Chereads / The Fallen Angel 2 / Chapter 15 - Chapter 14

Chapter 15 - Chapter 14

"So it is you..."

{"Touya-nii, let's play!"}

{"Touya-nii, are you okay? Did they hurt you?"}

{"Touya-nii, do you have to go?"}

{"Touya-nii! Please, don't leave me!"}

• • •

=Dabi's P.O.V=


-Please, don't look at me like that...-

I'm sorry I left you long ago, but I have to and I have nothing to do since I can't even control my life myself back then. I hate myself for leaving you and wasn't able to protect you...I also hated myself for having these feelings up until now. I never once thought of you as a little sister, I wanted to cherish that smile and protect that frail body of yours...but it's too late now.


I snapped out of my thoughts and turn my attention to her to see the sadness in her eyes, it's the same eyes she showed me when I left her.

"After all these years, you still chose to call me that? We're not kids anymore"

"Then...what should I call you?"

"Touya" I answered, her face slowly turns red and looks down.


"It's okay, take your time. I know it would be probably hard on you since you got used to calling me 'Touya-nii'. But it would make me happy if you just call me by my name"

-I wonder is she calls Hawks' real name when they are alone...-

"It seems you chose the path of villains..." she changed the topic.

"How about you? What are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I'll probably be starting doing hero work again and fulfil my family's will, to make our name be remembered again as the heroes that everyone once knew before. I know it would be complicated, but I'll try my best till the end"

-Till the end?-

"What do you mean by 'till the end'?" I asked.

"I guess you have the right to know...I have to do the things that I've been wanting to do before the day I lose control of my quirk, I don't know when but I have to continue living my life. Because if that day comes, I need someone to stop me"

"Stop you...don't tell me-"

"Yes, Hawks-san will have to kill me when that day comes. That is why I'm asking you for a favour, that you have to make sure he does it and never hesitate"

"Wait, isn't there another way without killing you?" I asked.

"I know, but I could never be sure if I could defeat her. For years, I've stopped using my quirk and it's been slowly recovering again but I need some practice to train"

"When you said you're going back to being a're going to them, aren't you?"

"Yes, there's nothing I could do about it. I know all they wanted was to experiment on my quirk, but I have no other choice"

"You're telling me, after these years that you finally free from them and now you're coming back to get yourself hurt again" I can't help but get angry at her decisions.

"I know I'm acting selfishly, but please...let me do what I want to do" she took both of my hands and look at me with a pleading look.

• • •

=Third Person P.O.V=

Morning came, everyone woke up and Amami was nowhere to be found which they knew she left again. Dabi was still thinking about the conversation he had with Amami, he felt uneasy and wanted to keep an eye on her; he can't help but get worried for her.

"Hm? Where are you going Dabi?" Twice asked, the first one to noticed he's going out of the door.

"I'm just going out to get some fresh air" Dabi respond.

"Can I go with you?" Toga asked.

"I don't mind" Dabi replies.

"I'm also coming with you guys!"

The three of them went out and the two just followed Dabi.


Amami was standing in front of the commission building, there are people walking passed who was staring at her way. They were mesmerized by her beauty, it was their first time seeing someone with white wings around the area.

She ignores stranger's stares and walks her way inside the commission building, she walks her way to the front desk and she asked to talk to the president. The two female on the front desk recognises her and they let Amami in and told her what floor the commission president is.

Not for too long, she got to the president's office and knocks on the door.

"Come in" she heard the voice from the other side, she opens the door and as soon as she steps foot inside she was pointed by gun by five bodyguards.

"Whoa, I came here in peace" Amami put her hands in the air, showing them that she didn't come to harm them.

"Put down your guns" the commission president orders, then they do as she says. "Come and take a seat" she orders Amami this time, she went and sits on the vacant chair that is facing the president's desk.

"So, what did you come here for?"

"I'm here to join the commission" Amami respond, the president raised a brow.

"And what made you change your mind?" the president asked again.

"You don't need to know. I'll give you permission to experiment on my quirk but in one condition..."

"What is it?"

"Make a better place for villains"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Maybe, but you should already know why there are villains in our society. The way your system works is pretty messed up, to be honest, like you need a license to be a pro hero. There are some people who don't have a great quirk like other pro heroes have and they don't know what to do with their life anymore and chose to be a villain instead. Do you think it would be better if that rule never existed?"

"There is no way we could do that-"

"Let me tell you something, I could expose everyone what you did to me and the other kids back then. How you experiment on our quirks to the point we would lose ourselves and how you torture us to death" Amami began to threaten the president, she wasn't able to utter a word for a moment and later let out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll do anything I can" the president gave up.

«Time skip»

Amami decided to go straight home to Hawks' apartment, as soon as she set foot inside, she heard footsteps getting closer and closer then saw Hawks with a worried look on his face. He quickly runs his way up to her and pulls her into a hug.

"Where the hell did you go? I'm worried sick, I thought that you wouldn't come back" Amami could feel what Hawks emotion...scared.

"I'm sorry, Hawks-san. I went and stayed at my family's mansion, I decided to go and check myself..." Amami apologized as she hugs back Hawks.

"You should've told me, just promise me that you don't do that again," Hawks said.

-I'm sorry, I don't think I could promise you that- Amami thought.

Hawks could feel that Amami was hiding something from him, but he just pretended that he didn't notice and acted normally. He also noticed some changes with Amami, she started to wear long sleeves more and darker colour clothes. He knew Amami like wearing something bright.

It started to worry him and felt uneasy for what's to come in the future, he had to keep a closer watch of Amami.


Dabi was standing in front of the building where Hawks' living, he looks at a certain floor where he could see the lights on.

"Why are we here?" Twice asked.

"Hm? Isn't this the apartment building where Hawks lives?" Toga comment.

"Hawks? It's not Amami's?" Twice questioned.

"She's living with Hawks," Dabi said.

"W-What?! T-T-Two of them together in the same roof?!" Twice stuttered.

"Hehehe, that's interesting~ I wonder what kind of relationship those two had" Toga questioned as he glances at Dabi who looked felt her stare.

"What?" Dabi said, raising a brow.

"Well, it seems you know her for a long time now. Is she someone you know from the past?" Toga asked with a smile.

"It's none of your business" Dabi respond and then started walking off.

"Now that you said that it's making me curious," Twice said.

"Yeah, me too" Toga agrees.