Chereads / I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 127 - A Promise [ * * * ]

Chapter 127 - A Promise [ * * * ]

I walk through the corridors with Sirgia in a princess carry. Her head rests on my shoulder as she adorably releases soft breaths into my neck. A warm smile sneaks onto my lips. She's just so cute when asleep. I guess that's one of the good sides of her often overworking herself. I can adore this precious Dwarf when she finally catches some well-earned leisure.

Although, it might look a bit comical seeing a completely naked dude carrying a petite, sleeping girl in his arms. Fortunately, everyone knows each other well, including me, so the few women we pass on the way to my room only give us soft smiles and respectful nods.

Well, maybe also taking a brief peek below but who can blame them? It still feels a tad weird and unusual but they are welcome to stare as much as they would like. It's nothing they aren't able to see basically on demand. A decent composure training, I must say.

We arrive in front of my chamber without any inconvenient accidents and I carefully reach for the knob while doing my best not to rouse my adorable little Dwarf from her sleep. But, the very moment I turn it enough to unlock the door, I sense some rustling against my chest and glance down.

In a flash, my vision disappears. Unending darkness envelops my eyes, for some reason. At a moment's notice, the weight I've been carrying also goes away and something pulls me inside the room by my wrist. The door gets closed behind me and I hear quick, dainty footsteps rushing away from my position.

"Okay. What the hell is—"

Before I get to finish my sentence, the mysterious obstruction falls off my face and I'm greeted by seven gorgeous women standing right in front of me with their everything revealed to the world. From left to right, it's Elea, Neira, Cornelia, Astrea, Teffith and Ailish. Not a single piece of clothing covers their magnificent bodies. It's a complete, utter feast for the eyes.

And, of course, one more extremely charming woman peeks her head from behind Cornelia. I focus my gaze on Sirgia, who is now also in her birthday suit, and place my hands on my hips.

"You sneaky little devil." I frown playfully. "You weren't tired even in the slightest, were you?"

She giggles cutely and hastily escapes back behind Cornelia, fleeing from my sight. Showing only half of her face again, she glances at me with one eye and a tiny, adorable grin.

"Since when? I ask.

Sirgia ends her gingerly act and walks to Cornelia's side with a faint blush on her pretty cheeks. It's definitely very embarrassing for her to stand there naked with everyone else present.

"Back in the kitchen," she answers timidly. "I felt you coming, Master, and started acting. I was supposed to wait for you here with everyone but I didn't notice how long I took with those sandwiches."

"You are overworking yourself even outside of your own area of expertise. Why I'm not surprised in the slightest?" I shake my head and chuckle. "So, what's this about? I must say, I love the view, that's for sure."

Cornelia snickers quietly. "You are not the only one."

I catch her taking a glance at my waist and I smirk at her. Elea then comes forward, her delicious hips swaying alluringly and her generous, chocolate breasts just begging for attention. She stops right in front of me and throws her arms around my neck.

"Didn't I already mention it? You don't think we would forget about the welcoming party as your loving wives, would we?"

She presses her impressive tits into my chest and our lips meet. I graze her soft back as we exchange passionate kisses. If this is not enough of an indication of what awaits me in a moment or two, then Elea's slim underbelly intentionally rubbing against Alastair Junior leaves no further doubts.

Scratch that. The hot, wet feeling that begins tickling my balls is much clearer evidence.

Gazing down after Elea releases my mouth from her sweet embrace, I spot Astrea kneeling between her legs and pecking my jewels from below, staring at me submissively. When our eyes meet, she moves up and starts trailing her tongue over my entire length.

Soon, everyone else is around me, blocking all possible paths of escape. No matter where I turn, an exquisite woman shows in my view. They all move closer and literally drown me in their bodies, rubbing themselves all over me. A few giggles rise here and there during the process, one of which definitely belongs to Sirgia. I'm glad she's having fun.

Trying my best to look at each of them, I chuckle softly.

"Are we really doing it all together?"

Cornelia raises a playful brow at me from my six. "Afraid you won't be able to manage?"

"Me? Not being able to manage? I think you have forgotten who I am." I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me. "Looks like I went too easy on you today. Don't worry. I'll give you all the attention you deserve in just a moment."

