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The Lost Kingdom of Celtica

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: A curse on the royal bloodline begins

Our story begins... About lost kingdom beyond time and space starting in the year 1563 on October 12 taking us In France in the dark musty alley called phantom as some called it because of something that came out of the there or mysterious things happen there.

A Hazy green,gray-aqua translusent fog as thick as very dangerous sea fog out in the ocean where you couldn't be able to see though. It appears in dark musty phantom alley way between two large and tall buildings old but made of marble brick. One building had a sign out front above the door way of a clock and had lots of different.clocks from England in the window of the store as the hands of the clocks acted strangly going back wards And forwards. The other building had books in it's window display as they seem to open , close , pages flipping from front to back and fall off the bookshelfs in the shop .A figure steps out of the shadows of the fog while covered in dark black cloak with hood covering her face and head while showing some of her hair color of pitch Ebony .

As she walks out of the phantom alley which she approach a royal coach waiting for her as she steps into it. The books and the clocks in the two buildings went back to there places as if nothing had happened. The fog behind the figure in phantom alley disappeared as soon as there was a click of a sound of metal of that odd beyond sophsictaed Pocket watch as the two people near the royal carriage watch as the fog disappeared. As one of the men starts to speak. " we have been waiting for your highness and where were you crown princess of celtica kingdom? Your mother and father are waiting for you at King louis's Royal Palace for the alliance between their two countries plus with England as well." Said one of the butlers tall and savy hair was golden like the sun and his name was Travis bermule who served the royal family silverlights for 20 years as his family has done for over 1,000 years.

"Travis are you sure about this, alliance I know father and mother want me to get married but goodness me... my heart isn't in the right state after the one who was my true soulmate suddenly died two months ago when we were last here. I still haven't found the one who killed him and why do my parents wish to push for betrothal with Henry the third's brother charlies as part of the alliance. " she spats with disgust and frowns while the coach moves forward as travas hops in quickly into the coach. " but its your mother and fathers wishes now don't tell me crown princess Silverlight you went out again with your time and space dimsonaly whatcha you call it and disappeared over hour your mother and father are sick with worry." Said Travis who was her best friend and did like her very much but was wise and could spot promble if someone was lieing to him or the other way around.

Jade places her pocket watch into small slit hidden from many people and who didn't know about it into the folds of her dress near her waist closes it shut with simple rose bud ordment that looked like it was sew on and part of the dress. " it's called the time and space dimsional pocket watch and also do you have the two crest vails that I made for the alliance and also there is curse on it so be careful. Don't drop it or ....or or." She sighs hard and looks out the window as the night sky creeped out with stars . The city lights of old fasion torches were lite one by one quickly as the coach moves closer to the palace as time moves on. " your still worried about that dream you had about getting drugged or something by someone but you couldn't tell who the man was in the first place non?" said travis's twin brother argos who was also great friend to jade as well.

" yes, it worries me greatly actally... but some reason henry the third's brother looks wicked and greedy just by being around him, while the air around him is tense and unfriendly. We did try to stop my mother queen helien and king lionheart my father from doing the betrothal to that that that .... Basterd who saw me one time at the ball with my true soulmate Prince Nathan angelus the seventh from goldenlight kingdom and lusted after me...I I ..." she started to cry and hiccupped a lot as concern between the two brothers while remembering that day well what happend at the ball .

The memory between the two brothers took them back of that day, Where the crown princess cried And was holding her beloved in her arms  but he did not died as it seems only asleep as Crystal and  other gemstone tears of sadness fell to the ground .

With a soft chiming of notes of music as the crystals and gemstones had hit the ground.

.  The crown princess did knew he would always come back he always made,kept his promise, and his word he always will come back no matter what. 

while travis and argos grew up with the young crown princess who is at age 19 years old and were like her brothers insense because she didn't have any other siblings just the children from the servents, court those who were knights, dukes and duchesses.

" calm down you don't want to ruin your makeup now princess jade and the plan you made if... if it's Charles X from the dream than his deceents will be cursed the male line would be cursed for surely which would cause the down fall of the royal family which you did look into the face watch of yours saw in the year 1700s the end of the france royal family period but it went much deeper..." said argo who understood jades odd contraptions while his brother understood somewhat of it.

