Come back inside my world.
It was nice to have you there.
I enjoyed a lot your tenderness, your liveliness.
Did you like them, too?
Did you like my world?
Do you want to go back there?
Did you find it beautiful or did it scare you?
Are you afraid of its sticky walls, of its endearing hands that closed on you?
Are you afraid of me?
I can't take the risk of receiving a devastating message. I fall apart way too easily.
I'm a fragile nothing which falls apart as quickly as it gets back on its feet, a nothing without foundations which stands back up and waits for the next storm.
My world misses you.
My body misses you.
My senses miss you.
My whole life misses you.
A few words have gotten out, I sent them to you. They escaped where they could lie down outside of my half-asleep body.
Am I stored in your head, lurking in your mind?
Am I among your words and your abstract thoughts?
Is my body one of those you like to study?
Am I anywhere inside you?
Am I a question? Am I scary or attractive?
Am I lying in the silence and the absence?
Am I alone in my world or have I managed to keep a part of you, of your curiosity and your tender, lively affection?
Am I still present?