I love these codes because it was birthed with the name of my ex-fiancée, JENNIFER, so I had to call it JENNIFER'S CODE.


States that if the devil in his subtlety tries to get at you to manipulate and possess your will power (mind) in order to overpower you as a man with the Da Vinci's Codes (Male) and fails, he will use the Jennifer's codes which is the female version that would always want you to enter into her, uniting your soul with hers, especially through sex.

Be careful with any woman under the devil's current eye (ci), and be much more careful with any man under the influence of the devil.


FIE CODE (FIA) has the identity of the numeric code 196 such that E which gives us the unit of current when considered as the electron power of earth (e^o= 1), so we have FIE as 691 which is the reality as seen from the spirit realm, but when brought to the physical realm, it becomes AIF with the numeric code 196. Simply put FIE is an acronym which reveals the nature of the attitude of anyone who is under the devil's current eye. Therefore, FIE CODE states, "Evil Intention Fears." What does evil intention fears? It fears accusation. Do you get the revelation now? Accusation (A=1) makes them temperamental and rude in their attitude toward the one who loves them, and A is the unit of the current of such person's thought.

This further clearly states that, "For evil intention fears the LIFE (1) that when reflected your will have LIGHT (11)"

Simply put you don't need to confront any person who is under the devil's current eye before him/she will start fearing and acting funny. All you need is to be good and stay in the light. You are such person's greatest threat if you are truthful, because you don't expect the devil to tell you the truth, so when you tell them the truth, it hurts them and they can make your life miserable if you are truthful and you stay subscribed to them. When anyone who is under the devil's current eye lies and you discern and confronts them to find out the truth, you will become a pest to them, and before you know it, they will become aggressively aggressive and will start avoiding you, because talking to you to them is like piercing into the depth of their heart the unavoidable sword of truth when you observe incoherence in their conversational flow and try to find out why, their response will leave you at wonder amazed and sometimes they could even tell you to stop policing them and when you asked questions that will expose their antics, they will feel that terribly hurt as if you have known their secret and from their reaction, you will now become curious to know what is going on, by asking more questions, such that, they will covertly start doing anything to hurt you. Anyone that is under the devil's current eye will never tell you they quit, but will leave you in the condition of hell, until you have no option than to quit. If you don't quit, then you must be ready to burn in the hell of the devil's current eye passion, which are lies and deceptions that will sound very true and appears very convincingly appealing. Do not be deceived by sounds and appearances, when you have reached the height of the pyramid, you will understand that height is not actually height, but the greatest depth of evil and that is exactly where anyone that is under the devil's current eye will take you into, I called this by Divine Revelation knowledge "THE DEVIL'S VAULT" which is simply the burial chamber of the devil, where all the souls he has stolen is imprisoned. Please don't go there, I mean do not subscribe to anyone who is under the influence of the devil's current eye (Mind).

The other way round from the spiritual dimension of JENNIFER'S CODE 1 state, "Provided fear (f) remains constant, the mind of evil (E) is the product of his intention"

This will lead us to the generation of


JENNIFER'S CODE 2 is called the FEI CODE which states, "Fear evil Intention" and the only antidote to not fearing evil intention is the knowledge of the truth which is dependent on your faith in God, which makes you confront their attitude without fear because God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind. Your nature of truth and kind heartedness makes them feel guilty even when you don't confront them, they will become very aggressively offensive toward you, even when you are literally supposed to be the one to be offended, they will end up been offended. It is actually very crazy and breathes taking to think the attitude of anyone who is operating under the influence of the devil's current eye. The attitude of anyone who is under the control of the devil kills you slowly without you noticing, because it will demean and reduce your self-worth and make you feel worthless. The prevalent manifested characters of anyone who is under the influence of the devil's current eye are UNREMORSEFULNESS, DEAD CONSCIENCE THAT WILL NEVER FEELS GUILTY EVEN IN DOING DESPERATE EVIL and AGGRESSIVENESS BEYOND THOUGHTS and LYING that one would want to wonder if such person has human conscience. Sometimes, though not a criterion, but my ex has, most ladies under the devil's current eye behaves like men, and you can even see them with some strands of hairs on their jaw, despite their undeniably and avoidable beauty that could live you brain dead if you want to keep staring and think what you see, they will key into your current thought even as you have lusted in your heart, they already know what you want and will give you the fire, even as they flaunt more of their ecstatic beauty and because they can easily detect people's thoughts signal, the moment you are lost in thought of their beauty, they will manipulate and control your mind through their seductive winks, and as they show case what they've got, you will subscribe to misery without bargain. When you are seeing through anyone under the devil's current eye, what you will see is in the codes LOOKING and SEEING and to bring the clearer picture to view, I will be comparing looking and seeing even as I am being divinely inspired.


