and the other students are in the courtyard at lunchtime and in the classroom Shimesen and Gibs begin to carry out the next plan to bring Mika and Hito together.

-Are you sure about that? - Gibs eating a sunflower seed.

-Yes, when Mika realizes that she did not bring the pen she will look at Hito who will have two and ask him.

-And how does it help bring the two together? - rolling.

-Today has double proof that will make them come together.

-If you're saying right. - finished eating your seed.

The class resumes and as Shimesen said the teacher said it would be proof.

-Wow ... I think I lost my pen. - Hunting in your bag.

-Two? - looking at the two pens that were on his desk.

-Hey Hito, can I borrow a pen? - realizing that he had two.

-Haa ... yes. - without understanding how he had two pens.

-Thanks. - Going to look for him.

-The race will be double, and I will choose them myself. - Looking at the class. -Mika, since you're there, partner with Hito.

-Okay for you? - Mika asks Hito.

-Y-yes. - Answer her.

-That. - Shimasen is happy that his plan worked.

-That pussy ... - Gibs eating a seed admires the success of Shimesen's plan.

So the students form the pairs and the teacher applies the test, but in the end something that was not part of the plan happened.

- Taking advantage of these same pairs I want a job for next week on muscle tissues.

-Hito ... - with doubts if he would want to.

-Okay, we can do it. - embarrassed by that situation.

-How nice! - happy that he agreed to work with her.

-Good Hito! Exclaimed Shimesen.

On leaving school Hito and Mika schedule to do the work in the library where they can research.

-I'll see you tomorrow Hito! - waving at him.

-... - waving back awkwardly and at that moment he feels something hitting him.

-It was you, wasn't it? - Tesuka asks Hito.

-What you mean?

-You put it in my bag, I will find out and I will give you the biggest beating.

-I don't know what you're talking about ... - starts walking.

-I'll get you Hito! - screaming.

A new day arrives and Hito walks back from the direction of the city library after spending the afternoon with Mika researching, with the date of the 2011 incident approaching, the city of Osaki makes 3 days in honor of the victims and thus the school is suspended as rest of that week they can finish the job without haste.

-Hito Hito, you are very smart. - Mika was beside Hito taking a bicycle while they pass by a river.

-thank you. - without knowing how to respond.

-I don't know how you get bad grades at school. - looking at Hito who stops when he hears that. -something wrong? - stopping a little ahead.

-It's nothing ... - walk again

-I had an idea! - looking at the river.


-come with me! - drop the bike on the ground and pull Hito to the side of the river.

Hito tries to hesitate but ends up giving in and goes down towards the river.

-we will enjoy the day off! - jumping in the river with clothes and everything.

- I don't know if we should. - suppress with that

-What are you waiting for? - pouring a little water on it.

-right. - jumping in the river with Mika.

Hito smiles while playing with Mika, for the first time he had fun like the others besides Shimesen.

-you your kids, get out of there! A guard shouted at them.

The two leave the river laughing and go up to the track and sit on the grass that was there.

-it was fun. - squeezing your blouse.

-it was ... - flushed while looking at Mika all wet.

- how about we finish work at my house? There is a computer and a printer there and we can pass the presentation.

-..all right. - looking at Mika.

-so tomorrow is scheduled?


-Great, I'll wait for you tomorrow morning! - giving Hito a kiss on the cheek.


- ours this afternoon, I have to go. - getting up. -you come?

-I'll stay a little longer. - speaks smiling to her.

- see you tomorrow Hito! - taking your bike and start cycling towards home.

-Mika ... - rubbing her face.

-phase two well underway. - watching Hito from the bridge.

-your human is very silly in. - replies Futoji.

-he is the best owner in the world never forget that. - looking at Hito who was lying on the grass.

-is here...? - Hito arrives at a blue house with white windows, Mika lives in the same neighborhood as Hito.

Hito runs the company and soon Mika comes to see him, Hito is overwhelmed with what to see and his heart accelerates, Mika was wearing a yellow dress, with hair tied and with a charming smile.

-Hi, come in! - Mika takes Hito's hand.

-T-ta. - All caught entering her house.

-Let's go up, the computer is up there.