She pales a little after seeing my sadistic grin and I chuckle again, placing a loving kiss on her lips while giving her juicy behind a tender squeeze. For a minute or two, I keep turning around and exchanging little pecks with everyone, making sure not to skimp on affection during each girl's turns. They all deserve the best for choosing to be with someone like me.

After a few rounds of arduous kisses and a lot of body rubbing, I drag this mass of pure lust and beauty towards the bed. We all fall onto it amidst a lot of chuckling and giggling. They set themselves on it first and pull me to the very centre. I end up amongst an ocean of titties, extremely fucking alluring bellies, and an entire mountain range of inviting girly mounds, some even already dripping a little in anticipation.

"What did I do to deserve all of this?" I whisper in awe, slipping my gaze from one magnificent figure to another.

Sirgia climbs over Ailish's violet, curvaceous body and drops onto me, pulling herself up to match her face with mine. I embrace my timid, quiet Dwarf with a loving hug, bringing our bodies together.

"You just were yourself, Master. That was plenty enough to deserve this. We all… love you…"

Her adorable face gains some more crimson and I faintly peck her forehead.

"And I love you too. All of you. Let me prove how much."

I gently graze over her belly with my fingers and unhurriedly trace a path downwards as we look each other in the eyes. Sirgia smiles shyly and I can discern a tiny spark of expectation in her dark caramel eyes.

But, I don't get to finish my journey towards the leaking canyon as someone grabs my wrist and yanks it away, throwing me onto my back. A bunch of smiling faces and a whole lot of hanging breasts greet me from above.

"Bad Alastair. This is supposed to be your welcoming party. What kind of a host would we be if we let the guest do all the work instead." Elea sensually strokes my inner thigh.

"Just lay down and enjoy, Master." Ailish licks her lips as her tail crawls my other leg like a lust-filled snake.

"Mind if I grab a canvas? I feel like this will be good." Neira looks at the other women.

"Oh, Goddess…" Cornelia shudders, making everyone chuckle.

"Don't worry. I can leave you out if you want." My artist wife smiles at her.

"Make me a copy and it's all good…"

Judging by how quiet, almost non-vocal my charming magician's reply is, it's meant only for Neira to hear. But, someone must have forgotten that I both can read from her lips and my hearing is now abysmally better than before.

I'll let her live with the belief that I didn't hear that. For now. It will surely come in handy one day. I can already see her reaction.

With the brief conflict of interest resolved, Neira takes a peek at me and I nod at her. Nothing I could have against it. I will always look forward to anything she draws, be it including me or anything else.

A bright expression paints her dazzling face as she jumps off the bed and sets up an easel next to it, summoning it from her spatial storage collar. My attention is drawn back to the other six girls still present all over me while she hastily makes preparations by herself.

Damn. I would love to watch her paint in full nude but it's hard to concentrate on one thing when there's another unbelievably exciting view wherever I turn my head.

Elea's soft hand reaches my member at the same time as Ailish's tail and they start pumping me up and down in tandem. I sigh in pleasure from their joint efforts. The way my Dark Elf darling squeezes the coil-like rope in the form of a Succubus' tail wrapped around my cock is just mind-numbing. They surely came up with this way before.

"Who goes first, then?" Cornelia throws the question at all the other beauties.

"You already serviced him in the carriage," Astrea sniffs the air a little, "and it seems that afterwards too. It's now our turn to be good mates. Who is the other female whose scent is all over Alastair?"

The ex-Court Magician blushes heavily when her sins are exposed to the world, making me aware that our ride might have been planned by more than just one person. Looks like me roughing up Lianne wasn't part of it, though.

Cornelia clears her throat while trying to act dignified. "We will talk about this matter later. She is the next wife. Most of you have already met her. Let's get back to the issue at hand now."

As they are talking amongst each other, a certain sly Dwarf sneakily crawls around them and climbs onto my chest. She crosses her legs over my body and moves closer to my face, bringing her petite pussy in line with my mouth.

"Sirgia!" A shout comes from behind her.

My mischievous master artificer giggles unashamedly and glances at Cornelia over her shoulder. Before the hazelnut-haired beauty gets to say another word, she lowers herself onto me and I kiss her sweet lower lips with lots of love, parting her tightly sealed entrance with my tongue.

"You damned rascal! We are supposed to please him, not have him do it for us!"

