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Petal Peak

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Two sisters born with different powers must figure out how to work together to save their home from destruction.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Author's Note: I may decide to add this to fictionpress, but please just let me know what you think. Characters and setting created by me. Enjoy!


It was a rainy and dreary day in the small town of Petal Peak. The living room seemed crowded for some reason even though this was the way it had been for some time now. Violet Mason took a deep breath, focusing her gaze on the object that was sitting on the table. Her friends Dom and Chris was both standing on either side of her. "What do I do now?" She asked softly, keeping her gaze on the object in question.

Chris reached over and put a hand on hers, lifting it slightly so it was even with the object. "Now, focus, Vi. You can do this."

Violet took a deep breath. "Any advice, Dom?" She asked, glancing over at her other friend who was trying to help her.

Dom shook his head. "Listen to what Chris tells you, since you both have this."

Violet nodded slowly. "Okay, so now what Chris?" She asked hesitantly. "What do I do now?"

He kept his hand on hers. "Focus on the object," he answered softly. "Picture it lifting up without any help from us moving it."

She closed her eyes, doing as he instructed. Then she started giggling. "My fingers are tingling, and it tickles.."

He glanced at her. "Just focus, now open your eyes and lift her hand up."

She slowly opened her eyes, as she raised her hand. The thing she was trying to move was a flower vase. She was surprised when it started shaking, as if it was trying to move, but then it tipped over and fell off the table. She closed her eyes, expecting to hear it shatter on the ground, but opened them again when she never heard anything.

Chris used his own telekinesis to save the vase before it could hit the ground and shatter, then he got it back up on the table. "I think that's enough for now."

Violet sighed. "But I didn't even lift it up.. but it moved, did you see that?"

Dom smiled, nodding. "I saw it. Good job there." The three of them went into the kitchen to make a snack after a hard day of training.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, signaling that a storm was coming.

Violet pulled out her phone, then dialed numbers deciding to call her other friend who was probably with her sister right now.

He answered on the second ring. "Ello?"

She smiled when she heard his voice. "Shawn! It's Violet.. guess what?! I made the vase move, it actually moved! I couldn't lift it up yet though!"

"Violet! It's so good to hear your voice." He paused. "You'll get there, Vi. I know you will."

She smiled at that. "So how is it there with my sister and her boyfriend? That must be torture."

He chuckled at that. "Eddie's here too, but I guess it is kind of torturous. I mean all they do is kiss in front of us, then when they're not around, he's complaining because he's in love with Em. I really miss you, Vi. And Chris and Dom too. At least I had someone to hang out with when we were all together."

She sighed. "I know it. But maybe some day we'll get to hang out again, then you can tell me all about it in person." She glanced at her watch, then started to say something, when she heard a loud crash on the other side of the phone. "Shawn?" Then the line went dead. "Shawn?" She tried again even though she knew that was pointless. Are you okay? She sent telepathically.

On the other side of town, Emma came back into the small house holding a box. She sat it down on the table. "Hello?" She called out. "Anyone in here?" She opened the box to look inside it, but before she could, somebody pulled her back as the box exploded. "Whoa... that.. that was close.." she glanced up to see who had saved her, surprised that it was Eddie. "How do you do that?" She asked in place of the normal, 'thank you for saving me'.

Eddie glanced over to where the box was still sitting at, blackened around the edges. "How do I do what?"

She glanced back towards the box. "Know exactly what's about to happen before it ever happens? This isn't the first time you saved me either."

He shrug. "I don't know.. I just know things."

She wanted to ask something else, when Ryman hurried into the room. "Emma, sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked quickly, pulling her into a hug. But before she could answer, he glanced over at Eddie. "Did you do something? Is this how you always know what's about to happen? You're trying to kill her, aren't you? That would explain how you're always the first to save her."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "Why would I try to hurt Em? I just know things, alright? I can't explain it, but I do."

Ryman glared at him. "Sure you do." He pulled Emma closer to him. "Why is he even here anyways?"

Emma pulled away from him. "Because he's my friend and I trust him," she glanced back at Eddie. "Thank you for saving me."

Ryman was about to snap out a reply when he got a text from someone. "I have to go and deal with a small problem." He kissed Emma's forehead. "But when I get back I want to finish this discussion." He said, shooting Eddie another glare before stalking off.

Some time later, Rachel was pacing around when Ryman made it to where she was waiting. "We have a problem, Ry."

Ryman glanced at her. "What problem?" He asked. "I was with Emma when I got your text, and I need to make it back to her as quickly as I can."

Rachel raised an eyebrow at him as if she wanted him to elaborate on what was so important that he wanted to hurry up, but decided against it. "You told me to let you know if someone from the team makes contact with Violet, I dealt with it the best I could.. but this may be something you want to deal with yourself."

Ryman nodded, then signaled for her to lead the way.

Rachel led him down a narrow hallway filled with cages, pausing on the last one.

Ryman knelt down in front of the cage. "Shawn? You were talking with Violet? What about exactly?"

Shawn glared at him, but remained silent.

"Look, I know she's your friend, Lewis, but we can no longer trust her. I thought I had made that pretty clear the last time you talked to her." He stood back up, then glanced at Rachel. "Try to get him to talk, would you?"

"Violet and Emma will start talking again," Shawn hissed. "Then they will team up together and kick your butt, both of yours!"

Ryman glanced at him. "Is that so?"

"Neither of you will be a match for the Mason sisters!"

Ryman reached threw the bars and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "We'll see about that! When I get married to Emma, I will have complete control of her; and nothing you say will stop me from this!" He shoved him down, then glanced back at Rachel. "Did you take his phone? We can't have him calling anyone."

Rachel nodded, holding it up. "I sure did."

Ryman smiled. "Good. And you turned on the power button so he can't use his powers, right?"

Rachel nodded. "Right. Now you should go home and talk to Emma about whatever it was you wanted to."

Ryman nodded. "Right. Look, after Emma and Eddie go to bed, then I'll come back here and see how you're doing, sound good?"

She nodded. "Just go then."

He smiled at her, then glanced back once more at Shawn, before walking out of the room and into the cool night, relieved that it had stopped raining.