The two go up to her room and begin to finish the biology work that had been started in the library.

-What a beautiful house in rat. - said Futoji who was on the floor next to Gibs.

-I told you not to call me a rat! - screaming.

- Okay, now it's up to them. - says Shimesen jumping back to the ground.

-Hey rat, is there milk here? - licking his lips.

-of course you do, and don't call me that! - looking at Futoji. -Come with me.

-Lunch time. - Futoji speaks.

In the fourth, Hito begins to demonstrate that he has the ability to speak by showing his part in the presentation they made.

-Wow, you read very well, and you have a beautiful voice. - admired.

-O-thank you. - Embarrassed.

-can I ask you a question? - looking at Hito.

-Yes you can.

-why are you like this? Lonely.

-I don't want to talk about it.

I'm sorry, I just want to know more about you.

-Let's finish for today. - Hito speaks uncomfortably with that subject.

- Did you say something wrong? - worried about him.

Hito picks up his things and leaves Mika's house quickly without saying goodbye.

-What happened? Asks Gibs.

-I don't know, let's go Futoji. - Shimesen to see that Hito got out of there quickly.


-Hito wait! - shouting at the boy, but he doesn't look back.

-Hito ... - Tesuka who was skateboarding to see Hito leaving Mika's house and follows him.

Hito goes towards his house, sun was setting and the neighborhood was getting dark by the second.

-Where are you going with so much prey, Hito! - pushing Hito against the floor.

-Aar! - being thrown against the ground.

-Look what I found leaving Mika's house. - Holding Hito by the neck. -Your worm, she's just mine, you know ?! - punching Hito in the face

-... - being punched by Tesuka without being able to do anything, the boy was bigger than him and stronger and he thinks that maybe what was happening was the best for him.

-Oh, there's someone being punched over there - around the corner Futoji see two people fighting.

-What you mean? - Shimesen looks to see what's going on and see Tesuka hitting Hito. -Hito!

Shimesen doesn't think twice and starts running towards his owner to help him.

-Shimesen! Wait!

-Call someone to help, Futoji! - Shimesen shouts

-Now you will suffer, Hito! - hitting Hito more and more who did nothing, until he felt something cut his back.

Shimesen jumps on top of him and starts scratching Tesuka, who releases Hito when he is hurt by the cat.

-What is it? - trying to achieve that.

-Hito, run! - Shimesen speaks, but Hito cannot understand him.

-Meow? - Tesuka manages to catch Shimesen. -A cat?

Hito in great pain, he cannot see what is happening, because his face is swollen.

-Where did that ga ... to come from. - Tesuka see the pendant that Shimesen carries and see that Hito carries the same. -This cat is yours ... haha. - opens a disturbing smile.

-What? - Hito on hearing that looks ahead and see Shimesen in Tesuka's hands. -No, let him go! Shimesen has nothing to do with it!

-really? It looks like this cat is very important to you. - holding the cat neck

-Let him go, let him go! - trying to get up.

Tesuka takes a razor he carries and points it at Shimesen's neck.

-No ... - crying.

-This cat will be my revenge. - Leaning the blade on Shimesen's neck.

-No, kill me, but don't kill Shimesen! - trying to reach them. -please ... kill me ...

-Shimesen, for you to want to give your life for this animal means that I am more than sure to kill it.

-No, let him go ... - trying to grab Tesuka so he doesn't do that, but ends up falling when trying.

-Your useless weakling, it doesn't even serve to protect a cat. - laughing at Hito.

-Hito ... - Shimesen immobilized on the floor with Tesuka holding his neck.

-Stop Tesuka, what are you doing? - Mika shouts when arriving at the place.

-Mika? - looking back to see Mika approaching.

Hito takes advantage of the opportunity and jumps on Tesuka by knocking him down and thus freeing Shimesen.

-You damn! - Tesuka climbs on top of Hito's body and prepares to stick the razor in his neck.

-Stop Tesuka! - running towards them.

-Hito! - looking at its owner.

-Die! - making the move to drill Hito.

At that moment Shimesen jumps in front of the razor being hit in Hito's place, Mika manages to pull Tesuka backwards, taking him off the boy who was paralyzed when he saw Shimesen dying on the floor in front of him.