Travis sighs hard and peaks out the window and notices they were almost there to the palace. " we are almost there Crown princess Jade... and we know something is going to down to night so stay close to us if possible. And also you are genius and have hidden power most men would try to go after you somehow Charles X found out about it ." said travis with concern in his voice while bit protective of his almost like blood sister even if they weren't brother and sister at all. The coach stop suddenly ten mintunes later right infront of the enterence way of the place .

Jade sighs hard before waiting for Travis and Argos to go out of the coach than opens the door for her. They helped her out carefully of the coach and down out of it. Travis went to get the two vails with the Silverlight crest of the royal family half blue sapphire top of it and half ruby.

The crest was that of two roses gold and silver infront of painting of different stones to make the esquestive picture of a wolf howling at the moon that was rising over the forest ,a golden Alicorn flying above the Wolf's head with black in its mane and the wolf was gray and golden eyes like ambers almost like they were alive . The vails were on blue royal pillow surrouned by the legendary royal flowers of Silverlight kingdom called the true friendship and true soulmate roses gold and silver .

The petals were on each rose they were actal silver and gold. Which were worth a kingdom for surely if they were lucky enough to get the actal plant that is from the royal family but very rarely get it unless the vails and the flowers were given as of token and alliance to that kingdom or empire on earth. furry of black and silver feathers swurliing like tornado as the feathers landed down on the ground. was a results from a spell unknown to the royal family of celtica only recently discovered by the crown princess of celtica . while two feathers floated somehow right into the viles that were suppose to be given to the two royal familes the one from England and the other from france as allence with Silverlight royal family.

The feathers disappeared in purple light into the vilies and the surroundings return to normal while jade just looked around and shrugs before walking towards the enterence of the palace. She was lead by a royal servent to the throne room of the French and English meeting room. The announcer announces her arrivel as everyone stands up to see her in extronalry dress that wasn't normal for the 1500 time but it worked with it the fasion of the time but no high colar surrouned her neck that sweeps down past her ankles light green and aqua with golden leaves sew into the dress where the secret pocket was holding her pocket watch the roses were gold and silver made from the actal roses them selves but some how turn into cloth. The perfume she wore was like liqud honey, roses, villinea and lastly lavender that walfled into the air of the room which some of the men turn their heads as there ears and some of their cheeks turn red of how beafutil she looks. She was like angel that came from the heavens which she stops before king henry ,king and queen of England, lastly her mother and father of Silverlight kingdom also know as celtica kingdom which became a legend after tonight that is.

The Royal announcer bangs his cane on the golden marble floors as it echos to get everyones attention while Travis and his twin brother Argos stand right behind Crown Princess Jade with twin royal blue pillows as everyone started to whisper as she bows before the king of friance , king and queen of England also prince Charles X while her mother and father stand proudly at their daughter watching the cemorny normaly carried out for the alleince. Which is done by the crown prince or princess of the royal Silverlight family. " Crown princess of Silverlight kingdom also goes by another name Celtica Kingdom who is here with her family for the allence between france and also England with her country Ireland also betrothel to prince Charles X." Jade grits her teeth but has mask like face on she was still smiling outwardly but inside she was bit mad at her parents. " Welcome everyone to the betrothal ball between my brother and hopefully my new -sister in law please dance and be merry but first the gifts tredtionaly given from the royal family Silverlight . please brother step forward towards your betroth beloved and accept the gift also alliance." Said king henry the third .

Jade turns around picks up the thin chain of one of the viles that had her family crest with two scenctens in latin friends in need are friends indeed and true love never dies no matter what happens you would always have your happy ending inscribed in gold but would never wear out like it was brand new the day it was made. She places it around Charles X's neck and growls lowly at him softly but wasn't over heard . " you really think I be happy of this and you just had to do something to my true love Nanthan Angusel the seventh. " Charles smirks at her and speaks in honey and hypoic voice which Jade resisted but her parents couldn't at all when they were tricked by him since he saw her crying near the hidden water fountain in the garden maze healing powers from her tears and also turn into gemstones lots of them strew all over the place surrounding her like stars and sand.

