I woke up this morning a bit late I wanted the rest of the girls out the way. I threw on my clothes quickly and ran to the library. I logged into one of the computers and looked up Jason the toymaker. To my surprise he looked a lot like me only brighter. Though I was enraged to find out the girls where comparing me to that of a serial killer so I quickly turned of the computer and I was about to go give them a talking to when I noticed in my reflection on the black computer screen my eyes were glowing a pale green. I had never been angry before so I just believed it might just happen when people get angry. I ran outside towards the group of girls and when they saw me they looked terrified. I gave them a threatening smile "you want to compare me to a serial killer do you?" The girls where shaking "her eyes even glow like his" I look even more angry then I grab that girl by the throat and threw her across the playground and I'm about to head in when I realise the mouse was behind me. I pick it up thinking maybe one of the younger girls was playing with it. I walk back inside knowing the whole playground had seen what I did. One of the lady's running the place try to talk to me about it but I didn't want to so she just left. Later that day I heard her talking to the other one about getting me anger management classes which made me even more angry so I just sat on my bed the rest of the day making the outfit for the doll. Now every single fucker in the orphanage calls me Jason wannabe. I had had enough that night I was going to become exactly what they wanted. I'd become the murderer they thought I was but what would I used. I noticed that as I got angrier my dolls appearance seemed to change as well. I shrugged it of until I noticed every toy in this place I had made had done the same. I wonder if my nails are sharp enough I've caught myself with them a couple of times today and drawn blood looks like I'll have to wait for tonight to find out and just incase they aren't I'll gag the girls so they can't alert the others. I was snapped out of my train of thought by the girl I threw this morning slapping me around the face. Then she screamed at first I didn't realize why all I felt was pure anger until I heard her say "HER HAIRS CHANGING AS WELL OMG" then she ran off. I undid the ponytail that my hair was tied up in to find my hair was white. It was a little creepy about how much like him I was but I didn't really care. It's cool.
Jason's pov
So my little girl is even more like me then I thought though those girls who are bullying her are pissing me off. I may have to pay them a visit tonight. I can't help but notice when Faith gets angry her eyes and hair change just like mine. It's nice to know she's not going to be weak like her mother was. I'll see my little girl tonight when I take those bitches away from her life. She doesn't need to be bullied for nothing though she gave that girl one hell of a warning she's not to be messed with.