-Shimesen ... - trying to stop the bleeding.

-What did you do? - Mika speaks looking at Tsuka.

-I saw Hito leaving his house then ...

-We were doing school work, you weren't in the classroom when the teacher spoke and even so ...


-Shimesen ... - Hito feels his friend's life go away.

-That's not ... Shimesen. - said Futoji.

-Bischano ... - Gibs approaches Futoji.

-Don't leave me, Shimesen ... - crying. -our promise ...

-Hito ... - Shimesen looks at his owner, the best owner in the world. -I'll never let you go.

With a few meows, Shimesen's life ends, and soon after, the police arrive after the neighbors call, warning about a fight in the street.

Shimesen's death devastated Hito, again his best friend was gone, just like his father who told him stories, now Shimesen who heard those same stories was gone, Hito thought the storybook was cursed and burned him, he was he isolated himself again from the world and the school, returning to being as he was in childhood, someone without life, without friends and without a sense.

-Can I go up to see Hito? - Mika arrives at Hito's house.

-You are the girl of that day. - Sawani remembers Mika.

Mika goes up to Hito's room and knocks on the door that was half open.

-I can come in, it's me Mika. - looking at Hito.

-I don't want to see anyone. - speaks when hearing Mika's voice.

-I brought this week's homework ... - showing the notebook. -I know I'm the last person you wanted to see but ...

-go away. - interrupting her.

-Hito ... you're not doing well, are you? - approaching him.

-Hmm? - Hito hears a meowing sound.

-You can't be like this. - getting ahead of him.

-You do not understand! I lost my father to the 2011 tsunami and now ask for my best friend. - Yell at Mika.

-You weren't the only one to lose someone that day.

-...! - surprised by that.

-My grandparents lived in Fukushima when the wave hit their house in full, I lost two people I loved just like you, so don't give me that I don't know what the pain is, because I know Hito, I know . - Crying.

-I didn't know ... - doesn't know what to say. - Excuse me.

-Hito. - closing my eyes.- and I ended up triggering something, what happened was my fault, but I can help you, let me help you.

-It wasn't your fault, you don't have to do this because you feel guilty.

-I'm not doing this just because I feel guilty.


-Hito, I like you, I always wanted to get close to you, that's why I asked that day about your way.

Hito doesn't know what to say, it was the first time that a girl said that to him.


-Okay, I'm going. - with tears streaming down his face.

-Wait ...- taking her hand. -I-I like you too.

-then let me take you out of this dark, living world.

Mika hugs Hito as he hasn't been hugged in a long time, for the first time in years Hito felt a relief in his heart.


-Shimesen? - Hito thought when he heard something and looking up he realized that Shimesen's pendant was shining when touched by the daylight that passed through his bedroom window.

Some years pass and Hito was walking through a place with tall grass and flowery until he reaches a certain corner.

- "After the collision there is a place, a place with a green flowered field as never seen, such a place shining the eyes of those who admire him with such joy". - Picking up Shimesen's pendant. -I found Shimesen, Father ... the place after the hill ...

Hito was in an area beyond a hill that had a flowery field and tall grass, the place was so beautiful that it glowed.

-Here you can live for eternity with joy. - He bends down and places the photo of his father and Shimasen's pendant leaning against a stone.

Meow ...

A figure in the form of a cat appears and suddenly disappears.

-... - looking up.

-Son ... - something in the shape of a hand appears touching Hito's shoulder.

-... - looking at your shoulder.

-What's it? - Mika said when approaching Hito.

-It was nothing ... - holding Mika's hand.

-We will? - shaking Hito's hand.

-We will...

The two return to the car, there Hito's mother was holding a baby in her lap, Hito looks back and says goodbye to his best friends for the last time.

-Thank you son ... Donn's soul vanishes in the wind that blows the hill.

A year later Hito was at his home with Mika looking at some old photos.

-Son, come here. - With something in hand, I have a surprise for you.

-Go with Dad Hikeri.

-Oops! - picking up your child. -Today I will teach you a story that your grandfather used to tell me.

-what's the name daddy?

- "after the hill". - looking at a kitten that was on Mika's lap.