Also seening golden Alicorn which was actally jade who could shape shift powerfull enough to maybe take over Europe but she choose not to after all she was pure hearted not like the man on earth who were warmogglers and greedy. " what ever you mean ? you are getting marryed to me and I have nothing to do with this you think I killed your true love well I didn't.... my little Alicorn." She flinched slightly but was notice by Travis and shakes his head very unnoticeable at the time. His thoughts were here we go again and Argos notice the look at his brother's face noded as well which he frowned bit as they both watch her announce the speech normaly given for the alliance. " this vile or normal gift is made by the crown prince or crown princess his or her self made for the alliance. Do you king Henry the third and your family promous never to harm the royal family of Silverlight even if its betrothal before his or her day to be wed? " the royal family of france said out loud together. " we do." She contuines the speech out loud" do you Charles X promous me not to take me before the date of our wedding but if I am harmed in anyway the betrothal and alliance will be broken god will punish you for this if you do anything wrong to me and my family?" Charles grits his teeth but smiles anyways with out thinking of the consquses of what would happen to him and his family of the male blood line.

" I do and swear before god's throne I won't take you before we are wed." she nods before doing different words with both alliences of England and fraince saying the words of her family motos . " Friends in need are friends indeed let the allence be done and sealed recorded for all time and be known in history. I , Jade Silverlight crown princess of celtica kingdom take charles X as my betrothal also the allenince between our two countries shall forever find peace and prospherity- . she histentents for few seconds as the air changed while charles grins evily as the whole room froze those around it and was menincying. when her mother and father few hours ago didn't relized they were posioned . it was a slow killing posion that can take hours to minutes kill the victum called burns dragon's blood not easy to be traced and looks like dragon's blood sicking color hues of red, black and the smell of burnt flesh or wood in the shape of snapdragon plant but different. the flowers, down to the leaves expect for the roots which is the antidote for the posion and for other healing purpouses . this plant was a herb normaly founded in celtica and somehow in the last centery it found its way on earth, also going by another name called ruby dragon rose. her parents started to convouse and dropped down to the ground as guards surrouned the place also forcing Jade down to the ground . two guards on each side of her.

" what is the meaning of this?! Charles you sworn an oath that you won't harm my family or me or even not to take me before the day of our wedding." charles started chuckle as he walks up to her before grabing her chin and lifted it up ward hard. Jade winces in pain as the vaile started to shiver and shake that was dropped onto the floor when jade was pushed to the ground by the guards. " funny thing dear is that i don't want you and all i am after is power and money .. what else oh your land so much land its much as think of it if the king and queen died also you i would be able to rule the land and maybe even the world how ever i want , after all i did was swipped few books from your so called libaray that contains magic books also rules state if the royal family was ever killed even with spell or two prevent someone forcing themselves upon the heiress or heir before the wedding then all conquest and ect , ect will belong to the one if had drank the blood of royal member or just drop of it. which i have....when you didn't realize i am vampire but not fully which was from you . i am guessing you didnt know that?"

as charles talked jade was crying in her mind while the vale started bouncing around while her parents as this was going on never got chance to say good bye to their daughter , their sweet, smart , generious, wise, loyal and so many ways they could discribe her which as they took their last breath cursing charles while it caused backlash as two enties appeared from the vail one went into jade and the other into charles . " curse you charles and your family until the end of time also your male line will go after our daughter but meet unfitfull end and fail in all areas of life until someone in your bloodline will realize what you did was wrong and radfied it. "

said king lionheart and jade's mother also cursed charles as well on her last breath." you will be blinded and my daughter will disappear along with celtica so she will not be killed and our countriy will be safe until her return i queen helina activate the heir or heiress protection curse let celtica be wiped from the memories of man but only stories and legends be told for the time and when my daughter returns when it is right she will wake up but have no memory of what happen so the entinity in her will awaken act like protector also she will find her true love once more . beware beware of the wrath of the true soulmate if your decenstences try again like you did it be worst for them. her eyes turn glassy as she stopped moving and speaking. the surounding areas started fade very quickly

