Chereads / Dare my heart / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Milkshakes

Dare my heart

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Milkshakes

Walking down the hallway to class I started to wish I hadn't slept at 3 in the morning watching agents of shield but who can blame me that movie is gold, gold I tell you.

I heard the bell ring as I reached the door for my class.

why? I ask myself, I mean who puts calculus on the first period of the day. I sat down in my usual seat and slam my bag on the ground. I turned to my left to find the one and only Ryan Black also known as my best friend since second grade. He turns and stares at me blankly and then the staring competition begins until I spoke "so?" I said dragging it out.

"sup?" he said

" ooh you know the sky, the atmosphere and the price of oil " I said smiling lightly.

"she finally lost it, didn't I tell you being a nerd was bad for you but you never listened did you." Ryan said shaking his head.

" shut up " I said punching him in the arm before he could do anything else, Mr. Pumpkin entered the class. Just as the name says it he is fat you know a big belly, double chins, fat face yeah you get the image. I actually liked the teacher being the nerd I was others would zone out while I stayed focused that's why most of the teachers liked me.

" morning class" he said and then started teaching.

I heard the bell ring for lunch as our period ended. For some reason today went super fast I don't complain though. when I finished packing I went straight to the cafeteria, grabbed my lunch and went to my usual seat with my friends.

" hey " I said as I sat down and a round of hey and sup went around the table before they continued with their conversations.

By they I mean Ryan Black, Miguel Archer, Taylor Wilson, Brandon Graham, Lily Grey and Xavier Smith.

They are my best friends hard to believe when they are popular people and I am a nerd how we become friends is a mystery we will never solve.

I dug in my burger that was made to be part of my alimentary canal.

'Burger wherever you go know that I love you and that's why I want you to be part of me by making a sacrifice of eating you-'

" so Lina do you have plans after class?" Taylor asked cutting off my thoughts

" not that I could think of, why?" I asked

" we wanted to hang out at Mc Donald's " Brandon said

" did you even have to ask?" I asked looking at them as If they were idiots.

" I told them the same thing" Miguel said

" I bet my life that she would agree to be kidnapped by the Mafia in exchange of burgers" Xavier said with a smirk

I sniffed " you know me so well " I said wiping a fake tear.

" Besides the kidnapper would have to be Mc Donald to kidnap me and give me the amount of burgers I want."

" sometimes I wonder if you aren't a pig Lina " Taylor said

" and sometimes I wonder if you are normal " I said

" and sometimes I wonder how we are friends " Lily said

" I guess It is an unsolvable mystery" Ryan said " but seriously you will die if you continue to eat that junk" he added making me scoff.

" And you will live five millennia" I said sarcastically

"I will be making history, bitch"

"are we still talking about food?" Brandon asked

we all looked at him as if he had two heads

"Don't worry Brandon they confuse me sometimes too" Miguel said earning a look that said 'are you loco'

"anyway don't forget guys, i'm going " Taylor said standing up fro her seat and going to throw away her tray of food.

" why is she in a hurry ?" I asked

" Max " Lily answered

Max is Taylor' s boyfriend. They have been together for two years now. Considering she didn't see him during lunch she is going nuts.

I sighed " lunch is almost over" I said and the rest of the table nodded and we headed for the door of the cafeteria. Reaching the hallway Lily and Brandon said they would catch up as always.

oops I forgot to tell you they are a couple. That leaves me with three idiots arguing and me snapping.

" shut up " I snapped

" who cares which milkshake you get" I said angrily

"chill we were just saying" Miguel said raising his hands in the air

" and besides strawberry is the best milkshake ever" I said with a smirk and walked away as the bell rang leaving three shocked faces.