Briefly pulling my mouth away from her delicious lily, I reassuringly rub Sirgia's back.

"Don't listen to her. I love making you feel good. And you have earned a lot of it over time. Just enjoy."

She nods at me cutely and supports herself on her hands slightly above my head, leaning a bit forward. I get to admire her petite figure from below while dearly exploring her snug pussy, rewarded with dainty smiles and small sighs each time I tickle a good spot.

"Ugh. Fine. Do whatever you want. I'm taking the di—"

"One, two, three, rock."




Elea's call interrupts her and I can only partially see Ailish showing a flat palm behind the edge of Sirgia's slim thigh as her small body blocks most of my view.

"Clockwise we go. I beat Teffith, then lose to Astrea, who wins against Ailish. Have fun~"

"Damn it!" My Arch Succubus whines in despair.

Her tail withdraws from my cock and someone's hand points it upwards. Soon after, my member enters that person's hot and wet embrace, unhurriedly sliding into what I assume is Astrea's very comfy vagina. She takes me all in without even a word, silently joining our nether regions together.

"Really? What about me?" Cornelia asks with a trace of disbelief in her tone.

No one answers her though and the three losers show up one each on the free sides of my head, smiling at me coyly from above. Teffith and Elea smush my cheeks with their breasts while Ailish pulls my head between her soft thighs, letting Sirgia transfer her hands from the bedding to her body for slightly better support.

Wet, lewd smacking echoes in the distance as my Catkin mate devotedly drops her pussy onto my hard penis, clearly doing her best to please me. As much as she likes to be the one dominating her lover, she is lowering herself to the role of the submissive mate just for me, diligently servicing my cock with her pleasantly tight passage. Cute purrs and meows escape her lips now and then, making it even more lovely.


Sirgia's quiet voice recaptures my attention and I glance up at the heavily breathing Dwarf lady.

~Are you close?~ I ask through my Whispers to avoid making a pause in the pursuit of her pleasure.

She nods timidly as more crimson covers her cheeks and I redouble my efforts. Ailish lets Sirgia hug her tightly, supporting my lovely Dwarf as she quickly approaches her peak. Making use of that opportunity, I plant strong sucky kisses on Sirgia's shy clit while enveloping my tongue with a barely noticeable blanket of mana.


Heavy shivers travel through her body a few moments later and Sirgia's already extremely tight pussy constricts on my tongue even more. I watch her cum and still dearly lap my muscle over her small folds, not letting even a drop of her love nectar escape.

"Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya…"

Astrea ramps up her tempo a little bit and brings more force to her slams, announcing her upcoming high too. Quickly moving my hands behind Sirgia's body, I find my feline mate's waist and grab it firmly.

"Nya? Nyaaaaaaahnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~!"

Without any warning, I thrust my hips up while bringing her down onto my cock. Letting out a faint grunt, I release an abundant load inside my lovely catgirl as her snug walls constrict around my member during her orgasm.

As I'm finishing inside Astrea, the three girls by my head help Sirgia get off my face and I can finally see my fierce partner with a slight flush as we both ride our highs. I smile at her when our eyes meet and notice the corners of her mouth curl just so slightly as Astrea's hips still shiver.

She lays down on my chest afterwards and I shower her in loving kisses as she purrs quietly into my mouth. Oh, how I love this sensation and sound. It's so intoxicating and out-of-this-world. To pay her back for this bliss, I tenderly fluff her thin tail and soft ears.

Astrea then raises herself up and unsheathes my cock from her pussy. My eyes find Cornelia sitting on her knees slightly further, with her arms crossed under her magnificent breasts and an expression you would see on a kid's face after their parents refused them something awesome. A mix of a pout and an angry frown, I would say.

I smirk at her and Cornelia snickers. My charming magician then brushes away a lock of hair behind her ear while leaning forward but a certain Succubus beats her to it and swallows my entire rod in a flash, going balls deep into her throat.

"Hey! Are you not even going to let me touch him?"

A wave of chuckles answers her, including a lively giggle from my small Dwarf wife now resting next to my face. Our eyes meet and I wink at Sirgia, bringing an even fiercer blush to her cheeks. She dearly brushes my face and moves her gaze to the front.

We watch how Ailish goes down on my cock with awe-inspiring devotion. She bobs her head up and down and only I can feel how hard she works her tongue around my shaft to not just clean me up but most likely earn herself a tasty shot too.

