January 9, 2021

(A dream)

I was walking with my mother along the road, and we talked about my vision I just saw where I saw someone's hand holding a dark-amber blister pack of medicinal tablets/pills.

I saw that a little girl took it orally and got some adverse effects. The child felt ill, suffered nausea, vomiting.

However, I saw that an adult woman had no adverse effect after taking it.

I told my mother about it, warning her, as she walked down the road.

We passed by on many vendors, until we came on a narrow way going to a health center in our place.

There were many people already inside the center and lots of them also were sitting outside, each waiting for their turn.

My mother sat outside, on a bench, and one of our neighbors saw her and sat beside her.

They talked together in a whispering manner, until one of them whispered unto their ears that the medicine might have some adverse effects to the people's health.

I saw that some of the people kept on whispering the same thing about the medicine, while the process is ongoing around the health center.

Then, one of my friends went back to where we sat, he & his wife were supposed to be on their way going home.

He heard the rumors circulating around, it spread fast silently. And he asked my mother about it.

However, we're in the midst of greeting each other and talking about our personal life as old acquiantance when we heard a sudden commotion.

A dog gone wild, it was coming inside the small health center. People could saw it through an open wide opening of the center like a wide window.

It seemed, they're administering to the dog a kind of injection, and they're in the midst of it.

Then, the dog reacted wildly, ran away, wanted to bite anyone.

Many felt scared including me, as I saw that the dog was running to go out, reaching the area where we sat.

I suddenly limped backward, evading the howling dog, afraid to be bitten by it.

I saw that few men came forward to catch the dog, they chased it back and held it firmly with their bare arms.

The witnesses around talked randomly, chatting to one another, that some of the dogs were already given by the injection, and it was calmly accepted unlike this howling dog at the present.

The health center gone loud, due to the howling dogs I heard, they howled so loud, a loud crying of despair echoing, ringing in my ears.

I woke up 6am, where the loud sound of the howling dogs was still ringing/echoing in my ear, unfading.

(1.9.2021 7am)