L = S that defines L as LUSTS (false light) and S as SEX which will spring from flesh-gratification that is the product of self, meaning any lady to be specific that is under the devil's current eye will love sex so much and would want to have it more and more and more and more. Disconnecting from Jennifer, made me overcame masturbation. I write this for you to guide your heart against getting involved with anyone who is under the devil's influence, because the period I was dating Jennifer, outside falling to the temptation of having sex with her, I use to dream having sex, such that, I could not just control these dreams and when they happen, I will wake up and see my inner pant completely wet. This happened for very long time, and I became tired of the experience always dreaming having sex with strange ladies. All of my prayers, and effort to stop this happening, did not succeed at all. I only overcame this experience when I let go Jennifer, but it was not easy to let go of her at all. You must have been suffering similar experiences I have had in the past, I would admonish you to check your life and delete the Lucifer's chord connecting you to the pit of hell where those demons come from to have sex with you. The person must not bear the name Jennifer, so take off your focus from the name, because my message is simply based on the character of any one who is possessed with the spirit of the serpent, so watch it!

I further explain JENNIFER'S CODE TWO from the above code looking and seeing.

O = E, and E is the unit code of electricity which has the numeric code 5 that looks exactly like an animated walking snake ready to strike. Anyone under the devil's current eye would have the characteristics of the serpent: this implies, they will be subtly subtle, sexily sexy, beautifully beautiful, cunningly cunning, serpent wise, pretentiously poisonous to be good, all coded in good (green snake under green grasses) etc. since they have the power of electricity, their character I have come to know from experience can execute you by enticingly electrocuting your faith, and pushing you into fear to create a world for yourself, where you will enjoy, but perpetual torments that will lead to heart attack, if God does not intervene. I literally started having high blood pressure, and it took the grace of God for my heart to not literally fall off, because the literal pains I started feeling in my heart, made me to sometimes use my hand to support my chest to be able to work properly. My colleagues in the Nigerian Film Corporation, the likes of Esther Steven, Grace Gana, and Simi Jang etc. could attest to this fact. I was only foolish and was claiming I was wise in my self-delusiveness. If you are dying for love and the end of your death is hell, you are the most miserable person ever existed. Anyone who is under the devil's current eye will take you to hell even before you enter the literal hell; so truncate that relationship before it truncates your purpose for life, because the devil does not deserve your soul. Life has taught me volumes; I am just a product of God's grace. I never thought I was worthy of His grace, but He still gave it to me any way, after all of my unfaithfulness, that did not affect His love for me. Are you a lady, and you have the nature of the serpent? The Lord can change the course of your nature if only you can accept the truth. Follow me down the road; you will understand what I mean. Don't get angry and quit reading, because this might be your last chance to read this before you will be exposed to the devil's current eye. The devil is a big fool who will only use you and dump you like a used trash. Are you a trash? If you are not, then yield your heart to God to deliver you right now, by saying Lord Jesus, I am tired of the kind of life I am living, despite I don't like it, by always functioning under the devil's eye (influence), I die today to the nature of the Serpent (SELF) on the cross (X) that is now resting on its two base (Grace and Truth) and as it rest, I position myself in its very position, with my hands lifted up to you, surrendering my all to you YAHWEH (Y), who can make a way where there is no way and come alive in you to let your X connect me to you as this writer's ex connected him to You. I am free from the devil's current eye. I am free indeed in Jesus name! Congrats! You are now JENNIFER X, no longer JENNIFER S.

So if you have any body under JENNIFER's spell, give the person this drug, I called FIE CODE VACCINE, which is simply the true knowledge of the Word of God, or spear in the spell which is the name of JESUS which crushes the S (deceptions and lies) of the serpent, with the X of the cross (grace and truth)

Let me further explain to illuminate your understanding into the depth of reality that spans beyond the secret of idea.

