Your eyes can never ever be enlightened if you have not seen what will lighten the weight your eyes often carry and it will interest you to know that the load that exerts this weight on our eyes is ignorance and it is only by the acceptance of the life that Jesus gives that can ease our ignorance, just the way we ease ourselves to release waste.

Your eyes can never be enlightened if you have not answered the question, "What do you see?" and this can only be when you humbly pray to God in humility, He will cause His grace to abound and when His grace abounds, you will abound in every good work.

2 Timothy 2: 21, 20

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but some for dishonor.

If your eye is not spiritually enlightened, you will sleep and slip into the fall instead of step out and as you slip off into things that are not of God, you will come under the perpetual grip of the devil. Until you have totally submitted to the perfect will of God, you cannot be made perfect in every good work and we have a generation of believers who are led by selfish priests that are now attaching price tag to the Word of God, and because of this, people are now becoming tired with the gospel that is supposed to administer hope. It is like we are just completely lost because only the few are speaking up to resist the lies they have bombarded us with the perfect truth of God's Word. It is much more honorable to die administering the truth, than to be alive, not doing the perfect will of God who will work in us that which is well pleasing in His sight to whom be all glory forever and ever, Amen! (Hebrews 13: 21).

We can never be fruitful in every good work if our eye is not enlightened and this is what will ensure the increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1: 10) and it is this increase in knowledge that will enable us work worthy of His praise. If the lightning of the Lord enlightened the world and the earth saw and trembles (Psalm 97: 4), what will His Word made manifest as the light of men, do? The Word of God is the light of the living and for us to access this reality, the eyes of our understanding must be enlightened and that is when we can know the hope of our calling, which is the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus, on whom we have our precious inheritance.

Psalm 13: 3

Consider and hear me, O LORD my God, enlightened my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death.

The sleep of death is ignorance of the truth of God's perfect Word.

Psalm 18: 28

For You will light my lamp, the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.

It is as if most Christians are in doubts that Jesus is God, because the understanding most dogmatically driven Christians has of who Jesus Christ is, often limits their knowledge to, Jesus is the Son of God, but I wonder if they will ever comprehend Isaiah 9:6. Most Christians are like the Jews who surrounded Jesus, and said to Him, "How long do you keep us in doubts? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly (John 10: 24)". Jesus cannot tell us plainly who He is, we have to know, because it is imbedded in our DNA (spirit) to know by revelation the true identity of Jesus Christ, and if we don't know, it is simply deliberate ignorance.

Hebrews 6: 4- 6

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tested the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tested the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.

If you don't know truly who Jesus is, you are re-crucifying Him and putting Him to an open shame and this is exactly what most Christians are doing today by creating a distinction between Jesus and God, making it appear as if Jesus is a separate entity from the Father.

The inspiration of this revelation, which gave birth to this book, came to correlatively align perfectly with the inspiration of the revelation I have received previously as contained in one of my heaven breathed anticipated published book titled "The Transformer's Grand Design (A – Z), Transforming Humanity to Zombies", when I sat down to drink from the stream of God's life in the God-life Assembly Int'l, Jos, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit through Pastor Chingtok Ishaku whom I have heard so much about, but met with him face to face for the very first time on the 24th February, 2019 in the church where I was invited by Jennifer Davis, a friend of mine and a degree student in the National Film Institute where I work as a lecturer. The word of God to me from the mouth of His humble servant was very timely and it came very crystal clear and this activated my seemingly impossible mandate to accomplish by administering His very truth as His three eyes witness, through the undiluted Word of God in this generation of gross lawlessness that the love of many are waxing cold (Matthew 24: 12).

I have been able to prove what the devil is doing to humanity with his all accepted algorithm model program (A – Z) and how man has now become his memory faculty as he is now running man's heart with evil that manifest as self in the heart called FLESH and that is why the heart is highly deceitful and desperately wicked. Therefore, when the coefficient of the heart (H) called FLES is righted to become SELF, it is proved that FLESH contain SELF and you can only see this when your eyes is spiritually enlightened.

I have come to discover in this my journey of fulfilling purpose in God, there is a point my knowledge with God unites with the divine (light) and that point is LIFE, which is presented by I (eye) that defines the invisible impulse of my thought, which is the current life of divinity (Vine) in union with humanity (John 15: 1, 4- 6), such that my heart of heart (EAR) will now hear every words He speaks for the time and this may often come as alien truth.