Elkshire was a town east of Pyre, an independent city-state under the control of the Kingsmen. It was here that the Council met, receiving its representatives each from one of the seven Kingsmen regions in Altrüon.
The Council at this time consisted of seven men: Ivan Falls of Euphess - a sturdy man, fiery and passionate; Steven Pryer of Asrym - a noble man but nervous; Arius Archaeus of Pergum - a man of principle, loyal and stern; Aylmer Izmar of Tyra - a kind man, happy and wise; Alfaunz Cozette of Sa'ar - a kind and gentle man of quiet sincerity and necessary boldness; Jordan Carder of Delphi - a highly effectual man, loving, genuine, and amiable; Gaias Dominico of Laoce - a charming and charitable man with great ingenuity and seemingly endless resources.
"Come now, Seer Trimble!" the chairman urged him. "Benzulum is dead and we of the Council are relying upon your recommendation!"
"Very well," Sebastian conceded from his place on the floor, "you will have my recommendation. There is a man in Delphi whom I recommend."
"Just a minute!" Gaias protested. "Why should the man come from Delphi?"
'Do I sense a hint of entitlement, Gaias? Benzulum has not served so well as you think. Though, far be it from me to try and tell you.'
"This is the man whom the King has chosen. You may take him, or you may not, but that is up to you."
"Let us all find men and put it up to a vote," Gaias suggested, thinking he might win the others over with bribery.
Alzaunz held his head and sighed. "Why should we not receive the Seer's recommendation, being as we have asked him to come here and give it us? It is not necessary that we have seven ambassadors and vote. What we need is the right man."
"I love the people of my region as much as you do yours, Mr. Dominico," Arius said, addressing the man from Laoce, "but the chairman is correct. There is no need to scour the regions looking for men when we have but need of one. If the King has chosen him an ambassador, far be it from me to stop him."
"But what is the need for this man?" Gaias contended. "What is the importance of these times that we should be in need of one man over another?"
"I will give you your answer," Sebastian stated, cutting in when another may have spoken. "This next ambassador will live in extraordinary times of intense trial and unthinkable horror. The man who is chosen must serve faithfully as an ever shining and dependable light through darkness. He will endure great suffering for you, and I will submit him to you only after I have consideration from Representative Carder."
"What do you say, Carder?" Steven asked, raising his nasally voice to address his colleague. "Will you go to meet this man? If you recommend him, we will send for him and hear him for ourselves."
Jordan looked up from the notes he was writing, the orange of his brown eyes catching the light. He was a young man, fair skinned and handsome with hair of reddish brown.
"I will go with him," announced the representative from Delphi. "I look forward to meeting this man who will show us such faithfulness."
After some further discussion, the delegates seemed pleased by Sebastian's request and Jordan's promise of a full report on the days ahead, to be presented prior to his expected recommendation of a man as their new ambassador to Pyre.
Jordan came to Sebastian following the meeting, finding him in the halls as he exited the Council Building.
"When are we leaving?" Jordan asked him, trotting to catch up.
"As soon as possible," Sebastian told him.
'I would not want to impress upon the man a greater burden than is necessary.'
"You mean tonight?" Jordan asked. He was willing, but clearly disappointed.
"Perhaps tomorrow," Sebastian suggested. "I know you have your wife and children to care for. We could leave in the morning."
'That be better for us, anyway.'
"Say no more, Sebastian!" Jordan replied happily. "Come morning, I will join you on your journey."
Sebastian smiled. "Thank you."
"Of course!" Jordan said, carrying his books beneath his arm with apparent discomfort.
'He must have really rushed to grab me...'
"I'll be glad to meet the man, as I said," Jordan reminded him. "Is it true that there is such terror coming?"
Sebastian sighed, his blue-grey eyes intensely considering as the thought appeared before him. "I have seen much death and very much destruction," he told him. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's avoidable, but I do pray."
"This man..." Jordan said pensively, stroking his mustache and grabbing at the tuft of hair on his chin with his free hand, "this man you have in mind, do you really think he could make a difference?"
Sebastian nodded. "In the midst of destruction and burning, a deep darkness gripped us," he told him, "and I saw every man fled, but only he remained."
"I see..." Jordan said, considering.
"Before we go, I should like to retrieve Dorcus from Pyre," Sebastian informed him. "I left her with her father there."
"Yes, I certainly understand," Jordan said. "But..." he stopped himself.
'He has a question. He dares not ask, but let me answer. What is it?'
"A woman," the voice whispered to his being. "He wonders how he will receive her."
Sebastian smiled with amusement. 'Of course.'
"Mr. Carder, I would not concern myself with such things," Sebastian told him. "Her qualifications and womanhood will not be a hinderance go him."
Jordan seemed surprised for a moment, but he quickly recovered, likely by virtue of having come to expect this from him. As the Seer, Sebastian Trimble was often privy to the matters of a man's heart and those things which went unspoken but to God.
"The ambassador will take great delight in my apprentice and her presence there with us," Sebastian informed him. "I assure you, he will be well pleased by her position and personage."
"I see," Jordan said quietly, turning his face to the floor in front of him.
"Was there anything else?" the Seer asked him.
"Just... come to dinner," Jordan asked him. "Stay the night as our guest. You can sleep in the guest house. That way... we can leave early."
Sebastian's wrinkled face was crossed by a small smile. "Very well."