I am starting afresh; what I shared with you earlier is just to prepare your mind to travel in the light and the language you will be hearing will be light language translated to English language…!

Right in my parlor, I have this wall clock that glows at night when there is no light as I have earlier emphasized in the introduction, and I discovered that the more intense the light before the light outage to give darkness little ground to become figure, the brighter the glowing of the wall clock to remind anyone that the light was only being turned off, but left an impression with the clock that reflects that stored impression. I also discovered what the clock does was to intimate with the light in order to absorb the character of the light from the bulb and store it against the darkness.

Everything hates darkness, because darkness tends to hide their glory, so they would always try to absorb light to outshine darkness or shine in the dark in order to be spotted, so that when the light is gone, they will become obvious to the sight of anything that can have vision. Think deep!

So when the larger light is put off (withdrawn), the wall clock reflects as leaked glory of the larger light, to intimidate darkness that it is nothing with light, but act as something without light. Think deeper! The wall clock will glow with the light and become much more beautiful in the dark when it has been able to rightly intimated the turned off light and having intimated the light, illuminates the room as a form of light, such that anyone who comes in will first see the glowing clock, (Attraction of attention that leads to favor when you dwell with the light and favor is the product of the grace of God) calling your attention to the time.

Do you know what the time is?


It spans beyond the literal answer you would want to give, so align this thought, with the question, where would you be after you have left this world?

Your answer could be, heaven…but in reality, most people does not even understand the heaven there want to be in.

Why did is say this?

Read on!

You will know why I am saying all these and why I am trying to provoke your thought, keeping you in suspense to get the full revelation. I want you to have an idea of the life in the revelation, before you will swim deep into the river of life of the revelation. I feel the same way you are feeling too, even while I am typing this….

Life's treasures are reached, when we can cheerfully endure, to learn its entire lesson and apply the knowledge as supposed.

So, I admonish you to be patient, just read on!

The son of man will be truly revealed to those who understands the time and who can be patient through to key into the reality of what He is doing in the time that we are in, and even when people are afraid of death, you we won't because where we are, is where life dwells. When you experience life truly, you will know that the son of man, is not actually the son of man as you think and that is why we call Him son of David and David called Him Lord God. So, the Son of Man we think we know is the son of God and the Son of God we now think we know, is Mighty God and Everlasting Father. As we get deeper into the revelation, you will get to know the Son of God is only but a name, that natured God, since He come to man, which implies, the Son of God is God Himself coming to man.

Think much deeper!

You need to know this, that it is not a thing of thought, it is a thing of knowledge, knowledge of the truth and knowledge of the truth, cannot be thought nor taught, it can only be trust into, because truth is the reality and the reality is the Word of God, and the Word of God is the way, the truth and the life, which implies the Word of God is God.

Thoughts are confusing when they do not rest, they become restless to be stable and knowledge can only be reached when the mind is stable, learning will be sure.

Thoughts are confusing when the foundation does not rest in trusting God

Who do you trust?

Is your trust in yourself or God?

When you trust in yourself, your trust is on self, so you trust the father of self of which the devil is, so your faith is in the devil, which implies you are faithful to the wrong course when you are selfish.

Does this make any sense to you?


We are getting there!

I emulate your patience.