God started creating things in His Word (in the spirit), but because the fall of Satan, the reality of His Word was now evident in the world with the passion of lust that different the world from the Word.

So God started creating things in His Word to reflect His glory, but did not put His though because, His thought in things is His very person. So things were all created for His pleasure, to manifest His glory, but not His thought. He decided in His heart of heart to make a being that is not created by just speaking His Word, but made in His thought, just exactly like Him. So, He made man in His thought, but man was empty because He was made into an empty platform that was formless and void. In the light of God, man was made into the formless, empty and void earth, even before everything was created, but man still existed originally in God in the thought form of God. So it was after god has agreed with Himself (His very thought) i.e. His Word and His Spirit that He had to release man, but since man was released into the earth and every other, now has form, God had to make a form, but in reality man already exist in His thought beyond form, with His very breathe, waiting to be released into the form to become transformed in a LIVINGBEING in order to start the brief journey that will land Him into the dimension beyond His form even while in His form, His form will have no power over Him..., but man never arrived at that desired destination by God, I mean, the destination of a LIVING SPIRIT, which was designed to go beyond day 6 to day 7, a moment of resting absolutely in God. So man stopped at class 6 and became a being with common sense, but God in His infinite love, started a fresh program, to take man back to His destination, and that program, caused God His very life, of which I will be exposing even as I advance in this deep divine revelation. I had to bring this forth, to start performing the surgery of your previous knowledge that may not align, even when it seems as if it aligning with the original truth of God's very intention. This is my destiny, to finish the mystery of God and my fulfilling is dying for my Divine Course Program of which you are just reading one of my projects in Him.

So God had to use a form to create a form and the form He used was the form of His very incorruptible spoken Word, to create a form from the form His very thought (LOVE). The form from His spoken Word became the dust from the ground (earth), which He used the original form from His thought (Spirit of God that was hovering over the face of the waters) i.e. waters to mix the dust from the earth and molded a statue into a structure well designed and built and wired without life, waiting for the real man to enter in.

The spirit of God in a man is the real man to reflect His glory...

Genesis 1: 26, 27

Then God said, "let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, let them have dominion, over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and the cattle, over the earth and over every creeping thing that creeping on the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female, He created them."

So man was created, but not spoken to be, unlike other created things mentioned in the list of God's creation to reveal that man is God's mysterious secret program to thwart and destroy completely the contrary thought program of the devil. And man was created in the all of God to reflect His awe (Glory) and His dominion was not in the created things, but in the His very created thought that is to occupy a form from the earth to perform the mandate of the Source to correct the formlessness and void of the platform (earth). So man was created to rule His world from His thought which is the very body of the Spirit of God that gives life, to give life to everything that appears dead in the confines where he dwells, even the earth that has suffered formlessness and void because of the contrary thought program, so on the platform, two program is running and this program is beyond android, mackintosh, Microsoft word, blackberry or java. So, complex beyond the reach of man's thought, but man in His senses has tried to model the program and ended up causing more problems to propagate the devil's agenda to twist the mind of man in their tender stage of development e.g. Some of the things we read and watch on Medias are mind twisters, so be mindful of what you read and watch on the internet, cartoon or whatever, has a deeper depth beyond what you watch, it has more influence on you psyche and that is why sometimes you manifest what you cannot even explain. The devil has failed this time!

Let's journey further!

So man was created to rule His world in the Word of God without the L factor called lusts which births the desires of things that are fast passing away with the world, which is just like a paper ready to be wrapped and thrown into the fire where it will burn and become nothing, but left with only the mind of God that reflects only His very thought. Man was created with a form that must fit in, into the form that has already existed to form a smooth course even in the chaotic form, even before the form appears as existed in God's thought which became man, the form (earth) also exist in man, so the heart of man became a chaotic domain, with a potential decision platform, waiting to be activated if man ended up not reaching his destination, which is day 7 and let's see what happened….

Did man reach his destination as planned by God?

He (God) started the journey of the reality of the course to reflecting His glory back to Him, with His breathe. So He breath into the form He molded the breath of life (Genesis 2: 7) and that form became a living being called man, who was blank like a plain slate, but carries the potential thought of God ready to be activated in the dimension of rest, but did he really reach rest to rest? If he reached rest to rest, he would not have being laboring and heavy ladened with the cares of this world. So God came with His thought into man, but still existed as a potential seed, to activate man to start functioning in His thought. But that can never be possible except in the light where knowledge is possible.