(n.) A person who dislikes human kind and avoids society
A year later
The king screamed at his daughter as she obeyed his first commands dodging all of her brother's swings. Both of them were coming at her full force while her father was shouting directions on where to hit and dodge. It was too much, so she let instincts have control.
Every swing she ducked
Every slam she stood
Every command she disobeyed
As much as the eleven-year-old boys didn't want to go and attack her the had to, not every attack would be easy. They were preparing their sister for a fight where she would meet her match, so they followed their head and not their hearts.
They lunged at the young princess but she managed to reverse every attack by the time the clock struck six all three children were lying scattered around the training room "I'm sorry princess" Alessandro breathed out turning his head to his little sister who was sprawled out across Riccardos legs
"We didn't want to hurt you sister" the eldest added
"It's okay, it will be worth it" she panted out as their father ushered them to shower and go to dinner
This chapter is reallyyyyyy short but I wanted to add some more chapters in third person pov before I do first person pov
Comment if I should keep it this way or change to first person pov