I raise myself while she glances at me curiously, not stopping her intense blowjob. Reaching forward, I aim for her butt. It looks like sneaking a finger into her leaking snatch will be too much in my current position so I just stroke her hot lower lips in the meantime.

Getting a slightly better idea, I scoop some of the fragrant juice onto my fingers and transfer it a bit higher. Ailish shivers when I run into her sealed anus, circling over its warm entrance. I grin at her when we glance at each other's faces and slip a digit into her backdoor.

She gags briefly on my dick but I can see the smile on her lips wrapped around it. She continues to suck me off while I wiggle my finger inside her ass, loosening it up bit by bit. When it gets comfortable enough, I start pumping in and out of her butt with not one but two digits and her efforts grow more intense too.

Not wanting to keep Ailish without a reward for too long, I flood her throat with a creamy load a moment later, shoving my fingers deep into her ass. She moans into my cock and starts swallowing all of it like it's the most exquisite drink available in this world. I can also hear her hand shlicking her cunt damn hard in the meanwhile and just one look at Cornelia's wide eyes confirms how fast she rubs one out.

My semen-crazy Succubus orgasms shortly after she sucks out all of the exquisite delicacy and a faint jet of love nectar gushes out of her snatch as she begins shivering. I hold her steady with one hand, still exploring her anus with the other until she finished her high.

Afterwards, I unhurriedly pull her face off my cock and watch her desperately gasp for air while fitting a chuckle between her rough breaths.

"You must have been really starved. Did you desire my seed so much?" I chuckle at her.

Ailish shows a wide grin. "Know what else I desired? Your. Fucking. Cock. In. My. Fucking. Ass."

Taking a glance at the other women, I receive a nod from those who are yet to have their turn and refocus on the thirsty Succubus. With a smile, I trace a circle with my finger.

She whines excitedly and hastily throws herself around, putting her butt up in the air right in front of me. Her hands grab her cheeks and spread them to their limits, giving me a clear view of her violet asshole and slightly lighter secret place, dripping with so much nectar it could create a small puddle if we were on the floor.

Bringing myself to my knees, I summon some lube from my ring and drip it onto her puckered anus. She giggles in delight, already anticipating the next move. Although, I don't give it to her exactly as she expects.

Quickly scooping both her wrists into my hand after lining my glans with her hole, I thrust forward and press on her neck from above with the free one, pushing her more into the bed.

"Ughnnnnnnnn~! Fffffffffuck~! So rough!" Ailish screams, clearly in delight.

Knowing well that she loves it, I hammer her ass right from the start, listening to her groans, whines, and moans of pleasure. Loud clapping noises spread through the air as my waist slams into her plump bottom.

Elea and Teffith embrace me from the sides, burying my shoulders in their delicious bosoms and we begin exchanging loving kisses as my cock rushes in and out of Ailish's backdoor. I don't even pay attention to her besides the movement of my hips and the slight pressure I apply to her head which keeps her plastered into the sheets and in a very nice position.

That damned slut loves it so much, though. Our bond is overloaded with her lewd thoughts and begging for more, not to mention the crazy good pleasure she experiences from this dicking. I guess she really missed my cock this much.

Enjoying her tight grip, I give my beautiful Dark Elf wife lots of kisses on her long, pretty ears and make sure that my Dragonewt's horns receive some pecks and caresses too. They sigh contentedly as I brush over their sensitive areas, bringing more music to my ears.

Sensing a change in Ailish's insides, I split her wrists to both my hands and yank her back strong enough to bring her up. She releases a loud, trembling whine as we both explode together. The seed she is yearning for rushes to her furthest depths, filling her anus in the process. Some more liquid trickles onto my jewels as she orgasms during our peak.

Pulling out, I land a juicy slap on her tender butt, evoking a yelp and a silly giggle from my wrecked Succubus. She falls to the side with a soft thump and curls into herself with a wide smile, enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss.

Teffith moves to clean me up again and Elea brings my face to hers.

"You always put others before yourself and I find it very admirable," I whisper after our lips part. "You are doing a great job making sure everyone is well and keeping their responsibilities in check. I'm going to reward you handsomely tonight, and much later too, in a less carnal way, but first…"

She lets out a ladylike chuckle and joins my gaze in looking forward.