A near 19 year old teenage woken up with a start as sheen of sweat was on her face for the past three to four years she has these dreams which she could never figure out always landed on her birthday. she turns her head to look at the old alarm clock with brand name westclox on it and the time was 3:30 am in the morning. she sighs as she gets up out of bed walks down the stairs quietly not to wake up her family but unforantionaly her grandfather name travis Mcloud lee reed was awake who had twinkle in his emerald green eyes, his hair had turn ashy gray with dark moca colored hair mixed in, he was at the hight of 5'9 feet tall, and wearing his pjs along with a robe color green with silver stripes. his half-moon speticals were on his nose. he didn't look day over 60 which really he was eighty -three years old while there was two cups of hot chocolate and small wrapped gift waiting on the coffee table as he was in the anquite rocking chair the top part was carvings of a strange creature callled a griffendorus , that had four legs and hooves,a eagles head with feathers like eye brows, a fluke very long like a mermaid -whale tail carved into the wood as travis rocking and his reading book. he smiles softly as he heard soft squeek on off the steps that jade was trying to void but step on it. " i hear you my little chibi ." said while he laughing softly and keeping his voice down so it wouldn't wake up the rest of the family .

somehow he knew on the day of jade's birthday she would be awake and can't get back to sleep after that dream. Jade finelly gots to the last step as she walks to her grandfather kisses his forhead before sitting down on the golden carpet near the old coffee table that was low only came up to her abidom. " as walls pop its kind of funny how this turned into small tridtion for us." said jade as she takes the hot chocolate in a yellow mug with a bible verse on it and takes sip nearly scaled her toungle. " hot hot .....ow" she said softly to herself as she made funny face but laughs it off while her gradfather held concern for his granddaughter. " Jade, careful it's hot i must forgotten to tell you and you know me of my age its not easy to remember but there are sometimes memories can be like dream but also life is adventure where you never know where it will take you." he spoke softly.

Jade looks at her grandfather with loving eyes that granddaughter could have which he did taught her alot things that most kids would think they don't want to learn when really the elderly have alot of experneice and knowage which is like tresure trove waiting to be open or put it to good use like jade has. " that is true pop life is adventure but what's that package on the table as uselly. " she said as her grandfather spoke with a smile on his face. " True but i think you would like this present also since your going to collage soon to cetlic commuinty collage in ireland while being in exchange student program. " he said while jade grabs the present like eagle going after its prey with its talons as she tears the wraping off to reveil old wooden carve box with alicorn carved into it with two roses painted gold and silver the leaves were elmerald color as well. she opens the box there lined with red silk cusioning a palm sized golden pocket watch with the etchings on the front nearly worn down bit but still fairly new. it had alicorn flying above a forest while a wolf siting on the cliff side howling at the huge moon made of mother pearl while in the rest surounding areas of the pocket watch was in the form long the sheild crest in the words in latin friends indeed are friends in need and on the other side of the pocket watch was two different roses almost they were alive gold and silver on the back echted into it. Along with latin in words of tough love, love never dies, soulmate, trillions of years of love.

some words along the back made jade wonder in confused of what was in latin when she read it but spoke in gradatue to her grandfather for the birthday gift and asked a question about the pocket watch.

" thank you pop, i love it and you know i do like old anquite stuff but how did you get it?" she asked. " well remember when you asked you mom and dad where you came from and you being bit smarter then some of the kids at school they teased you ect?" she nods softly" yea , i remember that and i didn't know why i didn't look like the rest of my family because of my eyes would some reason glow like cat's eye and my hair would have strips of silver and gold in it some days." her grandfather looked at her with understanding know the day had come to reviel who she was but her parents never told her the whole truth no... no... no they didn't for good reason sure they love her as their own but when the dreams and nightmares started 4 years age also things started to float around the house they were fearfull of her and didn't want the goverment to find out about her.

" your parents founded you in a crib they were going to take a part the next morning because they had tried to have another child but couldn't because they lost their daughter and your mother was so indistraute and depressed, she didn't eat , nor sleep she was like the walking dead until that one morning they came into the nursery to find you asleep tucked in along with letter explaining what had happend and that pocket watch which was worth small foragute you were holding it on tightly on your tiny little hands. also your parents love you very much and your mother gotten better after you were adopted plus you have your two brothers matt and matthew." he waited for respond as Jade crinkled her nose little bit before it went back to normal

