Chereads / 4.11 / Chapter 8 - Dear Husband

Chapter 8 - Dear Husband

Dear Husband

"I'm sorry that it's taken us a long time to meet "

"Every day I wake wondering what can I do to get closer to you and how can we meet ..seeing you on TV and hearing you on the radio makes me think how can I make him notice me "

"Huge crowd full of women but what will signal name out the most from all of them ?"

"Seeing you ignore my post makes me wonder does he really know I'm the one for him ...don't believe me ask God?"

"Each day I ask God to remove any weapons or tricks that form up to stop us from meeting each time I ask I see a bunch of traps being removed "

"I'm starting to wonder why so many and can it all be because of me "

"I'm sorry it's taken me a while to come to you keep in mind I'm a lot younger than you and have a little more rebuilding then you. I'm doing what I know is best for myself as a young woman to better myself for a future of marriage and kids, yet I long for your arms wraps around me I still ask myself are you prepared for when I come are you ready for marriage and are you seeking God for me I've been known from the jump your mines but I know it's going to take us time ..though this letter express how I'm feeling it's also an apology from me to you for making you wait so long ..I'm aware of you and now I'm waiting on you's your turn to seek and find me this time I know who you are and it's time you seek to find out who I am ..

"I'm waiting "