"Go and reward her first. I'll wait for you, my Saviour and beloved. And don't worry, I already have something in mind that I would like to receive from you for my help."

I nod at her and leave one more peck on her dainty lips before moving on my knees to the edge of the bed. Stepping off it, I walk towards another Dark Elf standing naked by a partially filled canvas.

Neira doesn't notice me until I hug her from behind, unintentionally poking her butt with my erection. She smiles at me sweetly and we join our lips together over her shoulder.

"Alastair. You came."

"No. I haven't yet. But I will soon. Just for you."

Giving me one more smile, she turns around. My eyes immediately lock on her belly, and not without a reason.

A big white arrow is painted on Neira's navel, pointing at the obvious place. Two words are placed above it.

Resupply here.

I can't hold back a laugh after seeing it and she chuckles adorably too. Bringing our bodies together, I kiss her sweet lips.

"I guess I neglected my best artist a bit too much if she is forced to signal me about her issues in such a drastic way."

Neira brushes her cheek against mine lovingly.

"No, you didn't. I really appreciate you often coming to check on me and my work. I do admit that my passion for art almost always overshadows my passion for you and we end up talking a lot about it instead of embracing each other as I keep forgetting the main reason I invited you to my studio."

Chuckling again, I rub her side. "That sounds exactly like you. But, I love that part of your personality. I love seeing you excited about art. It makes me happy."

"Are you going to make me happy now?" she asks with an upturned glance.

Instead of answering, I lift her left leg and line myself up with her beautiful pussy. Neira throws her arms around my neck and pulls me into a kiss. I unhurriedly enter her from below, savouring every second of us getting connected together down there.

Near the end, we slightly lose balance and I grab the easel with my other hand, ending up pushing Neira's back into the canvas while holding onto it. She shows no signs of protest so we continue our loving session.

"Sorry about the painting. Looks like I'm going to completely ruin it," I apologise with a wry smile.

"Mhhhmmmm… Mhhhhnnnn… Don't be… Mmmmmm… I can always make more…"

Reassured by my amazing Dark Elf artist, I keep hammering her pussy into the easel. The picture in its initial state quickly turns into modern art instead, shifting into a bunch of mixed smudges made by Neira's back. She keeps lovingly humming and moaning into my ear as I kiss her slender neck.

Bit by bit, we finish our group efforts at creating something special in an unconventional way and she enters her high in my embrace, firmly digging her nails into my back. I welcome this little gesture and flood her furthest storage with lots of white paint which should last her for a long, long time.

After calming down a little, I assist Neira back to the bed. There's no need for her to rest on some random chair when she can join everyone here. The sheets? Who cares. We will wash them anyway later. Some paint shouldn't be that much of a deal.

And if it turns out to be a big deal, I'll go and apologise to our maids, giving them a hand in her duties. Gotta take responsibility for things that happen because of me. For sure, I will never hold myself back when showering my dear wives with the affection they deserve.

Elea welcomes me next and I come to her just as promised. She lays on her back so we share an intimate moment in a simple, missionary position, filled with lots of love. Her impressive breasts are so alluring I can't stop myself from kissing and nibbling on them in the process.

She seems very proud of them, judging by the noble smirk present on her lips each time I turn my focus to her sizable titties. Those chocolate mountains with dark brown peaks are definitely on the list of the wonders of the world. Such a sinful body for a former priestess.

Cornelia has completely resigned herself to her fate and just sits on the side of the bed while watching me make love to all the other women. She doesn't even try to argue anymore and just waits until everyone has a chance to embrace me.

But, to her surprise, Teffith relinquishes her spot and brings her to me with a smile, explaining that the two of us had a lot of time alone during our journey so she doesn't mind being the last one.

Even though I promised to go all out on her earlier, I don't really keep my word and give it to Cornelia in the most loving, dearest way I am able to. It's all fun and games but we have bullied her enough tonight after everyone has jumped on this bandwagon of teasing.

With a slightly embarrassed flush, she allows me to please her in a lotus position, often pulling me into a myriad of little kisses. I really love her and I make sure to convey that properly. She has been by my side a long time, being amongst the few women who joined me from almost the very start. I still remember the night of her confession like it was yesterday.

My precious, charming magician and researcher. My dear little tsundere.