. "True Pop but why don't I know about my birthparents and why do i have this .... i don't know gramps but something tells me you know alot then your saying." said jade as she looks at her grandfather." perhap its time to get ready for breakfest and my bones aren't as they use to be say like when i was about your age. oh do not forget to feed silver Rose and wiff your two pets the last thing we need is both of them somehow i don't know how.... get into the house.. oh one more thing don't forget to do your other chores around the farm.." he said outloud but softly while advoiding his granddaughter's question or stament which ever you prefer his eyes twinkled under his half moon glasses he worn on his nose while getting up from the rocking chair then goes to his room to get dressed. as jade's grandfather she called pop leaves the family room. she looks up at the old grandfather clock as the face where the big hand hits the twelve and the little hand at six o'clock then looks down at her mug which suprisling was empty. the clock gonged and chimied six o'clock as jade quickly goes back up stairs while her two brothers mark and mathew who look like twins down to almost to the hair expect for a birth mark on matthew's left foot in the shape of a rose bud with a moon. " whooa hey squirt ..." said mark " where your going in such hurry .." matthew said while both were speaking twin speech some reason always in the morning or at random times to be funny but then again it does happen alot.

" you know mom doesn't like you running up there stairs and waking them up but you can now since its your birthday anyways." both matthew and mark spoke at the same time but jade turns around and stops to look at her twin brothers. " seriously you guys its creepy at the sametime when you do that but hey.. its cool but im going to wake up mom and dad but then again its your turn cook matthew. I hope you don't burn the turkey bacon like last time." said jade as she laughs softly while matthew just stuck his toungle out at her. Mark shook his head at the childish foolery but smacks the back of matthew's head. " ow seriously man ok .ok let's get the birthday lady's breakfest " matthew rubs the back of his head as he goes down the stairs as his twin brother fallows behinds him. Jade goes to her parents' room but the door suddenly opens as her dad was already dressed along with his black leather with a single small dove feather as embleish on the braided part of the side of the cowboy hat , he worn a checkered with red and white shirt, blue jeans , cowboy boots he was about six foot tall , dark blue eyes but as bright as carraibinain waters near islands. his nose was small but normal . which is why her twin brothers almost look like her dad expect for the elmerald green eyes which they got from on her mother's side of the family. and his hair curly between brown and blondish color that had look like obrabie effect.

" hey there my little angel and happy birthday ." said cassi her father which is his name cassi marvin reed. he gives jade a huge which muffling up her hair more then it needs to be . " dad oi....oi ..oi papa!!!!" she whines and as she struggles to get loose from his strong grip and she only say papa when its too of tight of a grip. " whoops sorry my little sunshine didn't know my own streagth and your mother is already awake now get going i see you down in bit also don't forget about filling out more job appucation just to be able to pay for college. also this is your last day here so we have to get ready to go to the airport soon your grandfather might forgotten today is the day your going to collage also im glad they are allowing you to take silver rose and wiff with you since they have their own internation horse competions also something else.... " he said as he kisses jade's forhead before letting her go as she went into her room to get ready and knowing." Jade was shocked it was today as she rushes to her room as boxs of her stuff was aready sent to the dorms of the commuinty college plus silver rose but wiff limber or just wiff for short a white abindo with gaint rabbit was sleeping on her bed while the window was somehow messterious open.

" gah oh i freak freaky forgotten about ack...." she slips and lands her butt as she was putting on clean clothes . " oooowwwwwwwwwwww. ...ita ita ouchy wouchy...." Jade winces as her mother comes into her room leaning agaist the door way and rises her eye brow." Jade are you ok? and good morning my brithday girl also im guessing you forgot it was today your going to collage." said selene , Jade's mother. selene went over to her daughter and help her up her mother had soft smile on her face , her lips were small cupid bow, elmerald eye color and brown hair mixed with black which in the sunlight it looks a golden color.

" thanks mom ..ow sometimes i hate it when i was a clucks in sentinetal pasco high school and also i did apply for a job in Ireland as a hostess for some italiain expenseve restraunt which the pay is bit higher like 12 dollars an hour and some reason its in a town called celtica kind odd if you ask me plus there myth and lore also legends of a lost princess who esaped charles but that is all i can think of right now, mom." her mom picks of wifflimber from the bed as he makes odd sound between a mew and a almost sounded like some kind pokemon voice. " Kuuu? numunmm?" his eyes open up as ruby colored as he looks up at Jade's mother before wiggling out her hands and hops back into the carrying case for normaly a meduim size dog and wifflimber was bit smarter then averange rabbit which is why he was trained to help Jade to calm down and lower her stress levels or trouble connecting with others soalchile which but wiff always went with her even when she was in high school. also silver rose as well her 14 hand that was a freesa breed mixed with a mustang which somehow turn a silver color almost golden but not quite. there also on jade's bed was her journal open up with something written on it and said .