 IE is simply also a unique acronym meaning Intention of Evil, which explains that Jennifer under the devil's eye (watch) could also present herself as good mimicking the character of her lord as explained in 2 Corinthians 11:14


So I was able to divinely access another code I had already talked about called the snake or serpent code (5 CODE). It is called code 3 because her target is the three eyes typifying the SPIRIT and the MIND to possess your body and completely destroy your soul into her current evil (i.e.), CURENT EVIL? This means, she just finished destroying someone, and she is ever current. Does this ring a bell in your heart? But the truth is, whoever this present Jennifer is, she definitely has met with DIVINE like JENNIFER my X met with me to kill not me, but the SNAKE in me (Snake here typifies SELF) by crucifying it on my now life of which she had become my X (cross standing on its two base (grace and truth)) meaning dead history. So from JENNIFER'S CODE 3, I was able to get, two other codes that sound alike, but are differentiated by what they connect you to. JENNIFER CODE S connects you to CODE T which typifies the serpent's tail where the poison is been released to cause destruction, destroying the heart of the eye of your spirit (Y), leaving you with double electron, which is simply define as die. So the implication of JENNIFER'S CODE S is DEATH.

While JENNIFER CODE X connects to CODE Y, which typifies you surrendering to God, after nailing the S from your previous life on the Cross (X) that cancels your carnal lifestyles and activate your spiritual life in Christ, you will now stand on the two base of the cross, evident as grace and truth of which the grace is the spirit that gives you life, even when what you deserve is death, while the truth is simply the knowledge of the Word that sets you free (John 8:32) and lifts you up far above your fears and limitations to know nothing other than your God, who is Yahweh and as you intimately relate with Him personally, He will make you strong and strengthen you beyond your weakness and you will now do great exploit, all for Him, in Him and with Him (Daniel 11: 32).

JENNIFER CODE X is simply called death code, to JENNIFER CODE S (Self) because if you remain in the JENNIFER CODE S, you will experience the implication of Proverbs 14: 12 and 16: 25...

Do you notice something with the two chapters and verses of the references of the Scripture? Close observation reveals the character of Jennifer under the devil's eye, which implies both references of the scripture are the same. By this I mean, for 14: 12 we will be able to get the true character as Deception and Lies (1x4: 2x6= 4: 12, where 4 is D typifying deception and 12 is L typifying lies) which is simply the nature of the serpent explaining the reality of the nature of self that would always manifest in a subtle and cunning way (serpent) and this is also the same with 16: 25 (4x4: 5x5 = DD: EE which gives us DID = DIE that explains the assignment of his character is to steal, to kill and to destroy and for him to do this, he will have to strip the heart of the eye with the power generator (electricity: lies) which has to do with creating false impressions and transferring the current (lusts passion) through sex to destroy your soul. So you can see that the true meaning of scriptures is not in your attachment of what you literally thinks based on your understanding, but the revelation is in the understanding of the code, because everything about the Word of God is coded which must be revealed for us to access truly the life, and it is the numbers that communicates the reality, not the letters, and the number is simply the time in our physical world and that is why the Bible admonished that we should walk circumspectly not as fools, but wise, understanding the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5: 15, 16). God will help us and give us wisdom to understand the reality of the revelation, which has nothing to do with my knowledge, but divinely breathed.

The contents of this chapter may not make sense to those who would want to use their senses to reach the reality, it is not designed by Divinity not to make sense, but make faith, so, put aside your knowledge and acknowledge His Knowledge for that is where the life is.


By Divine Revelation, I define JENNIFER CODE X as the crucifixion or dying to SELF by embracing the CROSS but deep down within me, I sensed that there is a depth beyond my experiences with Jennifer that God is about to take me into, and that I am yet to know when God takes me in even as I go through, but why is my journey to fulfilling purpose all about going through experiences that leaves me want to give up on hope? When you embrace the standing cross, as it falls to the ground (Water baptism), it falls with you (i.e. former life) and when it rises up (Baptism of the Holy Ghost) it rises with you (i.e. new life in Christ) and as it stands, no longer on one base, but two bases that crosses you over from the dimension of the satanic sea (S) of life with the Divine bridge (X) of which grace takes you through and truth teaches you the way through to stay focus, in order not to be distracted by the stormy winds and raging storms of life to reconnect you to Y (Yahweh) whom we look up to on the real Cartesian plane, not like what we were been taught in school with thoughts that are encrypted, but the reality of what we were taught, despite it is now beyond our thoughts are aimed at connecting us to the other side of the river having been drown to death from the world, you will now come alive to live a new life in the Word, whereby you no longer see darkness, but all you see is the glory from the RAY FIELD OF THE FATHER'S LOVE.