We end up going at it for another hour with everyone taking turns and finish actually much less tired than I would have assumed. Well, perks of this amazing bond and other stuff, I guess. It's not just me who is much stronger but they are monsters on their own after receiving their share of my power.

With Sirgia as my little spoon and the rest sprawled all over me, we drift off to sleep to get ready to tackle another day together. There are a lot of things to do regarding the brothel and other cases.

※ ※ ※

I wake up to some wet noises and amorous moans. Opening my eyes, I find Ailish on top of me, riding my cock like mad in a cowgirl position with an ecstatic smile. She notices me coming to myself and shows an even wider grin.

Ignoring her for a moment I gather my thoughts.

"Since I didn't really will to come here, it must mean…"

"That's correct." A very pleasant and soft voice answers me from behind.

Tilting my head enough to check the source, I find Lumina standing above us with a warm smile.

Great. Incredible timing.

My Succubus assailant raises her gaze too. "Mind if I finish this?"

"Go ahead," the Goddess answers with a faint nod.

"Seriously. Didn't I fuck you hard enough back in the real world?" I ask, rolling my eyes at her.

Ailish locks her gaze with me. "Moooooooooooooore. I neeeeeeed more of you, pleaseeeeeeee."

"Fine. I'll wreck you so hard you will get thrown out of my Soul Realm."

Grabbing her wrists, I roll us over and proceed to fuck her brains out without limiting myself. After just a few minutes, Ailish is reduced to a twitching mess and her eyes almost completely roll to the back.

You don't challenge the Demigod of Lust. Even if you are an Arch Succubus.

Leaving her to recover since she, unfortunately, hasn't disappeared, I stand up and smile wryly at Lumina.

"I apologise. It would be hard to keep her down otherwise. I hope we didn't make you uncomfortable."

She shakes her head with the warm smile still present on her divine lips.

"It is fine. You did nothing wrong or improper. Intercourse is a natural element of life and an activity many entities enjoy. Especially with their dear ones."

"I guess it's three times more enjoyable for beings like Succubi." I chuckle a little. "So, I have either advanced or there is some important news."

"Your guess is correct. It would have actually happened a bit earlier but you gained enough experience so fast your previous advancement hasn't yet fully settled in. It's kind of like a cool-off period between advancements. You can't really jump more than one Tier at once or you would risk dying from your body not assimilating the changes quick enough."

I shuddered. "Scary. Let's not do that. I'm all for taking the proper path even if it takes a bit longer."

Lumina chuckles softly. "I think your body should be able to withstand two Tiers or even three but I agree that taking unnecessary risks is unwise. I'm glad to hear that you do not wish to rush things."

"Thank you. Better safe than sorry. Especially when we kind of have a world to save."

A brief silence falls onto us as we look at each other with smiles, broken only by some random, incomprehensible noises coming from Ailish resting on the pink grass with a river of seed dripping out of her pussy.

That sight reminds me that I'm still fully exposed and I materialise some clothes onto myself, bringing out a table and a set of chairs for us.

"Anything I should know about the advancement, then?" I ask, pouring Lumina some apple juice.

"As usual, your personal stats will jump a little, but that's pretty much all. Oh. I guess you have gained an interesting ability too. Quite fitting, I think. Want to check it out right now?"

"Of course."

With a wave of her hand, she brings out the pink status window between us.



Name: Alastair Carter

Race: Primordial

Age: 28

Job: Adventurer [▼]

Class: Sexmancer

Tier: 5

Titles: Otherworlder, Demigod of Lust, True Harem Lord, The One Who Controls Life



Strength: 55 (+267)

Agility: 55 (+259)

Constitution: 75 (+244)

Intelligence: 70 (+235)

Charisma: 80 (+217)


"Yeah, I can see that the base values jumped by the static amount again. That isn't a lot… if the values in the brackets didn't exist." I chuckle wryly.

Lumina lets out a small laugh too. "I agree. You are surpassing all my expectations. It is partially my fault, but I feel like you would be able to break out of your boundaries even without my initial intervention."

I shrug. "Who knows. I do wonder how my life here would look like if I received a different Class, a more normal one just like the others. Although, they also have quite strong ones."

"I didn't pick you guys without a reason. Well… Maybe except for you… You were an accident…" She lowers her head in shame.