' dear journal apparently last month i had found out that well i have fermilia amosuise polyposis disease and can cause cancer in different areas in the body like in the kidney polyps growing there or even in my large colon which they had removed and reattached to the retume. and also last week my doctor told me and my parents for ct scan and they found a mass on my right kidney and said it look like bosilk type four cyst which can be cancerous or just begline. it wasn't easy i know have support with my family and everything will be ok also trust in god as well. my encourgment is live your life to the fullest and don't worry or stress also grandpa or pop i call him said these words of wisdom to me " life is adventure where you never know where it will take you . " he is right about that and life is adventure you just need to well find it or it finds you instend its not going to wait for you or you waiting for it the other way around. even the week before i had bad break up with my boyfriend because i did something wrong and made the wrong choice . i have to live with it the choice i made and i can't turn back the time. i know i will do my best to live longer , eat healthyer, keep pre cancer away. lots of things on my mind who knows maybe something would change but i never did gave my first kiss fully talk about alot of courage about that. im so exicted about the classes i chosen at my new collage , art class, singing, equestrian classes, and yes the required courses math, reading, history. plus the the collage is huge bigger then buckinham palace and its in a castle from the 1500s but somehow its really in good shape like it was still brand new. they have place for silver rose to be kept in her own stall and the college is pet friendly for surely even for those who have disablitys t hey do their best to provide the exelent education and to succeed out in the real world. well i guess i am done writing for now catch you on the flip side in ireland, celtica maybe i will do better hopefully....

Jade stops writing in her journal and puts it away into her traveling book bag that she had since high school purple with light tone lavender-pink but in very good contion along with her cell phone, purse and she zips it up tightly as she could.

her mom called her over as she did watched her daughter writing in her journal and finished entery . she had smiled and remember the idea of writing things down in a journal to also relive stress, worries, her storys she wrote , memories and dreams.

"Jade can you sit down on the bed for me please, also your plane leaves at 11:30 am today ." said selinea who is jade's adopted mother.

Jade nods softly before sits down on the bed as her mother pulls out from her pocket a long box made out of wood thin but light made out of bamboo and sandlewood wood. she had also grab a hair brush as well from the top of a mogagny-ceder wood chest at the end of Jade's bed as she sits down next to her daughter. she starts to braide her daughter's hair starting with two long peices of hair on the side of her face as each side was braided but stopped mid way then conjoined the two brided parts while some how put in a hair ribbion sea foam green but attacted to it was of gold and silver roses as it was thread through the conjoined braided then the rest of the ribion was braided in then tied off at the end with another ribbion of sea foam green color.

selinea finished braiding her daughter's hair and hugs jade tightly. " i am so proud of you, love you always and i am thankfull for God giving you to me but i would never give up on you even have to give you tough love. i know you do great at college but never give up sweetie and you make your dreams come true that you never realize thought possiable even if you think its so far away ." she spoke with encourgment words to her daughter while jade just nods softly with a smile knowing she will be ok even after last week's break up of course with her boyfriend slash fancaee. it was hard on Jade even though she knew those dreams she had for the past four years was driving her to new area to chart and figure out what it means but maybe she would find her answers in unlikely place.

a few hours went by as everyone had gotten their chores done on the farm and it was time to leave for the airport . wifflimber in his harness with a vest strapped on him showing him as a service animal that for emotional support and antixy attacks but also for social reasons but can't be petted.

"squ-kuuu." said wifflimber while being holded in Jade's arms as she goes to get into the truck but just before she got competely in the truck. a blue bird passes her head while the feathers softly grazes her hair and lands in a rose tree with no thorns on it. it sang errier tune not normal and very unusally. Jade listen part of it before her Dad called out to her. "Jade, my little mouser get in the truck completely we do not want to miss your flight to ireland." Jade shrugs and obeys her dad ,while geting into the truck finelly and shutting the door then getting her seatbelt on while her dad drives out of the drive and on the way to the airport.