"Hey, hey. Maybe an accident, but look at the result. I surely love and appreciate it. Thank you for everything, Lumina. It might not have come out as intended, but it's nice, really nice."

She gives me a beautiful smile and nods.

"Alright. Here's the ability I mentioned."


[Divine Matchmaker]

You know your Partners so well that this knowledge allows you to find the best possible combinations of their strengths and abilities.

Once per 24h, you can copy two skills, one per target, between two of your Partners. The effect lasts until the ability is used again or a week passes.

The cooldown of this ability decreases the more its level increases.


"Interesting." I rub my chin. "It's like What's Mine Is Yours to some extent. Another great utility. Still not much offence."

"All I can say is that you are in possession of many tools to bring out your magical abilities, excluding your current physical strength and expertise. I'm sorry but I can't reveal much more."

"It's alright. I understand. Thanks for everything."

With a faint gasp, Ailish returns to the world of the living. She sits up, leans to the side, and rubs her precious place a bit.

"Fuck. That was one wild dream. I've never dreamt about getting my pussy destroyed in front of the Godde—"

She notices us sitting by the table, looking at her, and freezes.

"That wasn't a dream, was it?" She chuckles wryly.

"Nope," I reply with a wide smile.

She hastily jumps to her knees and bows down. "I apologise for my rude behaviour! I don't know what has gotten into me earlier!"

Lumina laughs a little and waves her hand. "I'm pretty sure that I know what but don't mind it. I was the one who barged into your moment."

We stand up and move closer to the Succubus. Giving Ailish a brief kiss on the lips, I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Don't try to fight your nature, okay? I'm now even more durable so you can go wild as much as you want."

She giggles playfully and pecks my cheek. "You are just the best. Other Succubi would be so envious."

As we flirt between ourselves, Lumina reaches out and pokes me on the wrist. A faint discharge tingles my skin for a second until she draws her finger back. We both notice it and glance at the Goddess.

"What did you do?" I ask with a curiously raised brow.

"I was just checking how strong your soul is."

"Ah. And? How is it?"

"Since you haven't imploded after getting in contact with my energy, it seems to be growing decently well," she informs us with a pleasant smile.

Ailish immediately takes a step back with her eyes going wide.

Lumina lets out a warm chuckle, covering her beautiful lips. "Don't worry. I can control how much of my soul can exist in this place."

She closes the distance between them and pokes Ailish too. My Succubus gasps quietly.

"It feels good. Very faint, though."

I notice how Lumina's fingers graze the back of Ailish's hand in a slow and unhurried way. A slightly distant gaze adorns the Goddess' face and the warm smile doesn't leave her lips.

That sight somehow draws me in and I brush Lumina's cheek with my palm, experiencing the familiar buzz and tingling at the tips of my fingers.

She turns to me with raised brows.

"Ah. Sorry about that," I apologise quickly.

"It's okay. It feels… nice."

We stare at each other for a moment and I step closer, gently wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling Lumina into a soft hug.

"I'm not sure if gods care about physical contact but it must have been lonely being alone up there."

Slowly and with slight hesitation, her hand moves to my face and then to my hair, combing through it unhurriedly. I return my fingers to Lumina's face and continue to stroke her cheek as we look each other in the eyes.

Then, something unexpected happens, and she gradually leans in. Our lips touch briefly and… my vision immediately flashes with intense white light as searing pain completely paralyses me. In an instant, I drop to the ground while groaning heavily and writhing in agony.

Ailish kneels by my side. "What happened?! Is he crossing over?!"

Lumina quickly joins her and extends her palm over my body. A warm, golden glow emanates from it and the pain gradually fades.

"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I'm really sorry!" She starts frantically apologising with an anxious expression.

Regaining control over my body, I gently grab her arm.

"I'm fine. A little stiff but overall fine. That was something, hahaha."

"I'm so sorry! My bodily fluids are clearly way too much for your soul to handle! Another mistake that almost cost you your soul! I'm really, really sorry!"

I chuckle with a warm smile. "I better work on it hard, then."

We look at each other in silence for a second or two and Lumina suddenly vanishes in a golden flash. Ailish helps me up and looks at me in bewilderment.

"Am I imagining things or did you just promise the Goddess to fuck her?"

I chuckle again. "Perhaps."